11-10-04 PROTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 2004 — 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Park & Recreation Commission: Chair Pauline Nelson, Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted, Aaron Stritesky, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, and Mike Brumm. Absent: Peter Torresani and Terry Long. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Agenda Approval - Commissioner Stritesky, seconded by Commissioner Brumm, moved to approve the agenda. Carried 7- 0. A-p-oroval of October 14, 2004 Minutes - Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to approve the October 14, 2004 minutes as amended. Carried 7-0. Ball Field Planning - Lincoln Caldon of Rogers Youth Baseball was present. He indicated that Youth Baseball currently serves age groups from 6-18 years. They don't do T -Ball, which they leave to Community Education, but do everything above that. Youth Baseball is willing to organize and schedule the teams, supply the equipment and the bases, and collect the fees. They would like the City to maintain the fields. Administrator Robertson stated that the City was planning to maintain the fields, and would be happy to receive any suggestions from Youth Baseball about maintenance. The area is short of ball fields so they are thrilled that Otsego's four fields are available. Last year Lincoln said there were four teams of 6-7 year olds made up of exclusively Otsego residents. He estimated that this year there would be six teams of 6-7 year olds, six teams of 8-9 year olds, and two or three teams of older kids, all just from Otsego. Youth Baseball starts receiving registrations in March, and will form teams until May. Commissioners told Lincoln that they had tentatively reserved the 6:00-7:00 p.m. slot for T -ball and that they were going to meet with Community Education in December to finalize details. They said at this point Youth Baseball could have the remaining times. Lincoln said that should work ok. He stated that in this area they don't schedule many games for Friday or Saturday because too many families leave town. Practices are occasionally held on those days. Commissioners agreed that since this was the first time Otsego was setting up these programs they didn't know what the demand would be. Commissioner also agreed that any other organizations asking for scheduled time on the fields for weeknights would have to fit in after T -ball and Youth Baseball, or they would be directed to weekend times. Lincoln asked whether lights or a concession stand are planned for the future. Robertson said they were but he didn't have any timeline. He said that staff would prepare some cost estimates for additional work for Prairie Park to be presented to Council in the spring and that he would add lights to that. Meadowlands Bike Trail - Administrator Robertson said that a suggestion had been made at the Council meeting for a bike trail part way around Luconic Pond in Meadowlands Subdivision. Commissioners were in consensus that they did not like the idea because the path would not connect to anything. They would prefer that a grade separated bike path be built along Nashua Avenue and that a bike path be built north of City Hall so that people would not have to walk through the parking lot to get to Prairie Park. Santa Da - Commissioners will met to decorate at 6:00 p.m. on the night before. They would like to borrow the rope controls used for voters at the election from the City. Aaron Stritesky said that he would make risers for the choir and hopefully a sleigh for Santa. Construction UiDdate - Administrator Robertson updated the Commissioners on Lily Pond Park construction. Other Business - Chair Pauline Nelson said that her four year term on the Park Commission was up at the end of the year and she would not seek reappointment. Robertson said Terry Long's term was up also and he would contact Terry. Commissioner Brumm asked that the Commissioner look at adding a splash park and disc golf to future facilities. Ad�ournment - Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Stockamp, moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Carried 7-0. I Michael'Robertson, City Administrator