07-09-08 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 9,2008 — 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Peter Torressani, Rose Cassady, Krista Bean, Beverly Kumar, Duane Lauseng, and Kathy Roberts. Absent: Susan Krekelberg, Mike Brumm. Councilmember: Mark Thorsted. Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. 1. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Cassady asked to add 7a. Individual shelters at Prairie Park. Motioned by Commissioner Kumar and seconded by Commissioner Cassady to approve agenda as revised. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of June 11, 2008 Minutes: Commissioner Cassady and seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Security Cameras: Supervisor Belair presented commissioners with a quote from Digital Home and Business to install 2 cameras at Beaudry Park for $3251.44. Commissioners Kumar and Torressani asked about legality issues. Supervisor Belair will talk with sewer plant to see if there is a need for security, and possibly share the cost. Consensus was to table this issue until next meeting, after talking with city attorney. 4. Capital Planning Workshop: City Administrator Mike Robertson gave all commissioners a City Financial Plan to look over before July 16th workshop. Supervisor Belair will provide a General Fund ParkMaintenance Budget for that workshop also. Topics to discuss were Capital Improvement Fund, Capital Equipment Fund, need to set priorities and mission statement. 5. BalIfteld Irrigation: Commissioner Bean reported that she received an email from Jolene Jorgensen from school board to look into the feasibility of any Park & Recreation Commission to fund improvements to a school ball field. This will be added to their next board work session, and they will get back to us. Consensus was to table until next meeting. 6. Prairie Park Lighting & Bubbler System: Supervisor Belair discussed an estimated cost for a bubbler system. All commissioners thought this to be very expensive. Supervisor Belair will try to get other estimates for next meeting. Supervisor Belair will provide a site plan for lighting at Prairie Park at next meeting. 7. Public Works Update: Supervisor Belair said Public Works is working on turf and adding wood chips to parks. Irrigation for Lily Pond Park to start about Aug. 15 1h , and lightning in about a week. Supervisor Belair also discussed name signs for all parks. Currently, only Prairie Park and School Knoll park have signs. Supervisor Belair will talk with City Planner for details on signage. Sign topic will be tabled until next meeting. Supervisor Belair also suggested a re -look at Adopt -A -Park rules and discussion about enclosed display cases at all the parks to be added to next meeting's agenda. 7a. Individual Shelters at Prairie Park: Commissioner Cassady thought there was need to add 2 or 3 small shelters, large enough to hold 2 tables each, in Prairie Park. These shelters could be built by existing fire pits. Supervisor Belair will check on costs and bring to next meeting. 8. City Update: Councilman Thorsted reported Mayor Larry Fournier has stepped down as Mayor due to moving out of city and Jessica Stockamp will be acting Mayor until A new Mayor is decided after elections in November. He also reported that a new light Auto store, providing tires and lubes jobs, will be built by the new Target Store. New home construction containing 65 homes to be built by 780'and 80dstreets, possibly will need a park. Freeway to open end of July. 9. Any Other Business: No new business discussed. Adjournment: Motioned by Commissioner Cassady and seconded by Commissioner Bean to adjourn at 8:30 pm. Motion carried 6-0.