10-14-04 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 141 2004 - 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, and Aaron Stritesky. Mike Brumm. arrived at 7:12 p.m. Absent: Peter Torresani and Terry Long. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Agenda A-pproval - Commissioner Thorsted, seconded by Commissioner Stritesky, moved to approve the agenda. Carried 6-0. Approval of Seiptember 8, 2004 Minutes - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to approve the September 8, 2004 minutes as amended. Carried 6-0. Commissioner Brumm. arrived. Ball field Planning - Lincoln of the Baseball Association did not attend the meeting. Commissioners were in consensus that T -Ball was the top priority for the ball fields and Little League the second priority. T -Ball would be assigned the 6:00 p.m. time slot and Little League the 7:00 p.m. slot. Commissioners will wait to talk to Lincoln in the next meeting before determining other priorities. Construction UiDdate - Administrator Robertson updated the Commissioners on Lily Pond Park construction. Commissioners were in consensus that they were in favor of security lights being added to the Prairie Park picnic shelter and parking lot. Administrator Robertson said he would have them added as part of next year's park construction. BMX Track - Administrator Robertson said that Councilmember Struthers had suggested the City look at installing a BMX track in Prairie Park and the City Council wanted the Commission's opinion. Commissioners were in consensus that they would not want a BMX track on the west side of the park because it was reserved as a natural area. They also thought a BMX track would need to be fenced off and have a supervisor or it would end up being used by 4 -wheelers and ATV's. Swimming Pool - Commissioners discussed whether a swimming pool should be constructed in the near future. It was pointed a swimming pool is in the upcoming school bond. Consensus was that a swimming pool would also need supervision and would work best as a part of the future community center. Santa Day - Commissioner Cassady has purchased a second Santa suit. The choir and photographer have been contacted. Some additional people have volunteered to be Santa. Everything is ready. Adjournment - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Thorsted, moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Carried 7-0. AMichael RobAertson, City Adm�inistrator