12-10-08 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES December 10, 2008 — 7:00 PM Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM. Roll Call: Commissioners: Chair Peter Torressani, Rose Cassady, Susan Krekelberg, Christa Bean, Mike Brumm and Kathy Roberts. Beverly Kumar and Duane lauseng were absent. Councilmember: Mark Thorsted arrived 7:20 PM Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. Guests: Joe Haux, Rogers Youth Baseball. 1. Agenda Approval: Consensus by all Commissioners to add a Public Forum item to all agendas. Commissioner Bean motioned to amend priority listing of agenda to put Event discussions at the end of agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. Commissioner Torressani motioned to add guest to Public Forum, seconded by Commissioner Krekelberg. All motions carried unanimously to revise agenda. 2. Approval of November 10, 2008 Minutes: Commissioner Cassady motioned, seconded by Commissioner Roberts to approve the minutes. Motion carried 6-0. 3. Public Forum: Joe Haux presented a check for $500.00 from Rogers Youth Baseball Assoc., Inc. He explained they need more fields with chalked lines for older kids, and use of some fields, possibly 2 days a week. Joe Haux will email Supervisor Belair with schedule and base line info. 4. Public Works Update: Supervisor Belair stated City Planner, Dan Licht will bring to January 14 1h meeting, information on Adopt -A -Park agreement. 4b. Discussion of Infant Swings: Supervisor Belair reported Zimmer Park would replace 2 swings with baby swings. School Knoll Park will need pricing to possibly remove some shrubs because of safety zone issues. Supervisor Belair explained the need for all parks to be ADA Accessible for the disabled. An assessment needs to be done. 4c. Recycle bins for Parks: Supervisor Belair suggested using standard bins and labeling one as a recycling bin. He will keep researching for pricing and can types. 4d. Request for soccer fields: Supervisor Belair will report at the January meeting. 5. Discussion of Community Ed programming: Commissioner Cassady will contact Community Education for January meeting. Commissioner Roberts motioned to table this discussion until next meeting, Commissioner Cassady seconded motion. Carried by all 6-0. 6. City Update: Mayor Stockamp reported that some positions on the Park and Recreation board were up and voting would be necessary in January. She also reported that the Holiday Inn in Otsego had been sold. 7. Other Business: Commissioner Torressani asked about plowing in Beaudry and Prairie Park for winter activities. Supervisor Belair said School Knoll paths were plowed, but there was no policy to plow park road areas. Main roads plowed first then secondary ones. Formal meeting adjournment: Motioned by Commissioner Krekelberg and seconded by Commissioner Bean to adjourn at 8:06 PM. Motion carried 6-0. 1. Santa Day planning: Supervisor Belair volunteerd to be Santa again. Commissioner Roberts to spend up to $75.00 for pre -lit tree, if possible. Consensus was to authorize spending $200.00 for Christmas decorations at after holiday sales for next year. Supervior Belair and Commissioner Bean to deliver Caer donations. Volunteers to meet at 9:30 AM, day of event. Adjournment: Consensus by all to adjourn meeting at 8:45 PM.