07-11-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 11, 2007 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Russ Langer, Aaron Stritesky, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts, and Beverly Kumar. Mike Brumm. arrived at 7:10 p.m. Absent: Peter Torresani and Rob Miller. Councilmembers: Mark Thorsted. Jessica Stockamp arrived at 7:15 p.m. Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson. 1. Agenda Approval. Park Rules 5.A. and Park Heritage Signs 5.B. were added. Motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Langer, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of June 13, 2007 minutes. Motion by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Kumar to approve the minutes. Carried 5-0. 3. Community Education Report Carole McNaughten-Commers of Community Education reviewed the registration numbers for summer activities and reviewed the planned offerings for the fall. Carole noted that the Youth Softball League, Basketball Camp, and the Safety Camp had been cancelled due to no registrants. She said that the other activities had enough registrants. Commissioners were happy with the report and proposed fall activities and complemented Carole on the job Community Education is doing. 4. Potential City Survey Councilmembers Thorsted and Stockamp reviewed the discussion on a potential survey the Council had with a surveying company. The Council has directed all City Commissions to provide a list of what information they would want a survey to find out. The Council has set a date of Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. to review the information provided by the City Commissions. 5. Splash Park Cost Estimates Administrator Robertson said that SRF had estimated the costs of a Splash Park at $100-150,000 depending on the size. This estimate did not include a well to provide the water, any water treatment equipment need, and a storm sewer pipe to take the water away. Commissioners suggested a smaller scale water fixture such as the "bubbler" in down town Elk River, and asked Robertson to get the construction cost of that structure. 5a. Park Rules Administrator Robertson explained the open meeting law and asked that Commissioners not email one another with information for potential recommendations to the City Council such as was done with park usage rules information. He said if an individual commissioner emailed him information he could then email it to every commissioner. After reviewing the potential rules Commissioners asked Robertson to prepare a draft for consideration at the August Park Commission meeting. 5b. Park Heritage Signs Councilmember Thorsted said that after discussion with City Planner Licht he had brought a suggestion to the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) that signs be installed for each park explaining the heritage of the area. The HPC loved the idea and so did the Park Commissioners. CM Thorsted said the HPC will be working on developing the necessary historical information for each park and the signs could be made in the City's sign shop. 6. City Update Councilmember Stockamp updated Commissioners on Council actions, particularly the booths that the City will have at the Otsego Festival. Commissioners suggested that the City print a thousand Park & Trail maps for people to take. 7. Other Business Commissioners asked that when the bulletin board is installed in the Prairie Park shelter that the rental schedule note that on the days that Community Education has events that the Park Shelter is reserved for them during those times. Commissioners discussed an article one of them had seen in the Star Tribune regarding new types of park equipment. 9. Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, to adjourn at 8:39 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. M Mic ae Robertson ic ael City Administrator