03-08-06 PRMEMO Date: March 1, 2006 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Non -Conventional Park List I have enclosed a list of what I would call non - conventional items that have occasionally been discussed for future parks. Though the Council has discussed some of the items and determined that they would not be installed or constructed until a much stronger demand is demonstrated it would not hurt for the Park & Recreation Commission to establish a rough priority for these items. 1. Nature Park - This would be a park without any play equipment or organized activities. It would have trails and be oriented toward some scenic amenity. This type of park has been discussed for the Wilson -Berge land at the NE corner of 85th & Odean; along the Creek running through NW Otsego to the Mississippi River; where the old clock shop is at County 42 and Hwy 101; and at the Kadler boat landing at the Mississippi River. 2. Big Ballpark - This would be a baseball park big enough (350-400 foot fences, bleachers for 100+ people) to hold baseball games for 14+ year olds. This field would need a large parking lot and a water source. Possible sites for this use would be the west end of Prairie Park and the land west of the new Public Works building. 3. Hockey Rink - This refers to a hockey rink done the "right way", not our volunteer effort rink of the past. Such a rink would probably consist of a specially prepared base with perhaps chiller pipes underground. You can expect that if this is discussed there will be a strong request to include a second rink for non hockey uses. You can probably hire someone to teach figure skating at the second rink to budding Nancy Kerrigans, Tanya Hardings, and Jeff Galoolies. This rink could be constructed almost anywhere but should have access to a large parking lot and a water source. If a warming house is needed there will be a strong request for the City to staff it so kids don't do bad things in it. That would require significant expenditures for seasonal staff, along with management time to see that the seasonal staff doesn't do bad things. 4. Outdoor Swimming Pool - This refers to an outdoor swimming pool deep enough to dive into and big enough to hold a number of kids on those warm summer days we remember so fondly. This could be built almost anywhere but would require a large parking lot and a source of water. Many you have heard me say that an easier way for a city to lose money would be to just open the wallet and let the money blow away. That's because the city would have to hire staff (certified lifeguards) even on those summer days we don't remember that aren't warm and sunny and no one shows up to swim. 5. Outdoor Wading Pool - This refers to a small outdoor pool that's about two feet deep. This could be built anywhere there's a parking lot and a water source. The advantage of these pools is that most people don't expect the City to staff them with lifeguards. They would still have to be cleaned and maintained on a daily basis while open. 2 6. Soccer/Baseball/Sport Complex - This would be a large area with multiple fields where regional tournaments could be held that would "Put Otsego on the Map!" This would require a site that is at least 20 acres and up to 40 acres or more. This would require a water source (probably City water for volume and pressure) and plenty of parking. 7. Lacrosse Field - This would be the size of a typical soccer field and could be put in almost any park. 8. Model Airplane Flying Site - This would be an area where enthusiasts could fly their model airplanes without fear of them crashing into anything (or anyone) . According to the club that used to fly in Prairie Park a minimum of 20 acres is necessary. 9. BMX Track - This would be an area for BMX Bikes. Several acres would probably be needed. There has always been a concern it would be used (destroyed?) by ATVs. 10. Splash Park - This would be a concrete area with a variety of permanent fixtures installed which would spray water down or out. The fixtures can work on timers or motion sensors. This use would require a parking lot and a water source. It would not take up much more space than a full size pool. The advantage of this type of activity is that you do not need to staff it. It does require a lot of maintenance though. 11. Disc Golf Course - This would be an area with permanent or semi permanent structures that people would aim Frisbees or other flying instruments at. 3 This use could be in almost any park as long as the open space was a few acres. 12. Dog Park - A place where doggies could walk and run and poop to their heart's content. This would require several acres. People could only enter if they had a Pooper-Scooper. 13. Horse Park & Trails - Horses have been sadly neglected in Otsego. If you don't believe me, just ask the horse owners. They will tell you horses should have a place where they can run and poop to their heart's content. This would require several acres and a Super Duper Pooper Scooper. M MEMO Date: February 28, 2006 To: Park & Recreation Commission From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: City Update 1) The City Council approved the plans and specifications for the three new parks planned for construction in 2006. The total estimated cost of the three parks if all alternates are accepted is $1,772,977. The bids are due Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. and will be a decision is expected at the Council meeting Monday, April 24th 2) I will bring budget copies to the meeting. We just received our final bill from Community Ed. 3) We have just received an application for a large commercial area to be built on the west side of Hwy 101 just south of Christ Lutheran Church and the Bank of Elk River. It will consist of a major retailer, other retail, restaurant and office uses. They don't want to talk about the major retailer in the commercial area but their Target is to break ground this year and have the major retailer open by July 1, 2007.