09-13-06 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SE PTF14BER 13, 2 0 0 6 7: 0 0 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Aaron Stritesky, Kathy Roberts, Rob Miller, Rose Cassady, Beverly Kumar, Russ Langer and Peter Torresani. Absent: Mike Brumm. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp. Staff: None. 1. Welcome New Members Beverly Kumar and Rob Miller were introduced to the group. 1A. Agenda Approval Commissioners added 5A. Pumpkin Patch Day, and 5B. Elect a Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Cassady to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 7-0. 1B. Approval of August 9, 2006 minutes. Motion by Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Roberts to approve the August 9, 2006 m.inutes. Carried 7-0. 2. Park Construction Update: Commissioners reviewed a memo from Brad Belair re: construction of 3 new parks. Commissioners asked for another update at the next meeting. 3. City Update: Commissioner Miller asked about Waterfront East businesses. 4. Other Business: Councilmember Stockamp gave the Commission a handout of the layout and estimated cost of the parking lot expansion of Prairie Park. Commissioners questioned the need for an expansion at this time. Jessica said that it was brought back to the Commission because of the dollar amount of the project and it would need to be added if they planned on going ahead with the expansion of west end of the park by adding more baseball fields because that would eliminate the informal parking area. Commissioners were all in agreement that they felt if the land were at a more affordable price to purchase it might be a possibility but they wanted to be spending the Park Dedication funds that they have to complete other park locations closer to developments that have paid for neighborhood parks. Commissioner Torresani motioned to recommend to not expand the parking lot at this time, but this item could be revisited in the future if park is expanded. Commissioner Kumar seconded. Motion carried 7-0. 5A. Pumpkin Patch Day The date was set for Saturday, Oct 21stfrom 10:00- 1:00. Jessica will talk to Mike to get this on the web site. The following duties were assigned. Aaron will talk to 101 Market to purchase 500 pumpkins and find out if they could have some reserve if needed. Jessica will order the air inflatable from USA inflatable at 3 for 550.00 and talk to school district to find out if flyers can be disturbed in the Wednesday folders. She will also talk with Boy Scouts to see if they would come and volunteer again this year and bring fishing poles for fish pond game. Rose will contact the food vendor, bring material for fish pond, purchase prizes/bags from Oriental trading company, book Teensy the clown for the event, and make and distribute flyers. Peter will bring the Bean Bag toss and Basketball. Beverly will purchase supplies for duck pond game. Items to note -next year's ideas are to add grow your own pumpkin and bring to the event & painting onsite pumpkin contest. The Commission discussed having some sign at the Festival this year. Beverly will put together a sign for the event and Peter will supply the rolling bulletin board. 5B. Elect a Secretary: Chair Stritesky moved, seconded by Commissioner Cassady to table selecting a new secretary. Carried 7-0. Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Comm±ss±oner Torresani, to adjourn at 9:12 p.m. Councilmember Jessica Stockamp