CRRT Survey Monkey Results_1Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback — Survey Monkey Results (351 responders) 1. ROUTE GUILDING PRINCIPLES How important are the following when considering a trail route? a. Engaging with the Crow River Summary: Responders felt that connecting and engaging with the Crow River is critical. Nearly half (49%) of responders felt that connecting to the Crow River was Very Important, followed by 42% feeling that it was Important. 70% of those offering additional comments provided positive feedback, indicating that exposure to the Crow River could offer trail users a unique river based recreation experience, currently lacking in this area. Those few that provided negative feedback generally suggested that trails should not be developed in parks, or should follow existing road right-of-way. Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important Comment Sentiment (25 total of 351) U% Commenter Sentiment Postive ■ Commenter Sentiment Negative Commenter Sentiment Neutral ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT Engaging with the Crow River Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 25 11/25/2015 11:21 Trails should stay away from undeveloped land. - 11/25/2015 10:49 There are already trails in the Three Rivers Parks that allow this. Any trails Three Rivers Park District owns, operates and maintains two parks along the Crow River; Lake created should follow existing roads as to not distrub precious habitat. Rebecca and Crow -Hassan Park Reserves. The intent of the master plan is to utilize existing 24 - paved trail within Lake Rebecca Park Reserve and upgrade it to regional status. As currently planned, the portions of new regional trail proposed at Crow -Hassan Park Reserve follow the eastern boundary of the park — to minimize impact to the natural resources integrity. 23 11/23/2015 18:25 Less important than connecting with other trails - 22 11/23/2015 17:21 Pleasant for water breaks - 21 11/23/2015 16:57 Overlooks and fishing sites - The master plan will work to identify overlook locations and areas where ancillary recreation can occur. 20 11/23/201516:55 The - 19 11/20/2015 9:54 Having it run along the river would be beautiful. - 18 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - It is critical to have a Crow River touch point/bridge to connect Otsego with 17 11/16/2015 11:14 Rogers. Currently there is no safe means to access the Three Rivers Park Otsego, Wright County District via foot or bike from north of the Crow River. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 1 Engaging with the Crow River (continued) Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 16 11/13/2015 15:37 the property owners need to be kept informed The master plan process will produce a document that will be publically vetted. The master plan document will be published online, with hard copies distributed to local city halls and libraries as reference. A thirty (30) day comment period will follow, allowing the public to provide additional comments for consideration. Each jurisdiction will then be asked to provide a resolution of support for the master plan, of which that meeting is open to the public. As the master plan moves from planning to preliminary design and engineering in the coming years, the Park District will work to keep adjacent property owners included. 15 11/11/2015 15:56 not sure want "touch points" mean??? - Touchpoint refers to a physical location where the regional trail user can look, view, feel and/or touch the Crow River. 14 11/7/2015 13:47 The crow river is beautiful and has the potential to be utilized in a better way than its current state. 13 11/5/2015 9:32 Having a trail along the river makes the most sense to me - 12 11/5/2015 7:43 This is an essential project to finally connect the trail system to Lake Rebecca Park to the Hassan trail system 11 11/4/2015 17:20 1 used to run along the mississippi in St Paul and absolutely loved it. - 10 11/4/2015 13:06 Very Important! What a great trail to go along the beautiful river. - 9 11/4/2015 13:05 The river floods almost every other year. Why put a trail that will be As the trail is developed, designers will look to mitigate flooding concerns. regularly flooded causing expense? 8 11/3/2015 15:01 Right now, as a Rockford resident, the Crow River seems so inaccessible. It would be nice to have touch points along the river to be able to enjoy it - more. 7 11/3/2015 11:14 A trail along the river would be ideal. - 6 11/3/2015 10:51 1 think that engaging wiht the Crow is the main point of the trail - 5 11/2/2015 19:32 It would add aesthetically but not a requirement. - 4 11/2/2015 16:45 Incorporate with canoe landings if possible As the master plan progresses, planners will explore the existing Crow River Minnesota - Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) water route and determine where our touchpoints overlap and if there is room for additional touchpoints/coordination. 3 11/2/2015 16:43 take advantage of the environmental features to enhance trail; don't just make it "a trail through a pasture" _ 2 10/28/2015 20:14 Important mostly because there are a lot of trails without water features, so it would set this a cut above. 1 10/28/2015 19:34 Important - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. How important are the following when considering a trail route? b. Connecting to local destinations (for example: parks and trails, schools, employment and entertainment) Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important Summary: Connections from/to the Crow River Regional Trail to destinations resonated with survey responders as their most important guiding principle (63%). Most responders listed positive feedback including many specific residential neighborhoods which, in their opinion, lack safe connections to areas of interest including neighboring downtowns and parks. Suggestions for further exploration included connections to specific local parks and residential neighborhoods — which the master plan will explore and pass on suggestions to local jurisdictions if appropriate. Commentor Sentiment (22 total of 351) .,J Postive ■ Negative Neutral Connecting to local destinations (for example: parks and trails, schools, employment and entertainment) Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 22 11/25/2015 11:21 Trails should stay away from park land. - See comment below. 21 11/25/2015 10:49 See above comment- there are enough trails in the parks- bikes do not need Three Rivers Park District owns, operates and maintains two parks along the Crow River; Lake to be in these two parks. Rebecca and Crow -Hassan Park Reserves. Currently there are no paved regional trails at either - of these parks that allow users access to the Crow River (beyond canoe launch points). Paved regional trail users include bikers - but they are also intended for hikers, dog -walkers, runners, and in-line skaters. 20 11/23/2015 16:57 Connection trail for Hanover and Crow-Hassen - 19 11/21/2015 8:07 Connecting to Main St/Jansen Street to get to Riverside Park would be The master plan will investigate this suggestion. If this suggestion is beyond the scope of the beneficial to all of the citizens who run/bike/walk on this very busy road. Rockford, Wright County master plan, the comment will be forwarded to the local jurisdiction for inclusion in their planning efforts. 18 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 17 11/12/2015 10:18 parks and trails, yes. other: no - 16 11/10/2015 14:56 For the Hurst Woods & Shadow Ridge neighborhoods would be helpful to The master plan will investigate this suggestion. If this suggestion is beyond the scope of the get to Riverside Park Rockford, Wright County master plan, the comment will be forwarded to the local jurisdiction for inclusion in their planning efforts. 15 11/7/2015 13:47 The trail could connect Rockford and Hanover which are both 2 beautiful river towns with beautiful downtown areas. Wright County 14 11/5/2015 9:32 1 feel that having a trail that connects the houses along the river into the The Crow River Regional Trail will "set the stage" for local jurisdictions to begin addressing neighboring commuities (Rockford, Hanover) would make the towns more Wright County local gap connections to access the regional trail. accessible and drive commerce DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 3 Connecting to local destinations (for example: parks and trails, schools, Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 13 11/5/2015 7:43 The trail system also provides a safe user interface for pedestrian and bike traffic to use instead of the the rather narrow county roads that are - hazardous at best 12 11/4/2015 17:20 1 don't think it should touch schools. Other parks would be big. - Trails can provide a safe, off-road alternative for school children to safety access schools. 11 11/3/2015 15:01 We live along the westside of the Crow River north of downtown Rockford. It would be WONDERFUL to have a safe trail that would allow us to be able to bike up to Hanover or down to the city park in Rockford. Jansen road is Wright County currently dangerous to walk/bike along. A trail we could easily access from our home in the Hurst Woods neighborhood would be PERFECT! 