10-10-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2007 7:00 PH Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Aaron Stritesky, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani and Beverly Kumar. Mike Brumm arrived at 7:30p.m. Absent: Rob Miller & Russ Langer. Councilmembers: Mark Thorsted & Jessica Stockamp. Staff: 1. Agenda Approval. Commissioner Cassady asked that "Otsego Royalty' be 5.A. Commissioner Roberts asked that 'Meetings' was added as Motion by Commissioner Kumar, seconded by Commissioner to approve the agenda as a -ended. Motion carried 5-0. added as 7. A. Cassady, 2. Approval of September 12, 2007 minutes. Motion by Commissioner Kumar, seconded by Comunissioner Cassady to approve the minutes. Carried 5-0. 3. Update on SE Otsego Park Plans Councilmember Stockamp updated Commissioners in regard to Sue Krekelberg's request at the September meeting for a "tot lot" in her neighborhood. Councilmember Stockamp informed Commissioners that she and the city staff have contacted developers to look at options for a park. Councilmember Stockamp, also explained that there are other developments that have paid more in park dedication fees than River Pointe. River Pointe has paid a total of $314,000. While the developers would agree to sell a corner of land directly on County 36 the Council and staff do not feel this would be a safe place to have a park. It was estimated to be $40,000 to build just a "tot lot." It was noted that Sue Krekelberg sent an e-mail to City Hall thanking Commissioners, Councilmember's and staff for their time and consideration to peruse alternative land acquisition options from Lennar Developers. 4. Review of Pumpkin Patch Days Commissioners reviewed the task list and responsibilities for the event. The boy scouts have volunteered to help unload pumpkins and will also be serving hot chocolate. Commissioners will meet prior to the event on Saturday, October 2 oth at 10a.m. to prepare. S. Review of Santa Day Commissioners reviewed the task event. Commissioners agreed to getting a mailbox to collect entire month of December at sleigh/wagon ride company. list and gathered ideas for the start some tasks already such a "Letters For Santa" during the City Hall and contacting the Commissioners voted on the location of the event; The new Public Works Building or City Hall. Commissioners voted to have the event again at City Hall again. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Torresani abstained. S.A. Otsego Royalty Commissioner Cassady, asked permission to have the Royalty collect donated can goods for CAER. Commissioner Cassady mentioned that after last year's Santa Day Event, Sue of Quality Photo mailed her a check from proceeds collected at Santa Day. Commissioner Cassady contacted city Administrator Mike Robertson in regard to the check, who told her to discard it. This year Commissioner Cassady contacted Sue to see if she would give people $1 discount on photographs ordered if they donate a can good to the Otsego Royalty. Sue agreed. The Otsego Royalty is responsible to greet people, set-up their own collection area, collect can goods, print tickets for vouchers for a discount from Quality Photo, and deliver the goods to CAER. 6. City Update Councilmembers Stockamp, and Thorsted updated Commissioners on the ground breaking at Target, Denny's and a Group House. 7. Any Other Business Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted unveiled the new city roadside signs that Public Works Director, Brad Belair and his staff created. The signs are already on display. Councilmember's said that the next signs will be bigger. 7.A. Meetings Commissioner Roberts expressed that priority should be given to upcoming event planning at meetings prior to events. Commissioner Roberts suggested that meetings have a set time limit. Commissioners discussed looking at the potential of limiting the meetings to 8:30p.m., and tabling the remaining items until next month (unless necessary to complete). 8. Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner Kumar Park and Recreation Secretary