02-07-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 7,2007 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Aaron Stritesky, Kathy Roberts, Mike Brumm, Russ Langer, Beverly Kumar, Rob Miller, and Peter Torresani. Absent: Rose Cassady. Council Members: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff. Brad Belair. 1. Agenda Approval Motion by Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to approve the agenda. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Approval of January 10, 2007 Minutes Motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Kumar to approve the January 10, 2007 minutes. Carried 7-0. 3. Discussion of City Parks with the Public Works Director Brad Belair Commissioners were informed by Mr. Belair that 80% of the three new parks are complete, with Beaudry Meadows being the farthest from being complete. Irrigation still needs to be done in Beaudry Meadows. In addition, Mr. Belair said that seeding and some sodding will be completed mid May, which means that there should be turf by June. Mr. Belair said that they will have two temporary ftill-time summer (June to August) maintenance employee position openings that will help maintain the parks. He's also looking into some other options such as "Adopt -a -Park", Scouts and volunteers to help specifically with maintaining parks. A flagpole is being placed in Prairie Park, as is a drinking fountain. Lily Park is the only park without a well. Mr. Belair said that the city will soon have a computer and software to generate signs for city events. He also suggested the commission create a "standard" for city park signs. Commissioners asked him about the sign that was constructed for School Knoll Park by TJ Nauls as his Eagle Scout project. Mr. Belair said that he would be willing work with Eagle Scouts in the future to create more signs for parks. When asked about storage in the new maintenance building, Mr. Belair said that there were a few different places that the Park and Recreation Commission could use to store seasonal event items. Commissioners thanked Mr. Belair for great job he does with maintaining the parks. 4. City Update Council Members Stockamp and Thorsted updated Commissioners on Bob's Produce progress, Highway 10 1 construction and the proposed gravel mine application that the Planning Commission denied. 5. Discussion of Easter Egg Event Commissioners reviewed the plans and responsibilities for the Easter Egg Event. The date and time of the Easter Egg Event was confirmed; Saturday, March 31, 2007 from I I AM until I PM. Commissioners will meet on Friday, March 30th at City Hall to prepare for the Easter Egg Event. 6. Other Business No other business. Adjournment: Commissioner Kumar moved, seconded by Commissioner Lander, to adjourn at 8:50 PM. Motion carried 7-0 Minutes by Commissioner Beverly Kumar