10 11/3/2015 10:51 The more connections to points of interest the more use it will see - 9 11/2/2015 21:57 1 live and Rogers and do a lot of biking from my door step which is mainly shoulder riding because no trails are close by. Rogers 8 11/2/2015 20:30 1 want to be able to pick up a trail in my neighborhood, Sunnyside The master plan will investigate this suggestion. If this suggestion is beyond the scope of the Rogers master plan, the comment will be forwarded to the local jurisdiction for inclusion in their planning efforts. 7 11/2/2015 19:32 It would be used more of connected with certain destinations. - 6 11/2/2015 16:43 more usable if it has more access points and connections - 5 11/2/2015 16:39 1 moved to Rogers 5 years ago from BP and my only complaint is lack of trail & most importantly a safe trail that runs along 144 from RMS to Brockton. Students who are required to walk from Mallard and Brockton walk along Rogers the road which is very busy and unsafe. I have missed biking trails since moving from BPk. 4 11/2/2015 15:54 As long as there are parking lots near trail entrances Vehicle parking was identified by survey responders as an important trail amenity (56% - expressed positive support). The master plan will begin to identify existing parking areas and/or investigate search areas for additional parking. 3 11/2/2015 15:34 This is a big one to me, as I feel like the trail system is Rogers is very poor for connecting to other really great trails without going on dangerous 2 lane Rogers roads. 2 11/2/2015 15:01 Easy trail access from cities through which the trail passes, particularly The Crow River Regional Trail will "set the stage" for local jurisdictions to begin addressing Rogers which has the highest density of population along the proposed Rogers local gap connections to access the regional trail. route. 1 10/29/2015 1:36 Easy to access from neighborhoods are existing trails and sidewalks. The Crow River Regional Trail will "set the stage" for local jurisdictions to begin addressing local gap connections to access the regional trail. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. How important are the following when considering a trail route? Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important c. Ensuring political support Summary: While responders felt that political support is important for the project's success, they were more emphatic about other guiding principles including connecting to local destinations, connection to the Crow River, safety and being environmentally sustainable. Of those who provided specific comments, most (87%) provided positive feedback or they were neutral (13%). Supporters hoped that the elected officials would see merit in the regional trail's proposal due to strong public support. Commentor Sentiment (9 total of 351) Postive ■ Negative Neutral Ensuring political support Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 9 11/25/2015 11:21 The public & park users should have the most input. The master plan process will produce a document that will be publically vetted. The master plan document will be published online, with hard copies distributed to local city halls and libraries as reference copies. A thirty (30) day comment period will follow, allowing the public to provide additional comments for consideration. Each jurisdiction will then be asked to provide a resolution of support for the master plan, of which that meeting is open to the public. As the master plan moves from planning to preliminary design and engineering, the - Park District will work to keep adjacent property owners included. 8 11/25/2015 10:49 Pubilc support is also VERY important. Especially from current park users. - 7 11/23/2015 17:21 Helps ensure funding - 6 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 5 11/5/2015 9:32 Im hoping political leaders see the value in doing this. We need it - 4 11/5/2015 7:43 The local government entities have supported this proposal as a connection not only for its residents but offers destinations for people out for a fun bike ride to stop and enjoy out community - 3 11/3/2015 8:50 The city council in Rockford has traditionally been very resistant to change or development of any kind. I would hope that they could see the value of this to the community. - 2 1 11/2/2015 21:57 1 Don't really understand the question - 1 1 11/2/2015 19:32 1 The support will be there if enough of the public is for it. - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 5 How important are the following when considering a trail route d. Being fiscally responsible ■ Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important Summary: Only 5% of responders did not think that being fiscally responsible was important. Most felt that it was important enough to emphasize its merit - however, this guiding principle did not score as high in the "Very Important" category in comparison to other guiding principles including connecting to local destinations, connection to the Crow River, safety and being environmentally sustainable. Those who commented were divided between the value of trails and fiscal responsibility. Commentor Sentiment (11 total of 351) ■ Postive ■ Negative Neutral Being fiscally responsible Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 11 11/25/2015 11:21 Don't waste money on trails that bikes will just ride next to on the road. In areas where private development abuts the Crow River, a trail alignment other than that - within the road right-of-way, may not be feasible. The overarching intent of the trail is to locate its alignment as close to the Crow River, providing a more scenic user experience. 10 11/25/2015 10:49 Many trails already exist and are extremely under -used, such as the Planners envision this trail to have destination -type qualities. The unique scenic qualities of regional trail on Co Rd 19. Bikers ride on road next to trail & cars have to - the Crow River differentiate this trail from others within the system. swerve to avoid 9 11/23/2015 18:25 Keep things simple. Don't overspend on signs, etc. - 8 11/23/2015 16:57 Look at value engineering The Park District is familiar with value engineering to reduce costs and improve the end product, and employs this concept. During preliminary engineering, designers will be cognizant of acceptable substitutes - without lessening the core guiding principles that make this trail unique. 7 11/21/2015 19:16 If fiscal responsibility is not made an issue when building roads for cars, it should not be an issue for bike and pedestrian facilities 6 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 5 11/5/2015 7:43 These projects no doubt are expensive but a project of this importance and designed well can pay off in the long term 4 11/2/2015 19:32 Need as good a trail as is responsibly possible. - 3 11/2/2015 16:58 Consider user fees similar to Cannon River. Money from outdoors funding. The master plan will investigate this suggestion and forward the comment to the senior Lottery funds and the .125 % sales tax dedicated to outdoors/conservation - management group and/or Board of Commissioners. expenses 2 11/2/2015 10:36 You mean like the Rogers Ice Arena...? - 1 10/28/2015 19:34 Important - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 6 How important are the following when considering a trail route? e. Being direct and not duplicative ■ Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important Commentor Sentiment (11 total of 351) Summary: The intent of this guiding principle is to ensure that the new regional trail does not duplicate a similar trail within close proximity. In addition, its intent is to emphasize that the trail's alignment should be direct and non -circuitous. Most survey commenters did not understand the question and/or terminology — however those that did specifically thought that being direct and not duplicative was an important factor (54%). Postive P, Negative Neutral Being direct and not Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 11 11/25/2015 10:49 The public should be informed of every step forward in plan. - The master plan process will produce a document that will be publically vetted. The master plan document will be published online, with hard copies distributed to local city halls and libraries as reference. A thirty (30) day comment period will follow, allowing the public to provide additional comments for consideration. Each jurisdiction will then be asked to provide a resolution of support for the master plan, of which that meeting is open to the public. As the master plan moves from planning to preliminary design and engineering in the coming years, the Park District will work to keep adjacent property owners included. 