05-11-05 PRCity of Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 11, 2005 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7: 10 PM Roll Call: Commissioners - Mike Brumm, Russ Langer, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Aaron Stritesky, Virginia Duran, Peter Torresani. Council Members: Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Vern Heidner. Staff. City Planner Dan Licht Agenda Approval: Rose Cassady suggested adding selection of a date for Santa Day as item 4A. Mike Brumm made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Peter Torresani seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0. Approval of Minutes from April Meeting: Mike Brumm made a motion to approve the minutes. Peter Torresani seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0. Review of Park Plans for West Otsego Park: Dan Licht presented maps of three parks in the new west side developments. The three parks are to be neighborhood style parks intended for use mainly by residents within one mile of the park. The plan will be to meet with park designers this fall, approve a bid in spring 2006 and start construction summer 2006. Based on park fees from the houses in the area, the budget will be around $1 million. Mike Brumm suggested that the commission set up meetings with the neighbors to get input prior to the design stage, or invite them to a commission meeting. Dan Licht stated that if any ball fields were put in it would need to be a minimum of two because nobody plays pick up ball anymore. Peter Torresani suggested soccer fields since the city is lacking this resource. Kathy Roberts suggested keeping portions in a natural state. Mike Brumm asked to get demographics around the parks. Dan Licht mentioned that it is difficult because people are not in the houses yet, but that the house styles around the Kittredge development would tend to be empty nest residents. The other two parks had mostly single family homes which tend to be families with children. Event Dates: The commission decided to select standing days for the Easter, Halloween and Christmas events. Easter would be the Saturday 8 days prior to Easter. Halloween would be the Saturday between 7 and 13 days before Halloween. Christmas would be the Saturday between 7 and 13 days before Christmas. Based on these formulas, the upcoming dates are: Halloween - Oct 22 d 2005, 1 1:00arn — 3:00pm Christmas - Dec 17'h 2005, 1 1:00arn — 2:00pm Easter - April 8th 2006, 1 1:00am. — 1:00pm Budget: The commission discussed the best way to get budget updates, so that it knew how much it spends on events and how much it has left. With no other business the meeting was adjourned. 4ee-'�� Peter Torresani, Secretary