09-10-08 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September 10, 2008 — 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Peter Torressani, Rose Cassady, Krista Bean, Beverly Kumar, Susan Krekelberg, Mike Brumm, and Kathy Roberts. Commissioner Duane Lauseng was absent. Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember Mark Thorsted. Staff. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. Guest: Carol McNaughton from Community Education. 1. Agenda Approval: Commissioner Krekelberg asked to table discussion of Potential Survey to a later date because of time issues at this meeting. Under Other Business, Commissioner Roberts added Pumpkin Patch review. All Commissioners were in consensus to switch City Update to no. 7 and Discussion of Mission Statement to no. 8. Motioned by Commissioner Krekelberg and seconded by Commissioner Bean to approve agenda as revised. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Approval of August 13, 2008 Minutes: Commissioner Krekelberg questioned the statement, under 3. Review of Workshop with Council, about where the Park Dedication fees were split into. That statement in the minutes was incorrect and changed to Community Center and Park Development. Commissioner Kumar wanted her statement, under 3.b. Task Forces, changed to a need for task forces to concentrate on certain issues. Under same catagory, Commissioner Krekelberg made a motion to define and assign task forces at next meeting. Because the motion was not seconded, it was taken out. Commissioner Krekelberg motioned, seconded by Commissioner Kumar, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried 7-0. 3. Community Education Update: Carol McNaughton from Community Education reported that the Winter -Spring participation was up from last year. There was real interest in more gymnastic programs but lack of instructors was the problem. Suggestion was made to better advertise Entertainment in the Park for more age specific groups. To advertise the fall programs, two different Community Education booklets were sent out. The Adult and Early Childhood Programs were sent through the Star News, Youth Programs K-5 was handed out in school. Over concern that people might think these booklets were the same, it was suggested that one booklet with combined information be given out instead. All Commissioners were in agreement to have only one booklet. Suggestion was made that Community Education provide paper bags with coupons to hand out at Pumpkin Patch event and possibly have cloth bags for Easter event. 4. Public Works Update: Supervisor Belair reported on the Message Boards. There was a need for these boards in School Knoll, Kittredge, Beaudry and Lily Pond parks. Vandalism, including trash, graffiti, broken playground equipment has been happening at Zimmer Park on a regular basis, therefore, Supervisor Belair recommended not putting a message board there. There was also vandalism to the message board at Prairie Park. The medium size of 26" by 36" at a cost of $307.00 was best suited. All Commissioners agreed on size. Commissioner Bean motioned to purchase 4 of these boards, seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg, motion carried 7-0. Supervisor Belair also reported that lighting and irrigation would be in by the end of the month at Lily Pond Park. St. Louis Park donated 2 soccer nets. Commissioner Belair was waiting for cost of material for DNR Handicap access paths. 5. Review of Task Forces: Commissioner Kumar motioned to table this discussion until a future date. Commissioner Krekelberg seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. 6. Discussion of Potential Survey: All commissioners were in agreement to table this discussion until a future date. 7. City Update: Mayor Stockamp said the new SuperTarget store was opening to the public October 8 1h . Also in our upcoming city election there were two candidates for position of Mayor and 5 candidates for city council positions. 8. Discussion of Mission Statement: Commissioner Krekelberg asked to table this matter until a future date because of time issues. All Commissioners were in consensus. 9. Any Other Business: Commissioners discussed the upcoming Pumpkin Patch event to be held Saturday, October 18. It was decided we would pretty much follow last years' format. Last minute details will be discussed at the October meeting. Adjournment: Motioned by Commissioner Kumar and seconded by Commissioner Cassady to adjourn at 9:14 pm. Motion carried 7-0.