10 11/23/201519:44 Huh? - 9 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 8 11/13/2015 15:37 how do we know how we are being affected - 7 11/12/2015 23:37 I'm uncertain what this means exactly. - 6 11/5/2015 7:43 What kind of a dumb question is this? - 5 11/3/2015 19:14 Not really sure what this means... - 4 11/3/2015 5:08 1 don't understand the question - 3 11/2/2015 19:32 What works best to reduce cost but keeps parts of nature intact. - 2 11/2/2015 17:08 What does this even mean? - 1 11/2/2015 17:06 1 am unsure of what this means - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 7 How important are the following when considering a trail route? ■ Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important f. Being environmentally sustainable (avoid traveling through wetlands, sensitive areas, etc.) Summary: Responders felt that employing environmentally sustainable trail building design and construction techniques was Very Important (42%), followed closely by those who voted that it was Important (44%).Commenters felt that exposure to scenic natural resources was important and it could be achieved while respecting the landscape. Commentor Sentiment (11 total of 351) Postive L Negative Neutral environmentallyBeing • • • traveling throughwetlands, Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 10 11/25/2015 10:49 Parklands should be avoided due to this reason. The Park District works with its Natural Resources division to thoroughly vet the proposed regional trail alignment. The regional trail's intent is to minimize impacts to natural resources, - which is closely supervised by Natural Resources professionals. In addition, the trail's proposed alignment along the eastern perimeter of Crow -Hassan Park Reserve was intentional - to protect the interior of the park. 9 11/23/2015 4:57 Yes - 8 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 7 11/13/2015 15:37 have they looked into the flooding every spring - As the trail is developed, designers will look to mitigate flooding concerns. This may result in the trail's alignment shifting slightly. 6 11/9/2015 9:15 It is important to minimize the disturbance of wetlands and sensitive areas. However, riding through these types of area adds to the peace, tranquility and beauty of using the trails. This can be achieved by installing wood bridges, as currently used in many regional parks. 5 11/5/2015 9:32 The crow river is a beautiful area and I dont think a path that went along it would be too impactful 4 11/4/2015 23:22 I think you can travel between ab by these areas to make interesting and fun but still respect the land 3 11/2/2015 21:57 I agree but if there one thing to go through these areas with low impact it would be a bike trail 2 11/2/2015 16:35 If this is not considered, it should not be created. - 1 10/28/2015 19:34 Important - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 8 How important are the following when considering a trail route? f. Promoting trail user safety ■ Very Important ■ Important ■ Not Important Summary: Trail user safety was rated as a top priority for survey responders, and by the lack of additional comments - it is inferred that this guiding principle should be a "given." Commentor Sentiment (6 total of 351) ■ Postive ■ Negative ■ Neutral Promoting Number Date Comment City/Township/County Comment/Response 6 11/23/2015 18:25 Just providing an off-road trail promotes safety. Get people off narrow shouldered roads! - 5 11/23/2015 16:57 Lanes marked for bike and walking - The master plan will investigate if there are areas where divided pedestrian and bicycle lanes may be necessary due to user volumes. 4 11/19/2015 22:55 Keep people off streets away from cars - 3 11/18/2015 9:40 E1 - 2 11/5/2015 9:32 There are lots of runners and walkers on the road along the crow river. A path would make this much safer 1 11/3/2015 8:50 Would like to see trail along the river lit perhaps by solar powered LED's. Early morning runs and rides on the shoulders of County Road 20 are very (very) dark - Park District regional trail hours are 5AM to 10PM. There are no current plans to light the regional trail however, exceptions are assumed through downtowns, trailheads/nexus points and if there is a known safety concern. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 9 2. ROUTE RECOMMENDATIONS Segment B — Rockford, Greenfield, Hanover Question: Which route do you prefer? 131: Through downtown Rockford, along Jansen Avenue (CR 20) to downtown Hanover 132: Along through PPJ 7rJ Route Preference (185 answered/351 total) ■ B1 ■ B2 No Preference Woodland Trail (CR 10) Greenfield Downtown Hanover/ Greenfield Inset Hanover C X River Rd Main Sr_ �•� ,L Millpond Trail 109th Ave 0 • Greenfield Segment 1132b Summary: © B2b intersects with Segment B2 on Woodland Trail, moving from the south to the north side of the road at Woodland's intersection with Pioneer Trail ©B2b crosses to the east side of County Road 19 to meet up with an existing segment of the Lake Independence Regional Trail B2b travels north, utilizing the existing trail until 109th Ave, where it crosses to the west side of 19 to meet up with an existing ©segment of the Crow River RegionalTrail along the north side of 109th Ave Hanover ly Segment 62a Summary: ai From its connection with Segment i �1 B2, Segment B2a travels north along the west side of Pioneer Trail/ • County Road 123 B2a crosses to the east side of s Greenfield Pioneer Trail in order to avoid utility poles along the west side of the road. B2a travels along s Pioneer Trail, veering r' _ east before crossing to the north side �D2 of 109th Ave toy! \_ ♦,. Woodland Trail meet up with �� e•rrrurrrrrrrrrruurr• existing trail. �a •a s� a 1• " Segment BS Summary: ©B2 intersects with Segment i Backford . ' � Segment B1 intersects with Segment A Township 1 at the intersection of Woodland Trail and s Bridge Street � r side of Woodland Trail to f • ® B1 crosses the Bridge Street Bridge on its north/east side, moves north on • i Lieder Street, and cuts into Riverside p B1 • • Park to connect to an existing in park trail side of Woodland trail, so Segment B1 travels along the trail in Riverside Park, and exits onto the east 9 a r side of Main Street, which turns into ® j south side of Woodland Jansen Ave • �� Riverside Park Segment B1 continues on south/east Ave it into • side and meets up with side of Jansen until turns ads River Road, crosses over to the north •;a side at the Labeauxe Ave intersection, a then crosses over to the east side of Labeauxe Ave. • . Trail runs along the north side of Main a a Street until it crosses to the south side of Main Street to connect to Millpond Trail, over the Crow River back into �R Hennepin County •• 6ute Alternatives GREENFIELD ( ROCKFORD I HANOVER N w 2 109th Ave,. 2 I Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT 10 * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. Segment B2 Summary: ©B2 intersects with Segment A on Woodland Trail and travels along its east side moves over to the west ©B2 side of Woodland Trail to avoid drainage ditch/ utility poles on east side Utility poles move to west side of Woodland trail, so B2 moves back over to the east side of Woodland trail continues on east/ ©B2 south side of Woodland Trail until Pioneer Trail/ 123 where it moves to the north side and meets up with segments B2a and B210 Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT 10 * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. Segment B — Rockford, Greenfield, Hanover • City/Township/County Comment/Response 11/25/2015 11:22 Trails should avoid park land.11/25/2015 741 10:52 1 am not in favor of the trail going through the park land in Lk. Rebecca park. - 11/23/2015 19:46 More scenic, direct, and engages with local businesses. - 40 11/23/2015 18:29 However, something along CR 50 would be preferable. These routes are too far - north. There is constant bike traffic on CR 50, and it is too narrow to be safe. 39 11/23/2015 17:01 Best route for safety of walkers and bikers - 38 11/23/2015 16:47 Bi [B1] already has hide shoulders and works for bikes d2 [B2] does not Wright County This is such a beautiful route [B1] along the river and has more touchpoint 37 11/23/2015 16:29 opportunities than B2. Also, it would bring people to downtown Rockford park and Rockford, Wright County businesses. 36 11/21/2015 15:31 B1 side you have more river views, the B2 route would run in front of many homes Wright County and would not be as scenic 35 11/21/2015 8:19 Connecting to Main St/Jansen Street to get to Riverside Park would be beneficial to Rockford, Wright County all of the citizens (adults and children) who run/bike/walk on this very busy road. 34 11/20/2015 9:57 B2 veers away from the river, I think B1 would be more convenient for people in Wright County Rockford to access 33 11/16/2015 19:24 More people would use it on the wright county side Wright County 32 11/16/2015 9:33 Pairs well with Downtown Project in Rockford, also provides touch points for River Rockford, Wright County and fantastic park as destination. 