02-50RESOLUTION NO.: 02- 50 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS IT PERTAINS PROPERTY OWNED BY DARREL FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHANGING INDUSTRIAL LAND USE TO A MIX OF RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USES. WHEREAS, the City has received a request from Darrel Farr Development Corporation for approval of an amendment to the Land Use Plan Map changing industrial land use to a mix of residential, commercial and industrial uses in the area west of CSAH 19 and north of 1-94; and, WHEREAS, the requested Comprehensive Plan amendment is based on the land uses identified on the development concept entitled Kittredge Crossings submitted with the application; and, WHEREAS, the map changes necessary to accomplish the developer's request are illustrated by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 4 November 2002, to consider the request, preceded by published and mailed notice; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission closed the public hearing and tabled the application until their meeting on 2 December 2002 to allow contemplation of the proposed land use plan changes and issues surrounding the request; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission, at their meeting on 2 December 2002 continued discussion of the application and upon review of the application and evidence received voted to recommend by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the requested amendment of the Comprehensive Plan based upon a finding that the amendment is consistent with the following policies: • Compatible uses and activities shall be concentrated and clustered into functionally related sub -units of the community. (Page 37) • Transitions between distinctly differing types of land uses shall be accomplished in an orderly fashion which does not create a negative (economic, social, or physical) impact on adjoining developments. (Page 37) Incompatible land uses shall be properly regulated and related so that conflicts are minimized. This shall be achieved through the use of natural and man-made physical barriers (i.e., topography, drainageways, transportation routes, etc.) distances, screens, and/or proper physical orientation fo lots and buildings. (Page 37) • Wherever possible, changes in types of land use shall occur either at center or rear, mid -block points so that similar uses front the same street, or at borders of areas separated by major man-made or natural barriers. (Page 37) • The community shall be planned and developed on a unit (neighborhood) basis as determined by physical barriers and/or homogeneous land use characteristics and urban/rural development area boundaries. (Page 39) • Residential neighborhoods shall be protected from penetration by through traffic on local streets. (Page 41) • Major streets are to border and not penetrate residential neighborhoods. (Page 41) • A high quality "life cycle" residential environment shall be maintained throughout the community which emphasizes physically coordinated neighborhoods which incorporate all types, sizes and styles of dwellings. (Page 41) • Residential development shall be promoted proximate to areas targeted for economic development to provide ancillary and market support. (Page 44). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT; the request to amend the 2001 Comprehensive Plan Update, as illustrated on Exhibit A, is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Comprehensive Plan amendment is to be in the form of Exhibit B of the Planning Report dated 25 November 2002. The City Planner and City Engineer are directed to make appropriate changes to the Comprehensive Plan and Sanitary Sewer and Water facility plans reflecting the amendment and initiate an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan in the form of Exhibit D of the Planning Report dated 25 November 2002, subject to further review and approval of the Planning Commission and City Council 2. Applications for zoning and subdivision approvals necessary for development of the project are subject to the growth management policies and interim land use provisions outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Specific provisions for staging 2 development of residential elements of the project in relation to commercial or industrial uses are to be incorporated as part of subsequent zoning applications. 3. Development of the project requires applications for, but not limited to, rezoning, site and building plan review, preliminary and final plat, EAW, or other applications required by the Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Development of the project shall conform to applicable performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 5. The concept plan is to be revised to provide for dedication of park and trail facilities subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission and approval of the City Council as part of a preliminary plat application. 6. The concept plan is to be revised to reduce the intensity of the dwelling units along the northern portion of the project by incorporating small lot single family lots ("detached townhomes") in place of attached dwellings. 3 sego this 9th day of December 2002. CITY OF OTSEGO :y Clerk -