JUNE 13, 2007 7:00 PM
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at
7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mike Brumm, Aaron
Stritesky, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts, Beverly
Kumar and Russ Langer.
Absent: Peter Torresani and Rob Miller.
Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp.
Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson.
1. Agenda Approval.
Robertson added discussion of City Survey and
Schaber Land Donation. Commissioner Kumar added
Review of Expenses. Commissioner Stritesky added
discussion of Old Skate Park.
Motion by Commissioner Langer, seconded by
Commissioner Kumar, to approve the agenda as
amended. Motion carried 6-0.
2. Approval of May 9, 2007 minutes. Motion by
Commissioner Brumm, seconded by Commissioner
Roberts to approve the minutes. Carried 6-0.
3. Old Skate Park
Commissioners met at the old skate park and
discussed options for future use. Robertson was
asked to get cost estimates for a Splash Park and
to add Beverly's drawings to the minutes as an
4. Potential City Survey
Councilmember Stockamp informed Commissioners that
there would be a Council Workshop on Tuesday, June
26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss a potential
5. Flagpole
Commissioners complemented Brad on the flagpole
installation and suggested that several paths of
stone be built to access it.
6. Ball Field Usage
Commissioners discussed options to regulate ball
field usage. Mike Robertson said he thought
decisions probably needed to be made before January
each year.
7. Expenditures
Robertson reviewed the past expenditures on City
events such as Santa Day, Easter Egg Hunt, and
Pumpkin Day. Commissioners reviewed possibilities
for reducing costs.
8. Schaber Land Donation
Councilmember Stockamp reviewed Lefty Schaber's
proposed land donation with the Commissioners.
9. Adjourrment:
Commissioner Kumar moved, seconded by Commissioner
Langer, to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. Motion carried 6-
Michael Robertson
City Administrator