31 11/16/2015 6:41 More scenic [B2, Woodland Street/CR 10 in Hennepin County] Greenfield, Hennepin County 30 1 think the walkers, runners and bicyclist way out sur -pass on route B1 then on B2 Wright County 11/14/2015 8:36 by far. 29 closer to road; fewer back yards to go through - I feel safer when it's not too far Wright County 11/13/2015 22:5 from the road (more people around) [B1, Jansen Ave/CR 20 in Wright County] There are newer developments that connect to this route with many families with 28 11/11/2015 16:02 young children - a trail along CR 20 would be much safer for families and would Wright County result in more people walking/biking rather than driving to the nearby parks, schools, library, etc. There are a lot of families that could benefit from a safe route to the Riverside Park Rockford, Wright County 27 11/11/2015 9:16 as well as lake rebecca park. There are a lot of new developments homes and Rockford, Hennepin County children here that would use this all the time 26 1 11/11/2015 7:29 1 live on Cty Rd 10, there are lots of bikers but no shoulder to bike on. Greenfield, Hennepin County 25 11/10/2015 14:5ii, So important for the Hurst Woods/ Shadow Ridge families!!!! Rockford, Wright County 24 11/10/2015 13:1. . � Depends on which alternative offers more off road trail - not a fan of sharing - roadway B1 would be a better route because it follows the river more closely and connects 23 11/9/2015 12:16 two dense neighborhoods to the cities of Rockford and Hanover. Also, there is Wright County currently no active transportation safe route to school or the park for the children coming from Hurst Woods and the adjacent community Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 11 Segment B Comments City/Township/County Comment/Response 131 goes along the river the whole way between Rockford and Hanover, which makes for a much more appealing route that provides more shade and the option to enjoy the river more. In addition, the west wide of the river is much more 11/7/2015 14:02 populated with neighborhoods. The highway on the west side is also much busier Wright County than the other east side of the river, which in turn makes it very dangerous for the bikers, runners, and walkers that currently walk along this highway. Rockford River Days also utilizes this side of the river for their annual 5K and the 61 trail would be a direct shot right into the heart of downtown Rockford. I run on CR 10 2-3 times per week, so have a very strong preference for B2. CR 10 has a lot of foot and bike traffic sharing the road with fast moving trucks, putting 21 11/6/2015 14:52 the trail here would be a huge safety benefit. I also think B2 has a lot more Greenfield, Hennepin Couunty potential for connecting more communities together, and would be very beneficial for Greenfield. There are tons of walkers and runners that run on the road along the 131 path. 20 11/5/2015 9:33 Having a safe off the road path would be huge. Also - it would allow access down Wright County to the park in Rockford and up to Hanover for all the houses and subdivsions along the 131 path. 131 is a better option. The trail system follows county road 20 and keeps the Crow River closer to its path. Also the connection to Rockfords Riverside park is a great 19 11/5/2015 7:48 benefit. The connection to Lake Rebecca can be finished at county road 50 as well. Wright County There is already a traffic light at county 50 and 55 so there is a lot less to do to finish that route I prefer 131. This location would provide a safe alternative to recreation along CR 20 18 11/4/2015 13:10 which is a much busier road than CR 10. Proposed B1 would also provide a larger Wright County portion of the trail to travel along the Crow River and directly connect to Riverside Park in Rockford. 17 11/4/2015 9:13 More scenic to have the path along the river. Wright County 16 11/4/2015 7:29 Routing along the Wright County side of the river would help improve access to Wright County the City of Rockford as well as allowing a River Touchpoint. 15 11/3/2015 20:13 This route is needed for our community of Hurstwoods!! Rockford, Wright County 14 11/3/2015 20:05 Population density is much higher on west side, safe routes for kids to school! Wright County 13 11/3/2015 18:53 Yes, please!! - There are many neighborhoods along the west side of the Crow River in Rockford/Rockford Township that would greatly benefit from a trail connecting 12 11/3/2015 15:06 Rockford to Hanover and beyond. It is difficult to walk/bike from our homes to Wright County either city due the narrow shoulder currently along Jansen Ave. We would LOVE a trail that connects Rebecca Park to Crow Hassen along the westside of the river in Rockford. 11 11/3/2015 13:22 This seems like an easier connection off of 19 versus going through Hanover. Greenfield, Hennepin County There are a number of residential developments along the west side of the river 11/3/2015 12:15 (along Jansen) that would greatly benefit from a trail like this. We would LOVE to Wright County see a trail on that side that we could access from our home. 9 11/3/2015 11:16 It would allow for a lot of residents to travel safely along the highway into town. This is a busy road and a trail is needed. Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 12 Segment B Comments City/Township/County Comment/Response 11/3/2015 9:57 131 has heavier traffic on that highway making it very unsafe for the more populated developed neighborhoods 7 11/3/2015 9:41 It's beautiful along the river the whole way on the west side. Wright County The route on the Jansen Ave side follows the river much more closely and is more enjoyable ride/run. The river changes almost daily and is really something to 6 11/3/2015 8:54 Wright County behold. This route gives an opportunity for the trail to go thru downtown Rockford. 5 11/3/2015 8:53 1 walk/run this route frequently but feel it is very dangerous for kids especially. We Wright County would love a trail on the Wright cty side of the river! Either is fine as LONG AS IT DOES NOT ELMINATE the winter season snowmobile Park District staff have reviewed existing snowmobile routes in the Crow River Regional trails!! Trail vicinity. There are a few areas where the two types of trail are in proximity to each 4 11/3/2015 8:53 - other. Park District staff is confident that through careful design implementation, the two trails can co -exist. A separate set of maps has been produced that define these overlapping trail points (see Reference 1). 11/3/2015 8:13 It is already possible to bike on b1. There is ample room on side to bke safely - 2 11/3/2015 7:33 131 would allow more users to safely access the trail system as it would pass by Wright County more developed neighborhoods. 1 1 11/3/2015 7:26 1 i like b2 better but only if it stays near the river. Greenfield, Hennepin County Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 13 3. ROUTE RECOMMENDATIONS Segment D and E — Rogers, Otsego and/or Dayton Question: Which route do you prefer? D1>E2: Along 141St (Rogers) to Brockton Lane (Dayton) D1>D3>E1: Along 141St (Rogers) to northern route east of Rogers High School to Otsego to downtown Dayton D2>E1: Along 141St (Rogers) to Rogers High School to Otsego to downtown Dayton Result Note: When comparing Wright County alignment vs. Hennepin County alignment — 58% chose Wright County and 23% chose Hennepin County. Route Preference ((211 answered/351 total) D1>E2 ■ D1>D3>E1 ■ D2>E1 ■ No Preference DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 14 Route A1tematives Segment E1 Summary: Segment El begins at the the ROGERS I DAYTON ( OTSEGO intersection of Segments D2 & D3. The trail runs north through undeveloped land, crosses the Crow River, and continues north along the west side of the river corridor. It crosses to the west side of River Road Rawlings Avenue and continues wow �C �� i•�'wgi49 north. ' P 5. At the intersection of River Road, #• a f�1 it crosses to the north side and =• 0 runs east until ending at the Crow- * �* Mississippi River Boat Launch. Segment D1 Summary: : ••� 0 Segment D1 meets Segment D, and ? e4 runs east on the south side of 141st ` j • �'a�^ Ave. 3 • ••?o • ••'s' Segment D2 Summary: Otsego • ©Segment D2 meets Segment D, • ••„ •� and crosses 141st Ave to run north ; through undeveloped land just to _ • the east of Rogers High School / �, i • before turning east to meet up with �� • • Segment E1 \__ ;•• m Segment D3 Summary: •� •� I c ! �° QSegment D3 begins at the terminus �• • a • �° of Segment D1, and crosses 141st f Ave to run straight north through i 1 undeveloped land to meet Segment f El. t Dayton 1 • New Bridge 4 • f® E2 Required • • _ W ♦ ,4 j be 0 •s0 r' i • Segment E2 Summary: Rogers j • • j Segment E2 meets Segment D1 and D3 at 141st Ave just east of Mallard Trail. • It travels east on the south side of • © 141st, crosses to the east side of Brockton Lane and travels north to the intersection of Brockton and Dayton • River Road. _ i • Segment E2 crosses to the west side Q of Brockton to travel northwest on the D2 f west side of Division street. �; Rogers — a E2 then turns west to travel on the ® south side of Robinson street, and High � f crosses to the north side of Robinson to School \DJ� ) • end at the Crow -Mississippi River Boat -� • Launch � � o 1415t Ave m Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 14 411111:9k=611 51MICity/Township/County Comment/Response 11 11/25/2015 11:27 Trails should be in developed areas along roads. - 10 11/25/2015 10:58 These trails should stay along developed, city streets. - 9 11/22/2015 13:36 D2-E1 is the only option that is near the river This area of Otsego & Rogers on the Crow River is beautiful and scenic. I would prefer to see the trail closer to the river as in E1. Also, there is a tremendous need to connect Otsego & Rogers via foot/bike bridge over the Crow River - it would add so much to 8 11/16/2015 11:27 the communities and allow for safe transportation to parks, trails and schools (Otsego - residents in this part of the city attend Hassan Elementary, Rogers Middle and Rogers High schools). Preference would be D2-E1... but I support any plan that puts a trail in this area with a bridge crossing the Crow River. 