10-10-95 PRAs the third year of our ice rink operation the popularity is improvinq. There is a need for more space. This planned expansion should accommodate that growth. Also it will allow for more area for skating_ lessons and increased area to skatinq likewise. The present ice rink could be expanded with insignificant cost and little effort. The excavating would be done as last time with a. bobcat. It would take about two days with the cost of fuel at $25.00. Also needed would be a. bundle of short grade stakes, $10.00. No extra lighting would be needed as the lighting from the parking area would do. If another light was needed it would cost $50.00. Dave Chase who's idea this was reported that the water and watering tank again will be available as last year. The expansion would be no problem for his staff to accommodate. No other costs should be occurred as approved budget for 1995/96 will cover the staff, phone. etc.. 1995-96 SKATING FUNK EXPANSION WARMING ARE/ PRE CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1995 EY 96 ISTEA GRANT ISTEA PROJECT COST: $246,100.00 FED. GRANT FUNDS: 184,575.00 CITY FUNDS: 61,525.00 (25%) plus land Project: 1.3 miles of bike pedestrian paths 4.55 miles of bike lanes Bypass lanes Landscaping Additional Costs: Land 3.06 acres $21,500.00 Between the time grant application was made and the grant application was approved, engineering costs were determined by Mn/DOT to be ineligible for ISTEA funding. Nevertheless, the grant allocation is based on the full application amount of $246,000 which included $37,800.00 of engineering costs. If the City would pursue the project as it now stands, the local share would be: $61,525.00 - Construction Costs 21,500.00 - Land Acquisition 49.220.00 - Engineering (increased with project construction costs) TOTAL $132,245.00 The City does not have the funds to finance this scale of project. As directed by the City Council at the joint special meeting of October 3, 1995, we are evaluating ways to scale back and finance the project. 1. Defer land acquisition for off road trail west of Nashua. 2. Request land donation in exchange for future park dedications credits. 3. Eliminate bypass at CSAH39 and CSAH19. 4. Eliminate or defer land acquisition from Page to Elementary School. Acquire from 83rd St. (.26 acres) to School and use 83rd and Palmgren as a link to 85th Street. nT703.wnd 1 ($14,300.00) ($4,000.00) ($5,000.00) 5. Reduce landscaping on trails from $15,000 to $10,000. ( $5,000.00) 6. Eliminate one sign at Historic Town Hall. ($2,250.00) 7. Reduce landscaping at Town Hall to $3,000 from $5,000. ($2,000.00) 8. School link 85th via Palmgren. SOD 340 LF off road trail School link 340/5,280 - .064 x $30,000 = $2,000.00 -Probably closer to $8-9.00/LF in this quantity = $3,060.00 '/z mile of bike path 2,640 LF = .5 x $30,000 =($15,000.00) Net change deduct ($11,940.00) 9. Add 1,100 LF bike lane to Nashua Avenue (Total 7,500', delete 4,200 LF Otsego Creek Link) Add 1,100 at .21 x $22,000 = $4,620.00 Delete 4,200 = .80 x $30,000 =($24,000.00) Net Deduct (s 1 9.380.ob) TOTAL $246,100 44.570 Total ISTEA Deducts (plus land @ $19,300) = $63,870 $201,530 Local Cost Deducts Construction $11,140 (25% of construction) Land 19,300 Engineering 6.030 Net Local Deducts: $36,470 1STEA Project Construction Cost* $163,370 $122,800 Land 2,000 -- Engineering 32.670 -- $198,040 $122,800 * $246,100 - $38,700 = $208,300 - $44,570 = $163,730 Lily $40,930 2,000 32.670 $75,600 FY ' 96 ISTEA Application Revised 1. Construct 8' bike path at each bypass lane on CSAH43 and 39 5 @ 700' average/each (3500 LF) + 5280 = .66 miles @ $30,000 $24,000 $19,900 2. Purchase signs for bike routes on CSAH39 and 42 for County installation $600 $600 3. Bike lanes (widen shoulder, pave, stripe & sign) Nashua/Napier Avenue 7500 LF (revised) 31,240 Page Avenue 5000 LF 20,900 Ohland Avenue & 96th St. 12640 LF 52.580 25,140 25,140 LF _ 5280 = 4.76 miles @ $ 22,000/mile = $100,000 $104,700 4. 