06-11-08 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 119 2008 - 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Peter Torressani, Rose Cassady, Krista Bean, Susan Krekelberg, Beverly Kumar, Mike Brumm, Kathy Roberts. New Commissioner, Duane Lauseng, was introduced to serve as alternate. Councilmembers: Jessica Stockamp and Mark Thorsted. Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. 1. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Torressani asked to add 3a. Ball field irrigation maintenance. Councilmember Stockamp added 4a. Beaudry Meadows issue. Commissioner Krekelberg added 5a. Capital funding priorities. Also added was 5b. Prairie Park additional lighting. Motioned by Commissioner Cassady and seconded by Commissioner Kumar to approve agenda as revised. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Approval of May 14, 2008 Minutes: Commissioner Krekelberg and seconded by Commissioner Bean, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 5- 0. 3. School Knoll Park — Lighting Plan: Supervisor Belair showed members the revised lighting plans and explained the light distribution patterns with a quote of $15,276.00 from Wright -Hennepin Electric. This expenditure was approved at the May 14, 2008 meeting. 3a. Commissioner Torressani asked about the feasibility of the Park & Recreation Commission to fund irrigation and maintenance to the Elementary schools' two ball fields. Concern was felt by most commissioners that after putting in that much money, school would have say so on how ball fields would be used. After much discussion, Commissioner Bean said she would pursue more information on this and report at our next meeting. 4. City Update: No city update. 4a. Councilmember Stockamp stated four residents from Beaudry Meadows Park came to Police commission meeting concerned about vandalism in that park. The commission directed Supervisor Belair to provide quotes to have a security camera installed for the next meeting. Motioned by Commissioner Kumar, seconded by Commissioner Bean. Motion carried by 6-0. Councilmember Stockamp also reported on a resident that was concerned about the end of her driveway being used as access to road instead of the path going directly onto road. Supervisor Belair will contact concerned resident about the erosion next to the path and other concerns about path. 5. Any Other Business: Supervisor Belair will add a new category to the agenda called Public Works Update. Supervisor Belair reported the permanent bases have been installed on two of the infields at Prairie Park. Need to order 8 more posts. Ordinance signs are made and will be installed next week. Supervisor Belair will get quotes on the locked display holders for next meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Roberts to have all ordinance sign holders be under glass and locked, seconded by Commissioner Cassady. Motion carried 7-0. Supervisor Belair reported the pathway lighting and irrigation improvements to Lily Pond Park will start in 3 weeks, and showed us lighting plan to that park. Supervisor Belair received an email from a student who wants to organize a skateboard contest. He will invite him to our next meeting. Women of Today helped with some planting and cleaning up Schoolknoll park and are planning to repaint the sign that eagle scouts put in. Christ Church had 30-40 youths to volunteer. Supervisor Belair suggested to have them add wood chips to the playgrounds at Beaudry and Zimmer Parks. That upgrade will cost about $1000 for each park. 5a. Commissioner Krekelberg asked about park capital spending and the process of decisions. There is a need to prioritize ideas and work with City Council. The consensus of the commission was to request a joint meeting with the City Council. Councilmembers Stockamp and Thorsted will work with City Council to set a date. Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to set up work shop, seconded by Commissioner Kumar. Motion carried 7-0. 5b. Motion made by Commissioner Roberts to table discussion of Prairie Park Additional lighting until the July 9, 2008 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Torressani. Motion carried 7-0. Adjournment: Motioned by Commissioner Cassady and seconded by Commissioner Bean to adjourn at 9:07 pm. Motion carried 7-0.