04-13-05 PRMEMO Date: March 29, 2004 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: List of Potential Changes to Prairie Park The City Council reviewed the list of potential changes to Prairie Park. I have listed their response to each item below. ITEM DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Horseshoe Pits. Install a wood back stop and rubber mats to control flying horseshoes. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer. Summer is defined as by Labor Day. 2. Garbage Cans. Install more permanent garbage cans, especially near the skate park. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer. 3. Ballfield Benches. Purchase additional benches to provide more room. Install protective screening around the benches. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer, hopefully by the time ball games start. 4. Ballfield Drainage Ditch. Have the City Engineer survey the drainage around the ball fields to see if the drainage ditches could be moved or filled to create more useable land. Response: City Engineer Ron Wagner and Brad Belair will look at this and provide options this summer. 5. Concession Stand. Construct and staff a concession stand between the four ball fields. Response: This suggestion was rejected. There was some discussion of the idea that construction and staffing of a concession stand could be contracted out. The consensus was that there would not be enough demand until tournaments are held regularly. 6. Park Shelter. Install sharp pointed metal objects to keep nasty birds out of the rafters so they will stop pooping on the picnic tables. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this, or something with a similar result, is done this summer. 7. Park Shelter. Clean and paint exposed metal. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer. 8. Park Shelter. Add a kitchen and bathrooms to the park shelter. Response: This suggestion was rejected and will not be considered in the future without a great deal of evidence that there is demand for it. 9. Park Shelter. Add something to the Park Shelter to block the west wind. Response: Council was intrigued by this suggestion but concerned about maintenance and vandalism issues. Brad Belair will review for potential products but this was regarded as lower priority than all of Brad's other projects. 10. Drinking Fountain. Install a drinking fountain close by the park shelter and play equipment. 2 Response: The City Engineer has been working on a design and will have it before the Council April 11th. 11. Expand the Parking Lot. Expand the parking lot to the west. Response: This suggestion will be reviewed after this year to see if there is a demand for it other than during the festival. 12. Lights. Install lights for the park shelter and parking lot. Response: City Engineer Wagner will come up with an estimate to do this. 13. Install Grills. Add 4 grills, especially near the park shelter if kitchen not added. Response: This suggestion will be reviewed after this year to see if there is a demand. Staff will keep track of how often the current grills have to be cleaned out. 14. Fix Low Spot. Fix the low spot that floods the path near the east park entrance. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer. 15. Volleyball Courts. Consolidate two courts into one, remove the wood boundary and replace with fiber, move the trees further away. Response: Public Works Director Brad Belair will see that this is done this summer. 16. Irrigation. Irrigate all, or most, of the park. Response: City Engineer Wagner wi l l come up with an estimated cost to do this. 17. Soccer Field. Construct a small soccer field on the north side of the park where it juts out behind the 3 adjacent farm. Response: No action was taken but this suggestion was not rejected. 18. Ice Rink. Dig out the ice rink; install a clay liner to better hold water. Response: This suggestion was rejected with the thought that a "real" ice rink should be built at some time in the future. My estimate of the statement was that "future" meant 4-6 years. 19. Splash Park. Install a splash park for kids. A splash park is a concrete area with anywhere from three to fifteen devices which spray water down from them for kids to splash around. Response: This suggestion was regarded as the same as a swimming pool and was rejected. An outdoor swimming pool has always been regarded as a great way to spend money and not receive much benefit. 20. Disc Golf Course. Construct a Disc Golf Course. Response: This suggestion was rejected and will not be considered in the future without a great deal of evidence that there is demand for it. 21. Model Airplane Course. Provide an area where enthusiasts can fly and land their model airplanes. Response: This suggestion was rejected as benefiting only a few users and the City will not consider it on any public land in the future. The City Council would consider this if it was on private land and was 100o privately funded. F