07-12-06 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 12, 2006 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Aaron Stritesky, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Peter Torresani, and Mike Brumm. Absent: Russ Langer. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, Public Works Director Brad Belair, Assistant City Planner Anne Rexine. Steve Zoubek of Three Rivers Soccer Association was also present. City Administrator Robertson added Eagle Scout Project to the agenda. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Torresani, moved to approve the revised agenda. Carried 5-0. Approval of minutes from June 14, 2006 meeting: Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to approve the minutes, amending Commissioner Torresani's request for an update on park construction. Carried 6-0. Proposed Eagle Scout Project: TJ Natus of Boy Scout troop #290 was present to discuss his proposed project of constructing and landscaping some new signs for City parks. Commissioners were supportive of the idea and Public Works Director Belair said he would be happy to work with young Mr. Natus. Review of Prairie Park Designs: Soccer Fields - Both Steve Zoubek and Assistant Planner Rexine reviewed their examination of land north of City Hall and 90th Street for soccer fields. Rexine noted that the site could hold five full size soccer fields. Elimination of one soccer field would allow construction of a 120 space parking lot. Zoubek noted that five full size fields would not be needed and suggested including some smaller fields. Rexine said she would revise her drawings accordingly. Zoubek also noted he had examined the piece of land in the southwest part of Prairie Park that juts south past the property just south of City Hall. He said that piece of land could hold two small soccer fields. Baseball Fields - Assistant Planner Rexine reviewed a drawing showing four additional baseball fields could be constructed to the west of the existing ball diamonds. Commissioners asked her to push the fields as far west as possible to see if some parking could be put between them and the existing ball diamonds. They asked if one or more of the new fields could be made "Big" ball fields. Prairie Park Ballfield Fence: Commissioners were in consensus to recommend that the Council put up a ball field fence. Tennis Boards: Commissioners were in consensus to recommend that the Council put up boards on the tennis courts. Greenway Corridor Park Plan Amendment: Assistant Planner Rexine reviewed the proposed Greenway Corridor amendment to the City's Park Trail Plan. This would follow Lefebvre Creek to 78 ",h Street. Commissioner Cassady, Seconded by Commissioner Brumm, moved to recommend approval of the proposed amendment. Carried 5-0. Parks Update: Administrator Robertson noted that the Council asked the Commission to set priorities and that the Commission will vote on priorities on a list of projects at the next meeting. 2006 Park Construction: Administrator Robertson updated Commissioners on the 2006 Park Construction project. City Update: Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted updated Commissioners on recent Council decisions. Adjournment: With no further business Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to adjourn at 9:22 p.m. Carried 6-0. Michael Robertson City Administrator