7 11/9/2015 15:38 Either of the new bridge options E1 is ideal. Those in RiverPoint and River Place have Rogers, Hennepin County no access to safe biking otherwise! We need a bridge to connect us to the community. 6 11/9/2015 9:15 Do not feel 101 and 141st would be safe Rogers, Hennepin County 5 11/3/2015 11:17 Don't care so long as E1 is used - along the river, not through residential area. Otsego, Wright County 4 11/3/2015 9:01 1 would rather travel along the river Otsego, Wright County 3 11/3/2015 8:55 Always consider multiple use for ALL trails... motorized and non motorized. We all PAY TAXES 2 11/2/2015 21:44 Would prefet Rawlings, but if new bridge cost prohibitive, Brockton lane is fine. Otsego, Wright County 1 11/2/2015 15:15 Stay off 141st Ave as much as possible Rogers, Hennepin County DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 15 Are there any additional destinations you think would increase the trail user experience? • • City/Township/County Comment/Response Jv 11/23/203: 18:32 Rockford to Corcoran should be a direct route Greenfield, Hennepin County The master plan will explore this connection further. 57 11/23/2015 17:04 no - 56 11/23/201516:49 No - 55 11/23/2015 14:22 It's nice when the path crosses some business, to stop & grab lunch or a beverage/snack. Even a place to use the restroom. 54 11/21/2015 15:32 n/a - 53 11/21/2015 8:26 n/a - 52 11/20/2015 9:58 no - 51 11/18/2015 9:43 None. Please bring the trail into Otsego! - 50 11/16/2015 9:36 Possibly the Ames, Florida, Stork House off of Bridge Street in Downtown Rockford, Wright County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rockford for inclusion in their planning Rockford. efforts. 49 11/11/201518:10 None - 48 11/11/2015 7:19 We would love to have a bike trail on Tucker Road connecting to the city of Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. Rogers for easy access to the city of Rogers for kids in our neighborhood Yes. In Rockford. It would be nice to have a bike path that connects the Lions The Crow River Regional Trail is proposed between Lake Rebecca Park Reserve and Highway Park to the Rebbecca park bike path so that our children don't have to ride 55 along County Road 50/Rebecca Park Trail. 47 11/10/2015 15:36 on the shoulder of a road. Rockford, Wright County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rockford for inclusion in their planning efforts. 46 11/10/2015 14:59 To the Three Rivers trail so via 50 Segment A is proposed along County Road 50 from the northern portion of Lake Rebecca Park Reserve to Highway 55 (Rockford). 45 11/9/2015 22:11 Riverside Park in Rockford - The proposed 131 route would include connection to the Riverside Park in Rockford. 44 11/9/2015 16:13 Elk River Elk River, Sherburne County This comment will be forwarded to the Cities of Otsego and Elk River and Wright County for inclusion in their planning efforts. The route that would connect the most trails. Otsego to Maple Grove, The Crow River Regional Trail, when completed, will allow users to access connecting trails 43 11/9/2015 15:39 Wayzata, St. Joseph. - to create large loops — connecting western Hennepin and eastern Wright Counties to various city nodes. 42 11/7/2015 8:09 Lake Independence. Medina/Independence, The Lake Sarah Regional Trail, when master planned and implemented, will connect the Hennepin County Crow River Regional Trail to Baker Park Reserve (Lake Independence). 41 11/6/2015 13:18 Rockford High School Rockford, Hennepin County The master plan will explore this connection further. 40 11/5/2015 9:36 No - The B1 path connecting Rockford and Hanover makes the most sense to Wright County me. That path would be well used if it was built. My problem with the B2 proposal is the narrowness of the roads adjacent to 39 11/5/2015 7:51 the proposed trails. Very hilly and areas with wetlands that would no doubt be disturbed The frisbee golf area. Three Rivers Park District maintains disk golf courses at Elm Creek, Hyland and Bryant Lake 38 11/5/2015 7:51 parks. Access to/from the Crow River Regional Trail to Elm Creek Regional Park will be realized when the regional trail connection is complete from historic downtown Dayton via the West Mississippi River Regional Trail. 37 11/4/2015 15:18 NA - 3h 11/4/2015 5:54 no - Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 16 DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 17 - • City/Township/County Comment/Response 735 11/3/2015 21:23 Hanover Wright & Hennepin Counties The proposed 61 route would include connection to Hanover. 11/3/2015 20:09 Rockford high school would promote biking/walking to school! Promoting Rockford, Hennepin County The master plan will explore this connection further. healthier lifestyles for the area kids! 33 11/3/2015 19:30 No, I think this is good. - 32 11/3/201515:07 No - 31 11/3/2015 14:52 Not sure ... the route map took to long to download so I never really got a chance to look at it. 30 11/3/201512:16 No - Elm Creek Park Preserve. Access to/from the Crow River Regional Trail to Elm Creek Regional Park will be realized 29 11/3/2015 12:04 - when the regional trail connection is complete from historic downtown Dayton via the West Mississippi River Regional Trail. So long as you can access trails from the cities, and get to city centers and/or 28 11/3/2015 11:22 coffee shops, convenience stores and the like, it doesn't much matter what you connect to. Don't need a direct connect, but mapping along the trail should show how to access food/water. 27 11/3/201510:53 No - Extend it down to the tip of the horse trails in Elm Creek park - only a couple Access to/from the Crow River Regional Trail to Elm Creek Regional Park will be realized 26 11/3/2015 9:46 of miles extra to connect to it to all the trails when the regional trail connection is complete from historic downtown Dayton via the West Mississippi River Regional Trail. 25 11/3/2015 9:22 No - 24 11/3/2015 8:46 no - 23 11/3/2015 8:37 No - 22 11/3/2015 8:21 Henry's woods Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. Lake mtka regional trail, luce line The Crow River Regional Trail is intended to connect the Luce Line State Trail near County 21 11/3/2015 8:13 Roads 6 and 26 (Segment A). This segment is nearly complete, with the exception of a small piece near the Luce Line State Trail. From this connection, users will be able to access the greater regional trail network throughout the Twin Cities metro. 20 11/3/2015 7:44 1 think some options given allow access to all cities. - 19 11/3/2015 7:41 No - 18 11/3/2015 7:28 I'd like the trail to go through the southern part of Rogers that is south of 194 Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. An off road mtb trail in Crow Hassan park would be nice A new sustainable mountain bike course is currently scheduled for construction at Lake 17 11/2/2015 21:39 Rebecca Park Reserve. The proposed Crow River Regional Trail will directly pass this mountain bike course. 16 11/2/201519:35 None - 15 11/2/2015 17:02 Territorial Road in Rogers Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. 14 11/2/2015 16:57 No, connecting the Three Rivers would be fabulous. 13 11/2/2015 16:48 Trail around Crowley lake. ?? Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. 12 11/2/2015 16:48 none that I am aware of - 11 11/2/2015 16:34 Yes, we live off of 36 and would like county road 36 to have direct access to Otsego, Wright County The proposed E1 route would include direct connection from County Road 36 in Otsego to the trails system. the Crow River Regional Trail. 10 11/2/2015 16:30 Any trail that will connect the south and north side of Rogers is needed! Rogers, Hennepin County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT * Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 17 • • - • City/Township/County Comment/Response 79 It would be nice to see at least the horizontal section proposed from E-2, to As local connections to regional networks are important for local planning, this comment 11/2/2015 16:27 allow access from all those homeowners on the Rogers/Dayton Border, Rogers, Hennepin County will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for consideration. running along 141st and Brockton (maynard estates, Brockton meadows) lot of homes that currently have no pathway along 141st to connect 8 11/2/2015 16:14 Trails along the river. And adjacent to parks. - I hope there will be routes in Rigers on the south side as well. Perhaps This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. 7 11/2/2015 15:58 connecting to the paved trail in Edgewater, or from 129th and out to Rogers, Hennepin County Territorial. 6 11/2/2015 15:15 Perhaps Hassan Elementary Rogers, Hennepin County The proposed Crow River Regional Trail Segment D will directly pass Hassan Elementary via 141st Avenue N. 5 11/2/201515:07 No - 4 11/2/201515:01 Nope - 3 11/2/2015 14:47 A connection to wright county and sherburne county From the south side of 94 in Rogers, across the freeway, and not over the The Crow River Regional Trail proposes to utilize and improve the existing 1-94 crossing at 2 11/2/2015 10:38 bridge on 101. Rogers, Hennepin County 141" Avenue N. which is grade -separated. As the trail progresses east along 141ST, the proposed route traverses under 101. No. Just interested in connecting the parks from elm creek through lake The proposed Crow River Regional Trail will directly connect Lake Rebecca Park Reserve. In 1 10/28/2015 19:42 Rebecca. addition, access to/from the Crow River Regional Trail to Elm Creek Regional Park will be realized when the regional trail connection is complete from historic downtown Dayton via the West Mississippi River Regional Trail. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 18 Are there any additional Crow River touchpoints you think would increase the trail user experience? • • • City/Township/County Comment/Response v 11/23/2015 17:04 Beebe Park Wright County This comment will be forwarded to Wright County for inclusion in their planning efforts. 37 11/23/201516:49 No - 36 11/21/201515:32 na - 35 11/21/2015 8:26 n/a - 34 11/20/2015 9:58 no - 33 11/18/2015 9:43 None - 32 11/16/201511:30 No. - Possibly on the corner of Highway 55 and Main Street in Rockford. There are To avoid heavy traffic along the Highway 55/Crow River bridge crossing, the Crow River RT 31 11/16/2015 9:36 opportunities to create a trail head or additional touch points and / or scenic Rockford, Wright County Wright County route (B1) is proposed to cross the Crow River along Bridge Street. However, if views along this route. 131 is chosen, Riverside Park - further north in Rockford - is being considered as a 'touchpoint.' 30 11/11/2015 18:10 Mississippi boat landing Dayton, The MnDNR boat landing in Dayton is currently being reviewed for shared use as a proposed Hennepin County non -motorized trailhead in addition to a motorized boat launch. No I like the bridge Idea going over the crow which goes by my large housing This comment will be forwarded to the City of St. Otsego and Wright County for inclusion in 29 11/9/2015 16:13 development by Frankfort Park which could also take some parking on Otsego, Wright County their planning efforts. Randolph Ave. Then have trail from that parking going north to connect rest of Otsego to Elk River. 28 11/7/2015 8:09 Mississippi River towards businesses in the new area of Otsego. Otsego, Wright County This comment will be forwarded to the City of St. Otsego and Wright County for inclusion in their planning efforts. 27 11/5/2015 9:36 No - 26 11/4/201515:18 NA - 25 11/4/2015 5:54 no - 24 11/3/2015 20:09 Proposed route b2 seems to have very limited interaction with the river due Hennepin and to privately owned property and distance, b1 looks to be the best option for Wright Counties river touchpoints. 23 11/3/201519:30 No - 22 11/3/201515:07 No - 21 11/3/201512:16 No - 20 11/3/2015 11:22 The park in St. Michael is a natural fit. Trail should run through the park, or at This comment will be forwarded to the City of St. Michael and Wright County for inclusion in least be connected to the park and its trail system. Michael, their planning efforts. r Wright County 19 11/3/2015 11:03 1 think the ones listed are good - 18 11/3/201510:53 No - 17 11/3/2015 9:46 The "tube" between Hanover and Rockford on the wright county side, where Wright County a lake used to be, was always cool to see. 16 11/3/2015 9:22 No - 15 11/3/2015 9:01 Create trail access in the Northwest corner of Lake Rebecca Park Reserve and This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rockford and Wright County for inclusion in their then cross the Crow River into the Autumn/River Oaks subdivision in Rockford planning efforts. Rockford, then follow Maple Street into downtown Rockford. 14 11/3/2015 8:46 no - 13 11/3/2015 8:37 No - Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 19 River Touchpoints City/Township/County Comment/Response 12 11/3/2015 8:21 Slab town in dayton Dayton, Wright County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Dayton and Wright County for inclusion in their planning efforts. 11 11/3/2015 7:44 1 think a more detailed map would help in order to better answer this question. 10 11/3/2015 7:41 No - 9 11/3/2015 7:28 No - 8 11/3/2015 6:33 Prairie Park Otsego, Wright County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Otsego for inclusion in their planning efforts. 7 11/2/201519:35 None - 6 11/2/2015 18:48 The bike trail does not specifically need to run along the river unless cost is near neutral. Just having a bike trail to ride on is what I am looking for. We used to live in brooklyn park and would ride the trails and inter connecting bike paths to local parks. Rogers is way behind in the category. 11/2/2015 16:49 I'd like to see additional canoe/kayak landing areas along the river Both the South and North Fork (they meet at Lake Rebecca Park Reserve) Crow Rivers are incorporated with the trail. currently mapped as part of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) state water trail designation. This designation provides detailed mapping of canoe/kayak access points, several of which are maintained by the Park District and Wright County Parks and Recreation Department. South Crow Fork: http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/canoe_routes/south_fork_crow.pdf North Crow Fork: http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/canoe routes/northforkcrow.pdf Three Rivers Park District is currently reviewing its existing river access points at Lake Rebecca and Crow Hassan Park Reserves to make them more user friendly. The master plan will include discussion regarding the "touchpoints" to the river — including what is currently available and what is needed. 4 11/2/201516:48 no - 3 11/2/2015 15:15 None that I can think of. - 2 11/2/201515:07 No - 1 11/2/201515:01 Nope - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 20 Do you have any additional comments? (86% Positive, 7% Negative, 7% Neutral) • • City/Township/County Comment/Response 83 _1x./25 j2015 u_: 3s Many horseback riders would pay increased fees to keep bike trails [Assuming the commenter is referring to Crow -Hassan Park Reserve]: Located on the Crow away from the park borders. Most already pay high taxes because River, Crow -Hassan Park Reserve offers an uninterrupted peaceful wilderness and is one of they are land owners. They desperately need to have you not take Three Rivers Park District's most rustic parks. Three Rivers takes great care to preserve the away their only safe place to ride by putting them in harms way with natural beauty of this park through the efforts of our Natural Resources division. A popular bikes. destination for horseback riders, Crow -Hassan Park offers scenic trails and group horse campsites. In addition, Crow -Hassan offers cross-country skiing, a dog off -leash area, hiking, picnic areas, skijoring & dog sledding, snowmobiling and snowshoeing. With the aforementioned in mind, Three Rivers proposes to connect this regional facility through thoughtful and careful trail design - as to not interrupt the existing uses within the park. The Crow River Regional Trail is proposed to follow the eastern perimeter of the park. A river touchpoint is proposed at the northern portion of the park where active recreation (dog park, canoe access and picnic area) exists. Three Rivers is confident that the park can be utilized by various users in a respectful manner to existing user groups. 82 11/25/2015 11:02 The public needs to have a voice on this project. Parks are meant to be protected, not developed with one use in mind. Horseback riders should have a right to ride in parks in Hennepin County where they - See above response. pay large tax sums due to the amount of land they own. Horse riders should not have to put their lives at risk to enjoy their sport in one small area of the county. 81 11/24/2015 19:20 I'm 52 years old. I've been waiting what seems like forever for the The master plan will investigate the proposed funding paradigm and forward the comment to Luce Line to be paved. I biked the freshly paved section a few weeks the senior management group and/or Board of Commissioners. ago between Winsted and Hutchinson. I hope it continues to be paved. I'm very excited for this trail. I've been following it on the Internet this year. If funds get to be a problem, maybe offer fundraisers like they did for the Canon Valley Trail back in the 80's. I pledged the cost for the length of my bicycle for each fundraiser and I - continue to support it by purchasing a permit. I don't think too many people would be put out to pay a little towards it. Since I'm 52, if you could make your plan less than 25 years, I'd be happier. I'll ride whatever you put in. If I like it, I'll ride it often. Thank you all for your vision on bicycle trails. You bumped the quality of life for me up a notch. I'm very thankful. 80 11/23/2015 19:38 love this idea and promoting the Crow River which links all these communities 79 11/23/2015 17:29 1 would absolutely love a regional trail to come thru Rockford because roads out of town do not have accomadating shoulders and Rockford, Wright County biking out of town to other trails is dangerous 78 11/23/2015 17:04 A path along the scenic Crow River is my preference Wright County 77 11/23/2015 17:02 Great plan to integrate our Western parks with a joined trail system. - 76 11/23/2015 16:31 This is not only an important recreational trail but one of safety for the Rockford Area community. This trail would greatly enhance both Rockford, Wright County while connecting us to other area communities. DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 21 • • - • City/Township/County Comment/Response 75 11/23/2015 14:22 Any trails through more of Otsego would be great. We are potential new home owners in Otsego & bike/walking/running paths have a Otsego, Wright County huge impact on our decision. 74 11/23/2015 8:33 This is a great opportunity to connect the communities and promote being active and another great way to use our wonderful park - system. 73 11/22/2015 13:39 The rivers are a great feature of this area. If you don't use them, then don't waste money on the trail 72 11/21/2015 15:32 If the trail does not go through Hanover by the river it should go near Hanover, Wright County so people could use Hanover as a rest area 71 11/21/2015 8:26 Connecting Route B1 Jansen Street to get to Riverside Park would be beneficial to all of the citizens (adults and children) who run/bike/walk on this very busy road. This route is used frequently by families and would be used even more if there was a safe route/trail to go on. We have a beautiful park (Riverside Park) that is within Rockford, Wright County running/biking/walking distance from the neighborhoods/homes along Jansen Street but it is not safe to walk on the narrow shoulders of Jansen Street where cars are going 55 mph. Having a trail would be a safe way for families to exercise together and provide a fun family activity, something that has been desired for a long time. 70 11/20/2015 9:58 I'm very excited for it and the option to walk/run/bike along the river. - 69 11/18/2015 9:43 Please bring the trail into Otsego! Thank you for your consideration in including our growing city in your plans for Trail expansion. I have no Otsego, Wright County doubt there will be many users from the Otsego area who would utilize the E1 Route for travel to school and recreational activities. 68 11/16/2015 19:25 1 would love to see the regional trail on the wright county side to Wright County hannover. Many more people would use it on the wright county side 67 11/16/2015 11:30 Having access to the Mississippi River in Dayton/Otsego via the Crow River trail in Otsego to Rogers would be beneficial to many. Parking is Otsego, Wright County already available at that location and would make an excellent trail Rogers, Hennepin County head - for cyclists, boaters, runners. 66 11/16/2015 9:36 The 131 plan appears to clearly provide the best view, access and support for the trail. The other options do little to benefit the route, Rockford, Wright County and option B1 is strongly supported by the City of Rockford. 65 11/14/2015 8:37 1 think it is very important for the safety of people to have the route Wright County b1 as soon as possible. 64 11/13/2015 9:19 It is important to NOT impact residential areas. people are not in favor of having trails through their yards/right of way. I live on Greenfield, highway 10 and i am constantly picking up trash, and having my yard Hennepin County defiled 63 11/12/2015 23:40 I fully support this effort - I think a bike trail would be a great addition and used often. 62 11/11/2015 18:10 Any trails will be better then nothing. - DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 22 • • City/Township/County Comment/Response 61 11/10/2015 15:36 1 would love to see this happen. - 60 11/10/2015 14:59 Please make a trail along the Wright county side of the Crow River a priority! There are so many bikers, walkers & runners running along Wright County the shoulder. This is much needed for their safety 59 11/10/2015 13:14 Great idea. Like the idea of being able to access a trail without crossing Highway 55. 53 11/9/2015 16:13 1 have really happy with this as my house has been isolated from all parks / trails for 11 years since I built within River Pointe Housing Development north of the Crow off of Hwy36. 1 put on 2000 miles on my road bike and an avid runner. I feel I take my life in my hands Otsego, Wright County everytime I venture out of my development onto Cty Rd 36 which is white line to white line (without shoulder). This would be a much welcomed and utilized trail in which I could get to Lake Minnetonka (Dakota Trail), Lake Independence, & other trail systems. 57 11/9/2015 15:39 Thank you so much. I live on 101 and 42 1 have to risk my life on MRT 39 and Dayton or car ride to Rogers, Wayzata St. Joseph or Maple Rogers, Hennepin County Grove. There is no connection to trails from my home and MRT safety is a joke in Elk River/Dayton. 56 11/7/2015 14:06 Please seriously choose to create trail B1. This side of the river is already being utilized by pedestrians now on the shoulder of the highway and it is very unsafe in its current state. It also would be the trail that would utilize the river the most, which is typically the goal Wright County of Three Rivers trails system. The trail would directly connect up with the large downtown city park in Rockford and be a great connection between Hanover and Rockford, which are both beautiful river towns. Thank you for your consideration. 55 11/7/2015 8:09 1 believe it will be safer for bikers and walkers when this trail runs by the river on Rawlings Ave in Otsego. It is a great idea. Otsego, Wright County 54 11/6/2015 14:57 1 think this is great project and will bring improvements in safety and recreation to an area that lacks both. 53 11/6/2015 13:18 The Wright county side seems to make the most sense, and its much Wright County more scenic! 52 11/5/2015 9:36 1 live in the Hurst woods sub division along the B1 path. My family The Crow River Regional Trail will "set the stage" for local jurisdictions to begin addressing loves going down to the Rockford park but we often have to drive local gap connections to access the regional trail. If 131 is chosen as the preferred route, the since the road itself is to dangerous for children. If we had a safe connection between Rockford and Hanover would be achieved with an off-road, multi -use means to get to Rockford we'd spend more money in town. Also - if Rockford, Wright County trail. the path went to Hanover we'd do the same there and bike in that direction. I feel like this is very much needed to make the communities along the river more accessible and revitalize the area. 51 11/5/2015 7:51 With either trail proposal, there no doubt will be issues with trail access over some private property. That will be the most difficult part of this project 50 11/4/2015 23:10 Bicycling is the most important trail usage for me. So, smooth trail with moderate grades are desirable. Elm Creek Park is a good model for biking trails. Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 23 • - • City/Township/County Comment/Response 49 11/4/2015 15:18 I have always wanted a trail that would extend from Riverside Park in 77 Rockford all the way to Hanover. I run along Cty Rd 20 on the Wright County shoulder and it really isn't very safe. This trail would be wonderful!! 48 11/4/201515:18 NA - 47 11/4/2015 14:54 A trail is incredibly important to these communities and as a newer Rogers resident, the lack of trails is the one thing that I dislike about the area. In looking back, had I realized how fortunate I was in my Rogers, Hennepin County previous city( Plymouth) and the importance of a trail system in my community, I probably would have purchased a home in a different city. 46 11/4/2015 13:12 1 would strongly be in favor of proposed path 131 as it provides the most direct path between Hanover and Rockford and would travel Wright County the entire way along the Crow River taking advantage of the beautiful scenery. 45 11/4/2015 13:08 Absurd to take the route along the river having existing homes and As the trail is developed, designers will look to mitigate flooding concerns. high water incidences. No additional bridges should be built 44 11/4/2015 10:36 1 think it's great!! - 43 11/4/2015 5:54 As a resident of Rogers, I would love more bike/walk trails and would Rogers, Hennepin County use them. 42 11/3/2015 21:23 The corridor between Rockford and Hanover is extremely important because there is a large population around 131 then there is around Wright County any of the other options. This would ensure use of the trail by multiple groups of people. 41 11/3/2015 20:09 Whatever is chosen, we are so excited for the opportunity to use them when built. And the added safety when choosing to go bike or - run! 40 11/3/2015 19:30 Please make sure that dogs are allowed on trail. - Dogs on a 6' non -retractable leashes are permitted on Three Rivers Park District regional trails. 39 11/3/2015 15:07 Putting in a trail along Jansen Avenue would be a wonderful idea and would get ALOT of use, especially from all of the neighborhoods just Wright County north of Rockford along Jansen Ave that don't currently have a safe way to get to any walking/bike trails unless they drive. 38 11/3/2015 14:56 Mountain biking is becoming an activity that is very popular. Schools A new sustainable mountain bike course is currently scheduled for construction at Lake are thinking about adding a mountain biking team. It would be great Rebecca Park Reserve. The proposed Crow River Regional Trail will directly pass this mountain to add single track mountain bike trails in some of these locations to - bike course. support our communities. This would benefit all in our community with a great activity! 