10' bituminous path (off road within public lands) Otsego Creek 0 LF Elem. school 340 LF Park link QJLE 340 LF —5280 _ .064 miles @ $30,000 = $38,700 $3,000 5. Trail Amenities Landscaping for Trails $15,000 $10,000 Bike racks $1,500 $1,500 6. Historic Town Hall/Rest Area (GRR) Inter. signage 2 @ $2,250/EA $4,500 $2,250 Landscaping $5.000 $3,000 $189,400 $144,970 Contingency @ 10% $18,900 $14,495 Indirect Costs @ 20% $37.800 $31.900 Total Project Costs: $246,100 $191,365 FY '98 ISTEA GRANT ISTEA PROJECT COST: FED. GRANT FUNDS: CITY FUNDS: $317,700 $238,275 $79,425 + ENG ($63,540) This project consists primarily of five off road paths within street ROW: ROW 80' Nashua Avenue - Napier to 85th Street $45,200 66' NE 85th Street - Nashua to Page Avenue 106,800 66' Odean Avenue - CSAH 39 to NE 85th 48,000 66', 80' Odean Avenue - NE 85th to NE 78th 39,000 Quaday Avenue from CSAH 42 to VFW complex 38.400 $277,400 Typical rural pavement section*: 66' ROW w/24' pavement (1-4' shoulder) (33-12) = 21' left (all rural sections would have to construct bike lanes w/ 66' ROW. In 80' ROW, 40-12' pavement, ( 8' shoulder) (40'-12' = 28') - could only fit 8' path w/no shoulder, need temp. construction easements. Urban section - 66' ROW w/28 pavement and bit curb 33 - 14 = 19, 33 - 14 + 4' separation =15' can put in separate bike/ped path 80' - 32 = 24' each, side - 4' separation = 20', 10' path, 10' to private yards 60' - 31 = 29 (14.5 - 4' = 10.5' - may need construction easement) * In rural pavement areas without curb, the bike/pedestrian trails can be no closer than 20' from the traveled lane. RATINGS FOR BIKE LANES FY '96 PROGRAM * Ratings from Bikeway Design Manual Speed Ratina * Street Pavement ADT Shoulder Limit BD -w Poor w/12' lanes 96th & Ohland 24' 790 1-2' unpaved 30 80' Unsatisfactory w/11' lanes Good w/11' lane, < 3' paved shoulder Good Nashua Avenue 24' 225 5' unpaved 80' Unsatisfactory Page Avenue 24' 2250 2' unpaved 30 100' Good w/ 12' anes and 4' paved shoulders Not rated Napier Avenue 22' --- 1' unpaved 30 * Ratings from Bikeway Design Manual RATINGS FOR BIKE LANES FY '98 Rating Street ROW Pavement ADT* Good Nashua Avenue 80' 24' 225 (City Hall to 85th) Fair 85th St -Page E 80' 22' 405 (Good w/11' Nashua to Page 66' & 60' (west) paved & less than 3' paved shoulder) Unsatisfactory Odean (Fair w/11' @ CSAH 39 100 lanes, <3' paved -85th - 78th 66' 22' 2000 shoulder, Good -transitions from w/4' paved CSAH 39 to Nelmark shoulder) Avenue 100' & 66' 22' 170 Not rated Quaday 29'* w/12' lane < 378 ADT would be Good * 1992 Traffic volumes * * Gravel Area Bike Lane width 4' is minimum 5' is preferred + shoulder One Way Pike Path 5' + 2' shoulders each side Speed Limit 0 2' C9 4' FHWA Manual 11/10/92 - Table 6 indicates 4' shoulder works <40 MPH for all ADT < 2000 :•. 80' Nashua Ave from Napier to 85th St 66' NE 85th St from Nashua to Page Ave 66' Odean Ave from CSAH 39 to NE 85th 66' Odean Ave from NE 85th St NE 78th 66' Quaday Ave from CSAH 42 to VFW soccer complex FY98 ISTEA PROGRAM Segment/ Cost Milu Length Eat Revised Segment/ Revised Length Cost * .75 3,975 LF $45,000 4,400 LF Bike L $18,300 1.78 9,375 106,800 18,750 LF Bike L 78,100 .80 4,200 48,000' 8,400 LF Bike L 35,000 .65 3,450 39,000 6,900 LF Bike L 28,800 ,A 3,375 38,400 6.750 LF Bike L 28,100 4.62 24,375 LF $277,400 $188,300 24,375 LF - 5280 = 4.62 miles @ 60000/mile 85th NE from Page Ave to CSAH 42 = 0.5 miles Landscaping trail segments and town hall site. Wetland boardwalk 700 SF @ $30.00/SF Project Cost $246,200 Land -- Engineering 49,240 $295,440 * Bike lanes @ $22,000/mile OT 98 $277,200 $500 $14,000 $21.000 $317,700 ISTEA CITY $184,650 $61,550 -- 49.240 $184,650 $110,800 $500 $14,000 $21.000 $ 223,800 22.400 Cont @ 10% $246,200 10/5/95 To: Otsego Park & Recreation Commission Fr: Jeff Asfahl, Debbie Carron, & Darlene Solberg Re: Planning Committee Update & Recommendations The planning committee met on September 20th to discuss the coming months recreational activities. Below you will find several updates and recommendations as a result of our meeting. Hayride: - Scheduled to take place on Saturday October 28th from 6-9:30 pm. - Debbie has agreed to again supply Grocery Bags and candies to line the route. Darlene may have her