07-11-95 PRCITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JULY 11, 1995 - 7:30 PM 1. Chair Thomas Baillargeon will call the meeting to order. 2. Review of the minutes from May 9, 1995 meeting. 3. Open Forum. 4. Special Meeting with City Council.. all Improved communications b. Use of city staff C. Ways of becoming better informed and sharing visions. d. City council expectations of PRC e. Role of council representative f. Role of Merlin Otto 5. Report City Council. a. Otsego Prairie Park b. Dedication fees 5. Recreation Coordinator/Planing Sub -Committee 7. Merlin Otto. a. Outdoor Recreation Grant b. Istea Grants 8. Fall Events. 9. 1995 budget 10. Pay bills. 11. Other items of concern. 12. Adjourn. CITY OF OTSEGO PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JULY 11, 1995 - 7:30 PM 1. Chair Thomas Baillargeon will call the meeting to order. 2. Review of the minutes from May 9, 1995 meeting. 3. Open Forum. 4. Special Meeting with City Council. a. Improved communications b. Use of city staff C. Ways of becoming better informed and sharing visions. d. City council expectations of PRC e. Role of council representative f. Role of Merlin Otto 5. Report City Council. i a. Otsego Prairie Park b. Dedication fees 6. Recreation Coordinator/Planing Sub -Committee 7. Merlin Otto. a. Outdoor Recreation Grant - b. Istea Grants - _ i B. Fall Events. = 9. 1996 budget - 10. Pay bills. - 11. Other items of concern. G ri 12. Adjourn. - 3 }G C r y i