08-08-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 8, 2007 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Rose Cassady, Russ Langer, Mike Brumm, Kathy Roberts, Beverly Kumar, and Peter Torresani. Absent: Aaron Stritesky and Rob Miller. Councilmembers: Mark Thorsted. Jessica Stockamp arrived at 7:27 p.m. Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson. 1. Agenda Approval. Motion by Commissioner Cassady, seconded by Commissioner Langer, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 6-0. 2. Approval of July 11, 2007 minutes. Motion by Commissioner Kumar, seconded by Commissioner Cafsady to approve the minutes. Carried 6-0. 3. Draft Park Rules Commissioners reviewed the proposed park rules to be posted on signs at City parks. They reviewed the rules currently in the City ordinances. Commissioners agreed to review the revised rules at the next meeting. 4. Potential City Survey Commissioners asked that staff provide them with a list of possible questions or topics for the next meeting. 5. City Update Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted updated Commissioners on Council actions. Commissioners indicated their support for construction of a small soccer field at Prairie Park. 6. Other Business Commissioners discussed the Prairie Park shelter rules and asked that this item be put on the next agenda. Commissioners discussed constructing additional parking next to the Public Works building. 7. Adjournment: Commissioner Torresani moved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Mic a 1 Robertson City Administrator