06-08-05 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MEETING MIN`UTES JUNE 8, 2005 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Aaron Stritesky, Commissioners Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Mike Brumm, Virginia Duran and Peter Torresani. Absent: Commissioner Russ Langer. Councilmember: Mark Thorsted. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson and Public Works Director Brad Belair. Agenda Approval: Brad Belair added Boy Scout Presentation. Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Carried 4-0. Commissioners Duran and Torresani arrived at 7:03 p.m. Boy Scout Presentation: Administrator Robertson introduced Public Works Director Brad Belair. Brad introduced Andrew Ashelman, a Boy Scout who is working on an Eagle Scout project. Andrew said he'd like to make a sign with landscaping for School Knoll Park. Commissioner's consensus was that it was a great idea. Andrew said he would seek approval from his scout council and be back at the July Commission meeting to present a proposed sketch. Approval of minutes from May 11, 2005 meeting: Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Brumm, moved to approve the minutes as amended. Carried 6-0. Future Park Needs: Commissioners reviewed the items suggested to the City Planner at the previous meeting for inclusion in the three new parks. Commissioner Torresani suggested the City look at buying 160 acres of land for a soccer complex because land will never be cheaper. After discussion, Commissioners were in consensus they would like to meet as a group with the City Council to discuss the goals for parks. Prairie Park Update: Brad Belair updated the Commission on what Public Works was doing to improve the park and the ball fields. Commissioners reported they were very impressed with the changes to the fields. City Update: Councilmember Thorsted updated Commissioners on recent Council actions. Commissioners asked to have the budget and Adopt -A - Park put on next month's agenda. They also asked to be copied with City Council minutes. Adjourrment: Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Carried 6-0. Michael,'fo er son City Administrator