05-09-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 9, 2007 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call: Commissioners: Mike Brumm, Aaron Stritesky, Russ Langer, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts, and Beverly Kumar. Peter Torresani arrived at 7:45 PM. Absent: Rob Miller. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Public Works Director Brad Belair. 1. Tour of the Public Works Building. Commissioners were given a tour of the new Public Works Building by Public Works Director Brad Belair. Commissioners were impressed with the new building and thanked Brad for the informative tour. 2. Agenda Approval. Motion by Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Brumm to approve the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. 3. Approval of April 11, 2007 Minutes. Motion by Commissioner Brumm, seconded by Commissioner Langer. Motion carried 6-0. 4. Community Education Report. Carol McNaughten-Commers from Community Education reviewed the figures from the Recreation program. They added new adult programs, along with a safety summer event for children and "Otsego Friday Knight" event for pre -teens and teenagers. Commissioner Kumar mentioned that Beaudry Meadows Park has two tennis courts that could also be used for tennis lessons. Community Education will have a booth at the Otsego Festival to promote programs. They would be willing to display park maps and Otsego Park and Recreational pictures. They will have a staffed climbing wall and charge $1.00 for the public to climb. Carol mentioned that their online registration for Otsego has increased by 60%. Carole was not aware of the details for scheduling the ball fields. She said that Community Education meets just after the New Year to discuss it. She will have Community Education (Pauline) e-mail Brad a current schedule for usage on the fields. Brad stated that this will help him with field maintenance. Carole said she would like to post information about Community Education programs on the Prairie Park bulletin board. Commissioners welcomed this idea. Commissioners thanked Carole for her information and time. 5. Uses of the Old Skate Park Space. Brad suggested Commissioners meet at the old skate park in Prairie Park for their next meeting and bring their suggestions. Commissioners agreed that it would be a good idea. Commissioners will meet at 7:00 PM for the June 13 Park and Recreational meeting at the old skate park. 6. City Update. Council Member Stockamp informed us about issues concerning the scheduling of the ball fields. She said that she spoke to coaches concerning scheduling. She said that there seems to have been a miscommunication about the fields. Stockamp urged Community Education to come to speak with the Park and Recreational Commission. There are 9-10 teams made up of Otsego residents that play baseball on the fields. Commissioners feel that Otsego teams should have priority when scheduling. Commissioner Brumm suggested we have a master schedule in place. Commissioner Langer suggested a paper trail for requests and putting the application for use of fields on the City website. Commissioner Torresani suggested that we should be able to look at baseball and softball statistics so the majority occupies the most fields. Commissioners agreed that any group or team that wants to request use of the ball fields needs to meet with the commission. The Park and Recreational Commission will hold a meeting in December for all perspective ball field inquiries. In addition, one commissioner will be selected to represent the Park and Recreational Commission at the meeting next year in which Community Education discusses plans for the ball fields. Commissioner Kumar mentioned that there will be an additional ball field at Beaudry Meadows, as stated on the city website. Brad stated that there would not be a ball field at Beaudry Meadows. Commissioners were under the assumption that there was to be a ball field there. 7. Any Other Business. Commissioner Langer asked to table the survey discussion until City Administrator Robertson is present. Commissioner Langer shared his view that the Park and Recreational Commission should consider building new parks only where there is a higher population of residents. He commented that the City was pressured to build Kittredge Park and there are not a lot of people that use that park. Commissioner Roberts said that she agrees. Councilmember Stockamp said that the developer had funded Kittredge Park and requested that it be built. Councilmember Thorsted started that at the time of park construction, the housing market was good and a large commercial area was also in the plans across from Kittredge Park. Commissioner Stritesky commented that we don't know about the agreement that the development had with the City for that park. Commissioner Cassady said that Prairie Park is not by a lot of houses yet gets a lot of use. Commissioner Langer expressed that he would like to see a certain percentage of homes built before we build new parks as there are Otsego residents that don't have parks near them. Commissioner Stritesky commented that it's a planning issue and we are not the Planning Commission. Commissioner Kumar requested that a bulletin board be placed in other Otsego parks, not just Prairie Park, as this would promote programs, city events and community. Brad asked what kind of bulletin boards and Commissioner Kumar indicated something simple where laminated flyers could be displayed. Brad said he would get back to the commission with a price. Commissioner Roberts asked that the flag pole in Prairie Park be discussed at the next meeting. Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, to adjourn at 9:09 p.m. Motion carried 7-0. Minutes by Commissioner Beverly Kumar