02-09-05 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MEETING MINUTES FEB 9, 2005 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7: 1OPM Roll Call: Kathy Roberts, Aaron Stritesky, Peter Torresani, Mike Brumm. Council members - Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted Agenda Approval: Item #5 from the proposed agenda regarding Planning for future parks was removed with the note that it would be tabled until City Administrator Mike Robertson was in attendance. The revised agenda passed 4-0 Approval of minutes from Jan 2005 meeting: The minutes revised to note that next years Santa day would stay open longer if there was a solid flow of people, and to add the question about the relationship between the festival organization and the city/P&R commission. The minutes were passed 4-0 Review of Prairie Park Improvements: There was no official update on the prairie park improvements. Peter Torresani commented that he walked by the fields and saw that some new fences were in place, but there were in his opinion some design flaws. The dugout and bench only have room for 6-8 people, the dugout door is has no shielding for foul balls, the fence beyond the dugout is too short (4ft). The commission would like to know if there was a schedule to complete the remaining items on the memo dated 9/27 that authorized improvements to the field. Kathy Roberts brought up the idea of expanding the parking lot. General consensus of the commission was that we should wait to see how full it gets for T -ball games. Kathy Roberts brought up the concern about the lack of drainage just west of the well enclosure. The commission would like Mike Robertson to investigate what it would take to fix this issue. Other issues from the January meeting that were not addressed include: Repair of the slide at Prairie Park Installation of the lights at Prairie Park Plowing of Snow in parking lot at Prairie Park Easter Events: The date for the 2005 Easter Egg Hunt was chosen to be March 191h. The event will start at 11:00 and be held behind city hall. See attached sheet for details and task assignments. Discussion of Possible fh of July Event: The commission agreed that they would like to investigate an event that included an old fashion family picnic theme with fireworks. Council members Thorsted and Stockamp will bring this up at the Feb. I e council meeting to determine what type of issues will arise (i.e. insurance) City Update: Jessica Stockamp informed the commission that the council was discussing transferring funds from the Parks Capital Fund to the City Works Fund. This transfer would be to pay for the land that Prairie Park uses. The commission was concerned with both the principles and the detaids of this idea. Other items mentioned were the proposed redevelopment of the Tom Thumb property, and the school board search for property on the west side of the city. Adjournment: Peter Torresani made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25. Mike Brumm seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0