37 11/3/2015 14:41 1 do not feel that construction of the trail should require permission Much of the Crow River Regional Trail alignment is adjacent to road right-of-way — with the from land owners to utilize their property. The trail should operate exception of the segments that traverse through existing parkland. Trail segments which may on or next to existing roads, not private property. require private property, are under the regulating authority of the local jurisdiction. The Park District and its partners will look to the local jurisdictions to advise if this situation arises. 36 11/3/2015 14:31 Would like to see a trail from Rogers to elm creek park The West Mississippi River Regional Trail is currently being planned, which will span from the terminus of the Crow River Regional Trail to Brooklyn Center, connecting to Elm Creek Park Reserve. Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 24 i • • - • City/Township/County Three Rivers Comment/Response 35 11/3/2015 12:52 We live in Hurst Woods in Rockford, and would love to see a SAFE alternative to walking or biking along Main Street/Jansen. This road is too fast & dangerous to have little kids with you. A safe alternative to Rockford, Wright County get to the park & other destinations is desperately needed. 34 11/3/2015 12:16 We'd love to see Rockford and Hanover connected through the west Wright County side of the river (along Jansen) 33 11/3/2015 12:04 This is a very worth while project. - 32 11/3/2015 11:22 Biking and trails is growing more and more important as a form of transportation, and as an economic/tourist type of resource. Connections within cities to trail systems are vital, and connections - between cities make the bike trail system better for actual transportation and economics (folks travel from one city to next). 31 11/3/2015 11:03 1 like the fact that this would connect existing parks and trails and could be added to in the future 30 11/3/2015 10:00 Route 131 is so very important to help connect Downtown Rockford with Hanover. Please highly consider this route for the safety of all bikers, walkers, and runners that currently use the shoulder of this Wright County highway frequently to try and access the park in downtown from their neighborhoods. 29 11/3/2015 9:22 1 love this idea. The sooner the better. - 28 11/3/2015 9:01 Would like to see a ped/bike bridge over Highway 55 in Rockford. Rockford, Wright County Currently the master plan proposes to cross the Crow River at Bridge Street in Rockford. This Rockford, Henn County river crossing has lower average daily traffic counts, which in turn result in reducing vehicle/trail user conflicts. 27 11/3/2015 8:58 I've grown tired of these bike/paved trails. Trails do not need to be Crow River Regional Trail segments that are not currently constructed are proposed to be paved paved to be bike trails. Limestone or other substances work just fine for multi -use including; biking, walking, in-line skating, dog walking and running. and appear more natural and blend in with the natural surroundings. Also many sections of these proposed trails align with current Segment A, directly south of Delano along County Road 17, currently exists as a crushed snowmobile routes and I will be adamantly opposed to these trails if aggregate trail. The master plan assumes the existing conditions of the trail, with direction that it eliminates these routes for sleds or reroutes the snowmobile trails it will remain as -is, unless the sentiment of the local jurisdiction/County changes. to road side ditches etc. As an avid snowmobiler with my family we moved to this area to enjoy these trails primarily as In addition, Park District staff have reviewed existing snowmobile routes in the Crow River snowmobilers... we contribute significant dollars not just in taxes but Regional Trail vicinity. There are a few areas where the two types of trail are in proximity to also through gas tax for these trails. each other. Park District staff is confident that through careful design implementation, the two trails can co -exist. A separate set of maps has been produced that define these overlapping trail points (see Reference 1). 26 11/3/2015 8:37 1 think having any trail would be a huge accomplishment so am happy with whatever we can get. 25 11/3/2015 8:35 Please include frequent and easy to read signage along the trails Three Rivers Park District has a comprehensive trail wayfinding suite that is proposed for including trail entrance signage with parking information. deployment on this trail, including; kiosks and directional signage. 24 11/3/2015 8:29 Great Project - 23 11/3/2015 7:44 1 think the project will be a great addition to the area/areas that would really promote safety, fitness, and allow more people to get out and experience near by towns/cities. KRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 25 • • - • City/Township/County Three Rivers Comment/Response 22 11/3/2015 7:18 1 would like to recommend a walking/biking bridge over highway 55.1 Currently the master plan proposes to cross the Crow River at Bridge Street in Rockford. This see several vehicles running red lights and I worry someone is going Rockford, Wright County river crossing has lower average daily traffic counts, which in turn result in reducing vehicle/trail to get hit. I won't let my kids bike to/near town because of highway Rockford, Henn County user conflicts. 55. There's currently no safe way to get around it. 21 11/3/2015 7:12 1 would love if this is a paved route for runner support :) - 20 11/3/2015 7:05 Love this idea! Rogers has poor city planning and no real amenities Rogers, that promote healthy outdoor activities. This would be a real asset! Hennepin County 19 11/3/2015 5:51 Want to preserve any Indian burial mounds. As part of the master plan documentation, a cultural resources inventory review is conducted - that will flag any State documented burial mounds that have an archeological site number recorded. 18 11/2/2015 23:46 1 would just be so so happy to not have to run (marathon training) through residential neighborhoods. Please do this! 17 11/2/2015 21:15 Hope to see this built soon! - 16 11/2/2015 20:54 This should really include ATV usability to expand the usage and Crow River Regional Trail is proposed as a non -motorized multi -use trail to include; biking, generate revenue for the project. walking, in-line skating, dog walking and running. 15 11/2/2015 20:37 Really want this trail to help be accessible from neighborhoods. This The master plan will investigate this suggestion. If this suggestion is beyond the scope of the is what's missing from Rogers. We can't even take a decent bike ride Rogers, master plan, the comment will be forwarded to the local jurisdiction for inclusion in their in Sunnyside. It is difficult for a family of 5 to load up bikes and drive Hennepin County planning efforts. to a trail. 14 11/2/2015 19:25 This would be SO AWESOME for our family - for walking and bike rides! 13 11/2/2015 18:59 This would be great! - 12 11/2/2015 18:49 I'm very excited that this trail is being planned and hopeful that it can be built soon. 11 11/2/2015 17:09 I'm very excited about this! - 10 11/2/2015 16:48 I'd love to see the railroad turned into a bike route between This comment will be forwarded to the effected local jurisdiction(s) for inclusion in their Albertville and Maple Grove. planning efforts. 9 11/2/2015 16:40 It would be nice to connect the trail to the elm park reserve The West Mississippi River Regional Trail is currently being planned, which will span from the - terminus of the Crow River Regional Trail to Brooklyn Center, connecting to Elm Creek Park Reserve. 8 11/2/2015 16:37 1 am excited to have trail access in Rogers! Rogers, Henn County 7 11/2/2015 15:15 No other comments as this time. - 6 11/2/201515:07 No - 5 11/2/2015 15:01 Can there be one that follows Industrial Blvd, past Veit towards Crow Rogers, Henn County This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. Hassan 4 11/2/2015 14:47 Hoping for a safer way to cross over 94 for pedestrians and bicycles in The Crow River Regional Trail proposes to utilize and improve the existing 1-94 crossing at 141St Rogers. Rogers, Henn County Avenue N. which is grade -separated. 3 10/28/2015 22:45 The possibility of this new trail is wonderful for my neighborhood. We live across from Hassan Elementary in Rogers and would use this Rogers, Henn County new trail a lot. 2 10/28/2015 21:38 Can't wait. Long overdue for this area. - 1 10/28/2015 19:47 1 would really like to see a trail along Territorial Dr so that riders have This comment will be forwarded to the City of Rogers for inclusion in their planning efforts. a save route to get to these trails from Main Street on the south side Rogers, Henn County of Rogers! DRAFT Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy. 26 Crow River Regional Trail Master Plan Route Analysis Public Feedback DRAFT 27 *Any spelling or grammatical errors found within the public feedback text are those of the originating author and not of the Three Rivers Park District (Park District). Names and addresses have been omitted to protect public contributor privacy.