07-13-05 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MEETING MINUTES JULY 13, 2005 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Aaron Stritesky, Rose Cassady, Mike Drumm, Virginia Duran, Peter Torresani, and Russ Langer. Kathy Roberts arrived at 7:10 p.m. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson and City Planner Dan Licht. Agenda Approval: Chris Wilson's park was added to the agenda. Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Carried 6-0. Approval of minutes from June 8, 2005 meeting: Commissioner Duran, seconded by Commissioner Drumm, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Carried 6-0. Commissioner Roberts arrived at 7:10 p.m. Future Park Needs: City Planner Licht reviewed possible designs for Beaudry Meadows, Otsego Preserve, and Kittredge Crossing parks. Administrator Robertson noted that Three Rivers Soccer Association president Steve Zobek was present and asked him for comments. Zobek stated there was a need for additional soccer fields and said it was a good thing to spread soccer fields around the City among several parks. He said the average soccer field required about 2-1/2 acres. He said that ideally the Association would like 40 acres so that they can construct a lot of fields and hold tournaments. Other discussion was to see if two ball fields could be added to Otsego Preserve Park. Kadler Landing Area - Dan Licht discussed the possibilities for an enhanced park area at the boat landing at the north end of Kadler Avenue, showing pictures he had taken on vacation of a similar park. He indicated that the site of the old clock shop in the NE corner of County 42 and Highway 101 would also be a possibility for an enhanced boat landing. Chris Wilson Park: Chris Wilson said she wanted to explore selling her land at the NE corner of 85 Street and Odean Avenue to the City for a park. She indicated she would like a wildlife park that was left in a natural state. She stated nothing could be done until 2009 because it was under a RIM easement. She also mentioned having an artist development or retirement home adjacent to the park on her land. The Commission indicated interest, but noted that they would also like to have play equipment in the area. Administrator Robertson said that the stormwater ponds on the site would effect what could be done. He said he would have the City Planner and City Engineer look at the site and lay out some possibilities, especially if park equipment could fit south of the storm ponds and then leave the area north as natural as possible. Adopt -A -Park: Commissioners asked that the Council discuss having an adopt -a -park program. Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted said they would discuss it at the next Council meeting. Budget: Administrator Robertson and Commissioners reviewed the budget, discussing the expenditures for City recreation events so far in 2005. He indicated that the Commission had budgeted $21,000 for recreation in 2005. Commissioners agreed to discuss the budget further in October when Carole of Community Education was present to review expenditures for the summer programs. Robertson was asked to find out the cost of new signs for Prairie Park, including installing a new one at the west entrance to the park. Festival Update: Commissioners reviewed the Otsego Festival plans. Commissioner Roberts provided information on possible wind screens for the park shelter. This item will be placed on the next Council agenda for discussion. City Update: Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted updated the Commissioners on City actions and activities. Adjournment: Commissioner Duran, seconded by Commissioner Langer, moved to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Carried 7-0. AM icZhae 1 City Administrator