01-12-05 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JAN 12, 2005 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:15PM Roll Call: Cathy Roberts, Aaron Stritesky, Peter Torresani, Mike Brumm. Council member - Jessica Stockamp Agenda Approval: The agenda was revised to place agenda approval and approval of minutes ahead of Elections. The revised agenda passed 4-0 Approval of minutes from December 2004 meeting: There was discussion as to whether T -Ball and Toss Ball was planning on using all four fields on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The minutes were left unrevised with the action of confirming this with Carol McNaughten-Commers of Community Education. The minutes were passed 4-0. Officer Elections: Cathy Roberts nominated Aaron Stritesky for Chairman of the commission. Mike Brumm seconded the nomination. The nomination passed with a vote of 4-0. Cathy Roberts nominated Peter Torresani for Vice -Chairman of the commission. Mike Brumm seconded the nomination. The nomination passed with a vote of 4-0. The position of secretary was deferred until replacement members were selected for the commission Santa Day Review: General consensus was that the event was too long. There were fewer people than the previous year and the question was brought up whether flyers were distributed to all local elementary schools. The commission would like the mayor or Mike Robertson to mail thank you letters to those who helped (Tom H??'?, Rogers choir, Quality Photo, Piano player, lady volunteer) A list of actions for next year was generated. Reduce the time from 5 hours to 4 hours (10 — 2) Advertise more (Newspaper, View, flyers to all local schools, signs around town) Include more advertisement for toy donation Buy 2 Christmas trees Do not rent a keyboard or speaker system Planning for 2005 Recreation Events: The commission agreed that they would like to have the Easter Egg Hunt, Pumpkin Hunt, and Santa Day. Mike Brumm proposed a fourth of July fireworks event. After discussion the commission agreed that they should investigate an event that includes family picnic (BYO Everything) and fireworks. Park Shelter Reservation: The commission reviewed the proposal for Park Reservation System. The modified proposal is attached. Open Issues: There were some open issues that the commission would like to see dates fo r. Repair of the slide at Prairie Park Installation of the lights at Prairie Park Upgrades to the ball fields at Prairie Park Plowing of Snow in parking lot at Prairie Park Agenda Items for Next Month: Review future park schedule Review process of planning new park (selecting architect, choosing options, etc Discuss small neighborhood park in Northeast quadrant of city Planning of Easter Event Discuss options for Fourth of July event Peter Torresani Acting Park Secretary