students cut faces into the bags similar to a Jack -o -Lantern. - Darlene will be soliciting the Lions for support and donation to provide treats. - Community Recreation staff will arrange burning permit. - Community Recreation staff will be on site to collect fees from those who are not pre -registered. - Resource for horse drawn hayride have ail fallen through. Community recreation staff followed many leads as well as Tom C. and Jeff B. Thanks for trying Though!! - Considering no horses, Debbie has arranged for use again of Floyd Rodens Tractor and Trailer. Debbie also to find one more trailer. (Last year Doug L supplied a trailer, DC will ask him again for this year) We will also need one other tractor. Tom B. Supplied it last year. Is this available this year as well? - As of 10/5195 70 participants are registered - Jeff A. will work with Tom C. for possible donation of pumpkins to add atmosphere. - Community Recreation will continue to promote the event. Flyers / Posters, article in Otsego View (done ) and public service announcements in the paper. Undones: - Route needs to be determined considering recent development - Who will build, start and monitor the fire? I think Tom C. volunteered for this at the last meeting. Is this right? - Parking Organization - Judy Hudson has informed Jeff A. that there is a scheduled anniversary parry at the City Hail that same evening. She suggests directing panting of the hayride participants back to the hay ride / fire area using the construction service road. Jeff A. and Rec. Staff can help with this and will prepare a sign. Please consider this and have some member of the Park Commission contact Jeff A. to share your parking strategy. Inclement weather: Should miserable weather be present a decision to cancel should be made. I (Jeff A. ) suggest that no decision be made until 4: 00 pm and that a committee of 2 be selected to make this decision and then a calling tree established. Please include Jeff A., as Community Recreation Staff will attempt to call all registered participants and we will also have a person on site from 5:45 to 6:30 to inform any who may show up. Please let me know of another committe appointee for this responsibility of making a cancellation decision. Scavenger Hunt: - Scheduled for Sat. Oct 21 - 1-2:30 - For ages 3-12 and families. - This is fully organized by Community Recreation Staff. No Park Commission involvement is required. Winter Fest '96 - Was budgeted for "96 with anticipated Revenue of $50 and Expenditures of $150. Recommendation: That this event again be organized with the following opportunities: Skating, sledding, Bonfire, Chili, Modified winter golf and frisbee golf. Medallion hunt was also suggested. Who / should $ be solicitied for the prize? The Park Commission should discuss and set a date. A date should be set by your Nov. Meeting as the Recreation Brochure goes to print on Dec 6th. Skating Rink Warming House Hours: At your last meeting you directed JA to research and recommend the season dates for'95-'96. Seasonal dates Recommendation: Target the opening date as Saturday December 16th. Final date of Sunday February 18th. Please discuss how, who, etc. will flood and remove snow. These persons identified should be made aware of the target open date and plan accordingly. Below you will find the breakdown of daily use from last years records: Sundays 157 7 22 Mondays 26 9 2.8 Tuesdays 20 6 3.3 Wednesdays 34 8 4.25 Thursdays 21 7 3 Fridays 67 6 11.16 Saturdays 95 5 19 Totals 420 48 8.75 Hours Recommendation: 1 suggest that you set this years warming house hours as: Weekends and non -school days 1-9 pm. and Mon- Thur 5- 8:00 pm, Fridays 5 - 9 pm. Last years hours were: Mon - Fri. 5-9 & Weekends and Non -school days 1-9. Staff can also be instructed to close early when there are no skaters, and when weather suggests that it is unlikely that any one would come to skate. Please determine your desired hours. This information can then be added to the brochure. The brochure goes to print on 12/6/95, so a decision at least by your November meeting will be helpful! Thank You!!