MARCH 12, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Doug
Schroeder and Tom Darkenwald.
Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer;
Andy MacArthur, City Attorney, and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum.
No items.
2. Consider agenda approval.
City Administrator Johnson noted the revision of Ordinance 2012-02 left at the dais for each
City Council member tonight.
CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in
favor. Motion carried.
3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items.
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve February 27, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes.
3.3 Approve February 27, 2012 Special City Council Meeting Minutes.
3.4 Approve Ordinance #2012-02 amending the building code.
3.5 Approve Ordinance #2012-03 to amend Section 37 regarding signs for
forestry, nurseries, green houses and tree farm uses.
3.6 Approve Gambling Premises Permit for Rogers Youth Hockey Association.
CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion
4. Community Development.
4.1 Kittredge Crossings 6th Addition:
A. Preliminary plat and PUD/Development Stage Plan to replat 70
townhouse unit lots and common open space as 28 single family lots.
B. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easement.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Representatives for applicant Shelard Group, Inc.;
Marty Campion and Jacob Wert were present and said they are available for questions.
CM Heidner said that there was a resident at the Planning Commission meeting who said when
he walks out his door he doesn't own the property. CM Heidner said in the future we need to
watch for this issue. City Planner Licht said that resident bought a townhouse and owns a
townhouse on a unit lot.
CM Heidner motioned to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary
Plat for Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition and Resolution 2012-19 vacating existing
drainage and utility easements subject to the conditions outlined in the Finding of
Fact and decision as presented in the memo dated March 12, 2012. Seconded by CM
Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.2 Snowmobiles routes.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The City has received complaints on the
snowmobiling along 85th Street.
Pat Hilden, 7094 Odell Avenue, Otsego River Riders Snowmobile Club President, said the club
currently has 81 paid members and they have worked very hard to provide education to the
snowmobilers in Otsego and to outreach to residents. Mr. Hilden said some of the things the
club has done includes youth training, they created the trail connecting CSAH 37 to CSAH 39,
they secured the access to get snowmobiles off of Odean Avenue, and they also do trail
management and have worked with the City on signage. Mr. Hilden said they hold club
sponsored events where they provide copies of the city Ordinance and have a website with this
information. Mr. Hilden said he would like to see more enforcement and tickets written. He also
suggested the city consider a multipurpose recycled path in the future or leave a side section of
a road unplowed.
CM Heidner asked if the majority are riding along the curbed streets. Mr. Hilden said yes and he
would like to see a path along 85th Street. CM Heidner said he would have concern with the
stormwater drainage; if it were to back up it could flood properties.
Mr. Hilden said that there has been an issue again this year with the snow plowing at the corner
of Odean Avenue and Cty Rd 37 right outside Linbar Estates, the snow is piled up in the corner
and can't see or get around. Mayor Stockamp said staff will notify the Public Works Supervisor.
City Administrator Johnson thanked the snowmobile club for attending tonight and said that
there needs to be balance and then takes the city and Club working together. Staff will follow
up and meet with Otsego River Riders to be prepared for the next season.
5. City Council Reports and Updates.
5.1 Sirens.
City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report and map showing the Otsego siren coverage.
The proposed budgeted two sirens for 2012 include locations at CSAH GRE/WH Electric Sub-
station and along 70th Street near Nadala Avenue also for consideration is relocating the siren
that is currently at CSAH 42/Quaday Avenue. The cost to relocate the siren to 75th Street is
$2300. Mayor Stockamp said that the Quaday Avenue siren was originally located there
because of Otsego Elementary. CM Heidner said for Riverbend trailer park also. City Engineer
Wagner said that Otsego Elementary will be covered by the new siren and existing. City
Engineer Wagner said that the Riverbend trailer park is covered by a siren in Elk River. CM
Scharber said is there any issues relying on a siren across the river that is in a different county.
Staff said they will check into it. Mayor Stockamp asked that all is updated on this.
Mayor Stockamp asked that staff check on the siren on Quaday Avenue as she didn't hear it
during the test last Wednesday.
CM Scharber motioned to approve awarding the contract to purchase 2 sirens from
Federal Signal Corporation in the amount of $23,245.31 per quote dated
2/29/2012, and to approve awarding contract to install sirens by Ready Watt
Electric in the amount of $12,156.00 per proposal dated 3/3/2012 and to approve
the relocation of existing CSAH 42/Quaday Avenue siren to SW to 75th
Street/Packard Avenue intersection after confirming it meets the distance
requirements. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Improvement of Labeaux Avenue
City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report.
CM Scharber motioned to approve Resolution 2012-17 Ordering Preparation of a
Feasibility Study for Improvement of La Beaux Avenue between 75th Street and 80th
Street. Seconded by Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Administration.
6.1 Redistricting.
City Clerk Loff presented the staff report. The City has to establish precinct boundaries and
polling locations by April 3, 2012. Staff is recommending breaking up into three separate
precincts and combing the polling location for precincts 2 and 3. The City would need to
purchase one M100 ballot counter and one Automark machine. Wright County has said they
would consider splitting the cost of one M100 and one Automark machine. Staff will make some
adjustments to the precinct boundaries and bring back a resolution at the next City Council
meeting on March 26, 2012 for consideration of approval.
CM Heidner motioned to proceed with purchase of the M100 and Automark
machines in the amount of $5,385.00 plus tax for the M100 and $4,340.00 plus tax
for the Automark and to approve separating into three separate precincts. Seconded
by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried.
7. Staff Reports and Updates.
CM Scharber said received an escrow list in his mailbox; he questioned what the highlighted
yellow means? City Planner Licht said it is the wetland escrow that has not been completed yet.
Mayor Stockamp asked how long they have to complete. City Engineer Wagner said five years.
8. Adjourn.
CM Scharber motioned to adjourn.
Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:13
Tami Loff, City Clerk
Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp