ITEM 7.2 Resolution 15-77P OtCI�ezoF MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner December 14, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 7.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 15-77 Accepting a Feasibility Report regarding the Public Improvements for extension of a street to approximately 1,100 feet south of 85th St in the Great River Center development and setting an improvement hearing date. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: To facilitate the development of Great River Centre 3rd Addition's Clutlot A public improvements must be constructed. These improvements include a typical commercial street with bituminous trail and concrete sidewalk, watermain and services, sanitary main and services and storm sewer. Currently no street exists to service this or adjacent lots. Water and sanitary sewer has been stubbed towards the property south of 85th Street. City staff has been in communication with the potential property owner/developer. They have requested that the City consider constructing the public street and utilities and assess the adjacent benefiting property owners. City Staff has completed the Feasibility Report that was requested by the City Council on September 14, 2015 and request acceptance. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Resolution and Feasibility Report POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution 15-77 Accepting a Feasibility Report regarding the Public Improvements for extension of a street to approximately 1,100 feet south of 85th St in the Great River Center development and setting an improvement hearing date. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED x YES Assessments DEED Grant & Other City Financing Methods NO WAC Funds ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-77 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the council adopted October 12, 2015, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to infrastructure improvements to extend Quaday Avenue NE from 85t" Street to approximately 1100' south, this report was received by the council on December 14, 2015; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 with the estimated total cost of the improvement being $635,393. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 11th day of January, 2016 in the council chambers of the city hall at 7:00 p.m. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the council this 14t" day of December, 2015. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk ot394 Res Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement - Quaday Ave I� CITY OF 0 ot e MINNESOTA FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN GREAT RIVER CENTRE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA December 2015 Prepared by: � Hakanson �I�Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. 26052 December 9, 2015 Ronald JC7`er O Reg. No. Date December 9, 2015 Honorable Mayor and Council Members City of Otsego 13900 90th St Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Feasibility Study for Proposed Public Street and Utility Improvements within Great River Centre Dear Mayor & Council Members: Please find enclosed a feasibility report for the above referenced project. We have determined that the project is technically feasible and will benefit the properties proposed to be assessed. The project is does not need to be added to another project to make economic sense. We are available to discuss the contents of the report at your convenience. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Ron Id J. er, PE RJ W: rjw Enclosures cc: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Adam Flaherty, City Finance Director D. Daniel Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Kevin Lamson, City Street Operations Manager Kurt Neidermeier, City Utilities Manager S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc CONTENTS I. OBJECTIVE...................................................................................................................1 II. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS................................................................................. 1-2 A. Project Location...................................................................................................... 1 B. Existing Conditions................................................................................................. 1 C. Proposed Improvements......................................................................................... 2 III. INITIATION.................................................................................................................2 IV. PERMITS.................................................................................................................3 V. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE........................................................................ 3 i. Table I — Project Schedule VI. PROPOSED FUNDING................................................................................................. 4 A. Estimated Project Cost....................................................................................... 4 i. Table II — Project Cost B. Estimated Assessment/TIF/DEED Grant.........................................................4-5 i. Table III — Project Funding VII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................. 5 Exhibits Exhibit A - Project Location Map Exhibit B - Proposed Site Layout Exhibit C - Proposed Typical Street Section Exhibit D - Preliminary Cost Estimate Exhibit E - Benefiting Properties Exhibit Exhibit F - Benefiting Property Assessment Summary I. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of constructing public street and utilities improvements in the Great River Centre (GRC) development in Otsego, Minnesota. The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates, potential assessment costs, and a proposed project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. II. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A. Project Location The proposed project will extend QuadayAvenue NE and utilities from 85th Street NE to approximately 1,100 feet south and is located predominantly within the NW1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 23 Township 121N, Range 23W, in Otsego, Minnesota. The improvement will be located within Outlot A of the Great River Centre 3rd Addition's Outlot A as well a small area within platted right-of-way of the Otsego Commercial Park development. 3 parcels will abut the proposed project. The project area and street location is depicted on Exhibit A of this report. B. Existing Conditions Prior to the development, the property was tilled for agriculture production. The area is currently undeveloped and unused commercial lot within in the southeast corner of GRC commercial development and is under tax forfeiture. Some minor grading changes, including a stormwater pond, were completed during the development of GRC. Most of the land is within the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Zone AE or flood fringe due to its proximity to the Mississippi River. The 1 % probability flood elevation at this location of the Mississippi River is 861. The predominant elevations of the site are one to two feet below 861. Since the area is considered flood fringe and not flood way, filling is allowed. Any structures in this area would need to be constructed to an elevation of 864 or higher and a LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) required removing it from the flood plain. Upon receiving a LOMR from FEMA the structure would have the ability to obtain normal insurance. Water and sewer utility lines are located at the northwestern corner of the property near 85th Street. The utility lines are stubbed for future extension and are within a drainage and utility easement. The existing storm pond located in Outlot K of GRC, was designed and built with the commercial development to accommodate improvements to the proposed project area site. Outlot K is owned by the City of Otsego. The storm pond outlets to the TH (trunk highway) 101 ditch and then through culverts under TH101 to the Mississippi River. A small portion of a wetland has been identified and delineated near the intersection of 85th Street within the project area. Page 1 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc C. Proposed Improvements This proposed improvement project involves the construction of a City street in conformance to City standards for a commercial/industrial type street. The commercial/industrial street will be 46' back of curb to back of curb and matches those already installed within Great River Centre. A 10' wide bituminous trail and 6' wide concrete sidewalk are proposed along the west and east sides of Quaday Avenue respectively. Public utilities will be located within the street for nearly the entire length of road. The street is proposed to be located along the westerly edge of GRC 3rd Addition Outlot A. A small portion of the existing ROW dedicated for Quaday Avenue as part of the Otsego Commercial Park, will be utilized. With one exception, a 45 MPH design speed shall be utilize as required by the City for collector streets. A 30 MPH design speed will be used for the horizontal curve as Quaday Avenue approaches the intersection to 85th Street. This is proposed for multiple reasons: a more perpendicular intersection of Quaday Avenue with 85th Street, to minimize the amount of wetland impact, to maximize the remaining portion of Outlot A for development, and allows better access to property(s) to the east of Outlot A. The street will be designed to not have an elevation lower than 859 or 2' lower than the 1 % probability flood elevation in order to meet the City requirements. A temporary or interim 100' diameter cul-de-sac would be constructed at the south end for vehicles to turn around. See Exhibit B for the proposed street and cul-de-sac layout. Sanitary sewer and watermain service would be extended to all lots. The proposed layout of sanitary sewer and watermain are located in Exhibits B. The watermain would be extend the entire length of the project and be available for extension and looping purposes. Sanitary sewer would extend to Pear the south end of the project and would be able to service slab on grade constructed buildings typical of commercial/industrial type buildings already within the GRC development. Sanitary sewer extension to the south will not occur. Sanitary sewer service to areas south will be provided from the south and the west. III. INITIATION A light industrial company approached the City of Otsego regarding relocating and exdpanding their current business within the tax forfeiture property of Great River Centre 3r Addition Outlot A. The property currently does not have the infrastructure to facilitate its planned zoning use. The City of Otsego focused on potential funding sources necessary to complete the infrastructure improvements. One of those funding sources was assessments to benefitting properties, thus causing the Otsego City Council to authorize the completion of an appraisal of those properties and a Feasibility Report for the infrastructure project. Page 2 SAMunicipal\A0TSEG0\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394 Feasibility Report.doc IV. PERMITS A Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) NPDES General Construction Stormwater permit will be required for this project. A small area of wetland fill is proposed and will require a permit though it is estimated that the amount of fill will be de-minimus. Typical MN Department of Health and MPCA permits required for the extension of municipal water and sewer lines will be obtained. No other permits should be required for this project. V. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The schedule for this project will be affected by the date the City Council orders the preparation of plans and specifications. A more precise project schedule will be prepared by our office once the City Council has determined these dates. We have prepared a preliminary schedule shown in the following table. Table I Project Schedule Great River Centre Improvements September 14, 2015 City Council Orders Feasibility Report December 14, 2015 City Council Accepts Feasibility Report & Sets Date for Improvement Hearing December 14, 2015 Council Approves Plat December 14, 2015 Council Order Plans and Specs January 11, 2016 Improvement Hearing with Property Owners (if necessary) February 8, 2015 Council Approves Plans, Orders Advertising Februa /March of 2016 Bid Project — Sell Property to Developer March 8, 2016 Open Bids March 14, 2016 Set Assessment Hearing (if necessary) & City Council Awards Project May, 2016 Project Begins July 15, 2016 Substantial Completion August, 2016 Set Assessment Hearin if necessary) September, 2016 Assessment Hearin (if necessary) July 1, 2017 Final Completion Page 3 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc VI. PROPOSED FUNDING A. Estimated Project Cost Costs for street construction along with the proposed trail, sidewalks and public utilities of storm water, sanitary sewer and water were analyzed. A summary of the estimated cost is as follows: Table II Great River Centre Improvements STREET & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ESTIMATED COST ITEM STREET STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST OVERHEAD 25% TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST A detailed cost estimate is located in Exhibit D. B. Financing and Assessments ESTIMATED COST $ 242,741.00 $ 92,890.00 $ 54,360.00 $ 118,323.00 $ 508,314.00 $ 127,079.00 $ 635,393.00 The cost of the project is proposed to be paid for via a DEED grant, tax increment financing and assessments to benefiting properties. Basic cost includes the construction of streets, trails, sidewalks, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain. Costforthetrunk portion of the watermain would be paid from the City's WAC funds. The amount of payment by each property owner would be based upon an agreement between the City and the property owners. Properties on the west and south end of the project received very little benefit according to a preliminary appraisal. The preliminary appraisal indicated the useable property was marginalized by a wetland bisecting two of those properties and the southernmost property on the west side not receiving enough street frontage to accommodate development. The assessments to the light industrial user who is proposing to purchase the properties were based on preliminary appraisal amounts and agreement of the parties. The agreement states that properties are benefitted to the amount of the assessment agreed to. The remaining two east side properties to be initially owned by the City of Otsego would have assessments allocated to them proportional by area in comparison to the light industrial users property. A summary of assessments is located in Exhibit F. Table III summarizes the proposed funding sources: Page 4 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc Table III Great River Centre Improvements STREET & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FUNDING ITEM ESTIMATED COST DEED GRANT $ 317,696.00 ASSESSMENTS $ 317,697.00 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $ 635,393.00 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report analyzed the feasibility of constructing a public street (QuadayAvenue) south of 85th Street within Outlot A of GRC 3rd Addition. The improvements include street, trail, sidewalk, storm sewer, water and sanitary sewer. The estimated project cost for these improvements is $635,393. The project will be funded through assessments to the benefiting properties and the City of Otsego (through grants or other financing methods). Additional funding for the trunk portion of the watermain will be provided by the WAC funds. The project can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering standpoint, and benefits the properties shown on Exhibit E and the list of owners shown on Exhibit F. Page 5 S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc EXHIBITS S:\Municipal�AOTSEGO\394\FEASIBILITY\OT394Feasibility Report.doc LOCATION MAP 0 t§CITY OF e o rA NE (CSAH 2 23 39) 3 90TH STREET Z w Q R. lm PROJECT ;aa 0 LOCATION 11 22 0 D a 0 STREET / I -85TH oo� L 2 23 o � 2 OQ l Hakanson --]]]Anderson EXHIBIT A 500 ° 500 '°°° Nov W, 2015 - 4:31 K: \cad�g\FRO.EOTS\VLIlICPAL\OT394\dvg\OT39�—FecHb91ty1dwg SCALE IN FEET m ON 0 ILL m 0 0 -� W w = J � f � � i O II z Q i w f- as �o a} (A x a < M 3 r m z\ �� a ~ V7 : � ,n KLJ O z W Q oil / W 3m I Fa m w I min H in N W� � l UTILITY EA MENT otir oz :;� N � < J w a m / Z o I W ~ V, V, w m oo In w m zo Z — w ~ 0 Q �J / \ Lu w x J r � Y Q \ Q F z W 1 I 0 Q o N U I 00 - r� rm z z \ F� \ / <uw tnw 3m Laz¢W N \ ~¢ 3m w n N mrn roil m v~i I rn ° � s i i c O a L } cz z i 0- d W F Pin 3 TYPICAL SECTION ,1 CITY OF o se MINNESOTA z_ -' r7 4" THICK, 6' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK ON APPROVED SUBGRADE 8 0' Z w a 46' B - B CL 0 0 Cy- CL a 10' 7' 12' 12' 7' 6' 4' SHOULDER THRU LANE THRU LANE SHOULDER 2% MIN. SLOPE 1 4" PER FT - - �.. .. SLOPE - A & B BITUMINOUS MAT B618 CONCRETE CURB 3" THICK, 10' WIDE AND GUTTER PLACED BITUMINOUS TRAIL C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE ON APPROVED SUBGRADE (MODIFIED) 47' WIDTH ON APPROVED SUBGRADE D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH TYPICAL LOCAL COMMERCIAL URBAN STREET SECTION — 10 TON NO SCALE 1- — Hakanson -illAnderson 1- 03, 2015 — 4: 31 K:\cad_ q\PP0XC75\YUMCIPAL\OT194\d 9\0T]94—F,.,@Ety-.dn EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D City of Otsego QUADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Bid Schedule "A" - Streets & Trail Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 1 Mobilization LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000 2 lRernove Curb & Gutter LF 100 $3.00 $300 3 Sawin Bit Pavement Full Depth) LF 100 $4.00 $400 4 Common Excavation P CY 1350 $4.50 $6,075 5 Salvaged Topsoil From Stockpile L CY 368 $3.50 $1,288 6 Salvaged Topsoil in Stockpile E CY 1650 $3.50 $5 775 7 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod TON 2301 $13.00 $29 913 8 Will Bituminous Surface 1.5" SY 17 $6.00 $102 9 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL 281 $3.00 $843 10 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 3,C TON 475 $68.00 $32 300 11 Type SP 12.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,B Trail TON 207 $90.00 $18,630 12 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C TON 790 $65.00 $51,360 13 Sidewalk Concrete 3Y46 SF 6288 $5.00 $31,440 14 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 LF 2200 $14.00 $30 800 15 8" Concrete Valley Gutter SY 48 $75.00 $3,600 16 Truncated Domes SF 72 $55.00 $3,960 17 Traffic Control LS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 18 Sign Panels, Type C SF 56.25 $32.00 $1,800 19 Silt Fence, Type MS LF 1200K$2,000.00 0 $2,400 20 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EACH 9 0 $675 21 Stabilized Construction Exit LS 1 $2,000 22 Seedin ACRE 0.5 _00$1,500 23 Erosion Control Blanket - Cate o 2 SY 100 0 $250 24 4" Solid Line White - Paint LF 2400 $0.0 $240 25 Crosswalk Markin - Paint SF 216 $1.50 $324 26 24" Solid Line Yellow - Paint LF 23 $2.45 $66 27 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Paint LF 1100 $0.20 $220 rotal - Bid Schedule "A" Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer pa.tc' r x i.uu 29 27" RC Flared End Section EACH 1 $1,750.00 $1 750 30 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 424 $38.00 $16,112 31 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 325 $41.00 $13,325 32 21" RC P' a Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 215 $45.00 $9,675 33 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 290 $47.00 $13,630 34 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) LF 350 $50.00 $17,500 Construct Drainage Structure Design 2' X 3' EACH 4 $2.000.00 $8,000 36 Construct Drainage Structure Design 48-4020 EACH 3 $2 500.00 $7,500 R35 37 Construct Drainage Structure Design 60-4020 EACH 1 $3,500.00 $3,500 38 Articulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A SY 16.5 $115.00 $1,898 Total - Bid Schedule "B" $92,890 S.,WunicipallAOTSEGO13941FEASIBIt1TW 394 Feasibility EngEst (9-2315).xlsx Page 1 of2 EXHIBIT D City of Otsego QUADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Item Estimated Total Estimated No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension Rid Srhadnle "C" - Watermain 39 Connect To Existing 12" Watermain EA 1 $1,500.00 $1 500 40 Salvage And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve EA 1 $3,000.00 $3,000 41 Hydrant With 6" Valve EA 4 $4,800.00 $19,200 42 12" Watermain Ductile Iron CI 52 LF 1040 $50.00 $52,000 43 6" Watermain Ductile Iron CI 52 LF 190 $30.00 $5,700 44 12" Butterfly Valve And Box EA 3 $3,500.00 $10,500 45 6" Gate Valve And Box EA 4 $2,100.00 $8,400 46 lWatermain Fittings LBS 4005 $4.50 $18,023 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Rirl Crharhda "D" - Rani4ary RowP_r 4.118,323 47 Connect To Existing Sanitary Sewer EA 1 $1.500.00 $1,500 48 8" PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 12'-14' Depth) LF 1162 $30.00 $34,860 49 Standard 48" Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0'-8' Depth) EA 4 $3,500.00 $14,000 50 Extra Depth Manhole 48" Diameter VF 20 $200.00 $4,000 total - Bid Schedule "D" TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ��4,JOU Total - Bid Schedule "A" - Streets & Trail $242,741 Total - Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $92,890 STREET CONSTRUCTION Cost $335,631 125% of Construction Costs $419,539 Total - Bid Schedule "C" - Watermain $118,323 Total - Bid Schedule "D" - Sanitary Sewer $54,360 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION Cost $172,683 125% of Construction Costs $215,854 $635,393.00 S:WunlelpaMOTSEGOW41FEASIBILITY\ot394 Feasibility EngEst (9-23-15).x1sx Page 2 or2 BENEFITING PROPERTIES (4 CITY OF w sfgo NINNESO w w F-- co 00 8 5 T H STREET NE ---------------------- -------------- ------------------------------ 118-096-0010I0 O C 0 ENTERPRISES Lij 15201 am ST Z 110-266-000010 (CITY OF OTSEGO w (PENDING PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH P&F D MACHINE) Z w a 2 110-zee-000010 118-500-233202 Q CITY OF OTSE00 JON ZACHMAN Q Dry V O 3 116-266-000010 CITY OF OTSEGO 119-500-233200 DARLENE COTA LEGEND ® PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY Hakanson EXHIBIT E Anderson 750 0 150 300 0. 09, 2015 - 3'.26 m SCALE IN FEET K.\cad-mg\PRO.ECTS\MUHICWAL\OM94\dng\OT394 Ff,.@lilydn9 LL H m LJJ a D U) F- W E N N W N Q F- w LU a O a O z L= LL LJJ w m O w w 2 F- LO 00 O w LL LU z LU w a a a �-1 V 'a F, L N M 0 O C N 00 N rn M N v 0 co 0 N r N10 Q rn a � N o NN `r O) v It � Q 6 M CV J 0 0 0 O o o o F- � o 0 0 a' N N N OD 00 00 Q L L E O O L L) O 7 U a a) a) O O LL O O Q. n O � U U a� O 0 U N Cl)