12-12-07 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2007 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts, Peter Torresani, Beverly Kumar and Mike Brumm. Absent: Aaron Stritesky and Rob Miller. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: None. 1. Agenda Approval. Motion by Commissioner Torresani, seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of November 14, 2007 minutes. Motion by Commissioner Brumm., seconded by Commissioner Cassady. Carried 5-0. 3. Discussion of 2008 Ball Field Usage As requested by Commissioners, Rogers, Baseball Coach Joe Haux (rogersyouthbaseball.com) and Fast Pitch Softball Coach Bryan Lindquist (NWdiamonds.org) were in attendance to discuss ball field usage in Otsego based on program participation. After discussion Commissioner Torresani proposed a plan (listed below). Commissioners concurred with Commissioner Torresani's plan. The Coaches were pleased as well. Commissioners requested that the schedule be linked or placed on the City website. Commissioners' thanked both Coaches for their time and cooperation. Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted and City Administrator Mike Robertson will attend the baseball scheduling meeting to ensure Otsego's needs are represented. 4. Update on SE Otsego Park Plans If any new information arises Councilmember Stockamp will relay it to the Commission. 5. City update Councilmember Stockamp told Commissioners that the Park and Dedication Fee went up $50 per housing unit. 6. Review of Santa Day Commissioners reviewed their roles for the upcoming event. Commissioners will meet on Friday, December 14 th at 6:00 p.m. to set-up for the event. 7. Any Other Business Commissioners discussed the resignation of Aaron Stritesky. Ball Field Usage Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner TorT,�ersani, to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Beverly Kumar Park and Recreation Secretary JSungay m2md-iii F_ Th L6ii Field 1 I'learly Ico TE. . . ........... . ...... comm. Ed lbaseball c Milt VU Bas, V PP Field 1 ___Jc 11b I Icomm. lopen Late comm. Ed baseball comm ed IBaseball Ed Field 2 girls fast lPP early Ipitch lbaseball Icomm ed IBaseball comm. Ed lopen IIPP I g i �com`med �1Ba`seba_,,_"Ic_omm. --Topen— field 2 late pi t�c_,sh��_�bas�eba i i Ed IlPP field 3 Fbaseball 9 -iris fast ­.. ........................... ...... ............ Ig-irls I . . . .......... early bas eball p E fast pitch open lbaseball girls fast 113aseball Igirls lopen PP field 3 late baseball pitch fast pitch PP field 4 ibaseball girls fast 113aseball —]girls early baseball pitch fast pitch open 1,1'P'P lbaseball Ttbaseball Igirls fast lopen field 4 late pitch Baseball Igirls fast pitch lZimmer lbaseball girls fast Ipitch FBaseball Igirls =open Open fast pitch Adjournment: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner TorT,�ersani, to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Beverly Kumar Park and Recreation Secretary