04-09-08 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APRIL 9, 2008 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Peter Torresani, Kathy Roberts, Rose Cassady, Krista Bean, Mike Brumm, Beverly Kumar, and Susan Krekelberg. Absent: None. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. 1. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Kumar asked to add discussion of Community Education. Motion by Commissioner Kumar and seconded by Commissioner Roberts to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Approval of March 12, 2008 minutes: Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Krekkelberg, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Carried 7-0. 3. SE Park Possibility: Administrator Robertson reviewed the possibility of obtaining land in the southeast part of Otsego for a park. A developer has some land they want to sell. The Commission was in consensus to recommend to the City Council to explore the possibility as long as it was not too expensive. 4. Easter Egg Event Review: Councilmember Thorsted said they had a great turnout. Commissioners agreed. Several said they thought that there should be more advertising signs at some additional locations for the next event. They asked to have an article about the event in the next newsletter. 5. Community Education: Commissioner Kumar said that the web site link to Community Education references the summer 2007 events. Commissioners also asked Robertson to check the Community Education field schedule for Prairie Park to see if there are any conflicts with baseball. 6. Newsletter: Commissioners asked for more park information in the newsletter. They suggested articles on the Easter event, the role of the Boy Scouts, park usage rules, and an updated City Park map. They suggested that a history article could be the history of the hospital taxing district. 7. City Update: Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted and Administrator Robertson updated the Commissioners on recent events. Commissioners asked Robertson to obtain the soccer field schedule. They also suggested that bulletin boards be installed in every park area where things would be scheduled, such as tennis courts, ball fields, and park shelters. Adjour=ent: Commissioner Cassady moved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried 6-0.