06-14-06 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 14, 2006 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Aaron Stritesky, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Russ Langer, Peter Torresani, and Mike Drumm. Absent: None. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson. City Administrator Robertson noted that Virginia Goughnour had resigned because she was moving out of Otsego. CM Drumm wondered who should take her place as Secretary. Other Commissioners suggested that the job could be given to whichever Commissioner misses the next meeting. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Brumm, seconded by Commissioner Torresani, moved to approve the revised agenda. Carried 6-0. Approval of minutes from May 10, 2006 meeting: Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Langer, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Carried 6-0. Peavey House Move to Prairie Park: Commissioners Ron Black and Chris Wilson of the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) discussed the HPC's suggestion to move the Peavey House to the SE corner of Prairie Park. The HPC noted that the Peavey house was the oldest structure in Otsego and probably Wright County as well. They would like to store their historic materials in the house. They said the house would have to be climate controlled so the materials would not deteriorate. They feel the materials are currently deteriorating in the Old Towne Hall (OTH) because it is not air conditioned. They would also like to rehab the house so that it would look like it did in the 1890's. They would open the house during the Otsego Festival because of the large crowds in order to show the historical materials to anyone who is interested. The felt money earned from the sale of the current Peavey House lot would pay for all of this. There was considerable discussion of the proposal by the Park & Recreation Commission. many commissioners favored moving the Peavey House adjacent to the Old Towne Hall to create a heritage or historic park. They thought the only reason to put it in Prairie Park was to make it accessible on festival day. Some were concerned that Prairie Park was not an appropriate place for the Peavey House. Some expressed concerns about vandalism if it was in the park. Commissioners Robert, Stritesky and Drumm favored moving the Peavey House to the OTH site. Commissioner Langer favored moving it to Prairie Park, Commissioner Cassady passed, and Commissioner Torresani favored moving it to a designated historical site. Commissioner Langer, seconded by Commissioner Brumm, moved to recommend moving the Peavey House to either Prairie Park or the Old Towne Hall site. Carried 5-1, Commissioner Torresani voted no because he thought the motion was too vague. Parks Update: Skate Park - Administrator Robertson reviewed plans to move the Skate Park. There was considerable discussion of this issue, particularly with regard to the Otsego Festival. Commissioner Brumm, seconded by Commissioner Cassady, recommended moving the Skate Park. Carried 6-0. Commissioner Stritesky, seconded by Commissioner Torresani, recommended to complete the move of the skate park before the Otsego Festival. motion failed 4-1, Commissioner Stritesky voting yes and Commissioner Torresani abstaining. Commissioner Langer, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, recommended to move the skate park after the festival, with the skate park to be dismantled during the Otsego Festival. Motion carried 4-1, Commissioner Stritesky voting no and Commissioner Torresani abstaining. Commissioner Cassady asked that rules of behavior be posted for the skate park and said that if she were sure the move would be completed by the festival she wouldn't object. Ball Field Aq-Lime - Administrator Robertson said Public Works Director Brad Belair had said there were four kinds of ag-lime and that he preferred this kind because it set up better. Commissioner Torresani insisted that the ag-lime was wrong. Fall Recreation Dates - Commissioners set Saturday, October 21 for Pumpkin Patch Days and Saturday December 9 for Santa Day. Kadler Boat Landing Park - Commissioner Torresani asked where the design was for this park. Administrator Robertson said that the Council had approved the priority list as submitted by the Park & Recreation Commission and that the top priority was finding a site for a large ball park. He noted that City Planner had been very busy with development issues lately and had not had time to work on this issue. Several Commissioners insisted that a design was needed and Robertson said he would seek permission from the City Council. 2006 Park Construction - Commissioner Torresani asked for an update next meeting on the progress of the 2006 Park construction. City Update: Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted updated Commissioners and recent Council decisions. New Business: Commissioners noted that there was some graffiti on the picnic tables at School Knoll Park and asked that it be cleaned up. Commissioners asked that the City advertise for a new Park & Recreation Commissioner to replace the departed Virginia. Adjourrunent: With no further business Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Langer, moved to adjourn at 9:13 p.m. Carried 6-0. Am i Male Vleo b e rat s '?n�� City Administrator