05-09 -07 PRMEMO Date: May 2, 2007 To: Park & Recreation Commission City Council Public Works Director Brad Belair From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park Update The following items should be of interest to the Park Commission. I have enclosed this memo because I will not be able to attend the May 9th Park & Recreation meeting. Park Development Fund Balance - There is currently $1,285,399 in the Park Development Fund. Citizen Survey - A survey by Decision Resources, which I would consider the top firm in the area, would cost $11,000 to $22,000 depending on the number of questions in the survey. A basic survey of approximately 50 questions is the low end. The high end is about 140 questions. Park Construction - The Park & Recreation Commission should probably look at prioritizing the locations for park construction. With the Rottlund plat being finalized we will have land available east of Highway 101, south of CSAH 42 and north of CSAH 37. There is a proposal, called Crimson Ponds North, for the vacant land on the east side of Odean Avenue north of 78th Street and south of 83rd Street, where we would also receive land for a neighborhood park, but that will probably not happen for a year or two.