01-09-96 PR1/8/96 To: Otsego Park & Recreation Commission Fr: Jeff Asfahl Re: Update From the Planning Sub -Committee The committee met on 1/4/96. Present: Darlene S., Debbie C., Jeff B. & Jeff A. Winter fest '96: - The horse drawn team is set to go. Cannot run the horse team unless the temperature is above zero. - Jeff B. reported that the brush/debris, etc. has been prepared for the fire. Darlene reported that winter burning does not require a permit. - Jeff A. will organize the frisbee golf and modified golf course. JA will ask Tom B. for his assistance with the preparation as last year. - Use of deposited christmas trees to line the modified golf course was raised. The committee was uncertain of the City's intention this year for collecting the trees. Jeff B. mentioned possibility of borrowing from a nearby business ( JA , notetaker cannot recall the named business) that does collect them and then return them. The committee wants input as to the desire to arrange for the trees. - Frisbee golf and modified golf will be complimentary to all participants. The committee desired to encourage participation. - JA has arranged w/ city staff the building use for 11 am - 5 ""ish"( for clean up). Judy H. has asked that a commission representative talk w/ her regarding the plans for Friday 1/12 to prepare the chili. ( this was also mentioned at the Dec. Park Commission meeting) Ice Rink: - The skating rink has been open since 12/16/95. Use thus far has been: considered good. - Skating lessons have been planned nand are set to begin 1/14/96. Bike Rodeo: - Has been scheduled and City Hall reserved for Saturday 5/11/96 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Spring Event: - At the Dec. Park Commission meeting, the planning committee was asked to explore a spring event. PC discussion favored an egg hunt or similar. - The committee is recommending: That an egghunt similar to the format of past scavenger hunts be planned for Saturday April 6, 1996. Additionally, a "basket making "activity be planned to coincide w/ the event. JA and staff will consider & report on the suggested activity at the 1/9/96 meeting. ** The committee is recommending that $100 be allocated form the Budget Miscellaneous line item of $500 to provide this event. The activity will have a fee requirement to participate and the "Egg hunt" will also have a "at the door" fee to participate (Staff suggests .50 cents) Review of '96 planned events / activities: - Winter fest - Skating Lessons - Spring Event (Egghunt) (over) 1ELIMINARY January 9, 1996 ,jTSEGO PARK IMPROVEMENTS 1996-1999 Deletes' 1 field Ag lime 3 softball fields 300 Ton 03,200 ea' Z $9,600 1 backstop Backstops for ea softball field 3 @ $2,000' 6,000 2 benches 6 players benches @ 5300/ea' 1,800 bleachers 1 set of bleachers 2,000 1 set bases 3 sets of bases, home plate & pitchers plate @ 5235,/ea 705 Line marker (for lining fields) 150 Players bench protective fences 6 @ 5500/ea 3,000 BB goal Basketball backboard, goal' 600 fencing 1 carsonite outfield fence 1,000 Drinking water (line from City Hall) 7,000 Cut in half? Bituminous trails, 5,000 LF 50.000 ' 2 ea for grant �g lime - pick up @ site w/City Forces is = 51,700/ea + trans ($5,100 total) Players benches could be fabricated by City, "T" brackets w/wood seats ' At existing bituminous pad ' Possible deletes = $34,915 (total = $44,220) OT703.imp