01-09-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 9TH, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon (Chair) Larry Fournier (Council Rep.) Jeff Bartheld Merlin Otto Debbie Carron Jeff Asfahl Tom Constant Neal Perlich - developer Teri Kohler Vern Heidner Roche Martin Suzanne Ackerman Bill Olsen Darlene Solberg 7:00 pm Regular Council Meeting Follows: 1. CHAIRMAN TOM BAILLARGEON WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER. Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 12, MEETING. Merlin noted that in discussing purchasing land needed for bike paths, he had stated that the City Engineer would be......_the......_ind_iyi_dua_l. s_i_b 1_e,_t o. meet with land owners. Jeff B. motion._ed to accept the minutes with the above change. Toni C. seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM. Nothing 4. NEIL PERLICH REALITY. Mr. Perlich from Neal A. Perlich Realty, Inc. presented an inquiry to the Park and Rec. Board as to what his dedication fees would be for a residential housing project incorporating a golf course. The Board explained our newly approved guidelines. After much discussion, Debbie C. moved to hold a special meeting to address the issue. Darlene seconded the motion. Before the meeting, Mr. Perlich will submit his request and any questions regarding our policy to the Board in writing. S. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH. Greg Pagh pastor of Christ Lutheran Church discussed options for the church's dedication fees for their newly acquired 10 acres. Tom B. moved to table discussion until Christ Lutheran Church has met with their building committee. Darlene seconded the motion. 6. CITY COUNCIL. Larry reported that the City Council gave their OK to have antique snowmobiles at the Winter Fun Fest'. However, Jeff B. said the antique club would not be able to attend. Larry also informed the Board that the City Council advised us to put a sandpoint with a locked faucet into our budget for next year. 7. RECREATION COORDINATOR SUB -COMMITTEE. - See Attached Report from Jeff A. - Also, Tom B. moved that the Park Board accept Christmas trees next year. Debbie seconded the motion. Debbie moved to not charge a fee for the Easter Egg hunt proposed for a Spring 1996 event. Teri seconded the motion. Tom C. moved to we ask Community Education to include a gun safety class at Otsego for 1996. Bill seconded the motion. Darlene will talk to Jackie about putting information about skating rink in the Otsego News. 8. MERLIN OTTO. a. Istea Grant 1998 - No new information. b. Istea Grant 1996 - Phyliss and Larry Koshak will meet to discuss MSA funds. C. Outdoor Recreation Grant - No new information. d. CIP Otsego Prairie Park - See attached preliminary Park improvements for the next 4 years. 9. WINTER FUN FEST'. Last minute details of Winter Fest' were discussed. 10. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Elected: Tom Baillargeon - Chairman Jeff Bartheld - Vice -Chairman Debbie Carron - Secretary 11. PAY BILLS. None 12. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN. Roche moved and Debbie seconded a motion to require anyone requesting to be on Agenda to submit a proposal prior to the meeting. Bill suggested that we inform guests that we tape our meetings. Merlin's presence at a special meeting with developer will be charged to developer. 13. ADJOURN. Bill moved to adjourn. Darlene seconded the motion. 10:00 pm Deborah Carron, Secretary Date