02-13-96 PR03/08/96 11:38 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 NO.553 P001/006 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1996 MEMBER5 PRESENT Tom 9aillargeon (Chair) Jeff Bartheld Debbie Carron Tom Constant Teri Kohler Roche Martin Bill Olsen Darlene Solberg GUESTS Ron Black (Council Rep.) Merlin Otto Jeff Asfahl 7:00 pm Regular Council Meeting Follows: 1. CHAIRMAN TOM BAILLARGEON WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER. Tom Baillareeon called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 9TH MEETING. Jeff B. moved to accept the minutes. Tom C. seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM. Jeff B. suggested asking Heritage Committee if they are interested in developins a historical mite in the park. Ron said maybe the original City Hall could be moved into the park and restoring it. Jeff B_ will talk to Joy to see if the Heritage Committee would be interested. 4. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH. Nothing S. CITY COUNCIL. Ron informed us that the City Council more than likely will not approve a sand point for the ice rink. They suggested a hydrant. 6. RECREATION COORDINATOR SUB --COMMITTEE. Jeff A. brought a staff report of the Community Recreation Board and a copy of an article about the Winter Fest that he sent to Jacquie for the Otsego View. He also brought a description of a basket that kids could make at the Faster E99 Hunt. Teri moved that the egg hunt be free and the basket construction have a fee. Debbie C. seconded the motion. We are looking at a fee of approximately $50 to pay for the Easter Egg Hunt. Events for the summer could include the Bike Rodeo, T -Ball, Safety Camp, a volunteer appreciation picnic, and Ride-the-Rec. The skating rink warming house will be in February as scheduled. 03/08/96 11:39 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 NO.553 P002/006 '7. MERLIN OTTO. Council approved scale down of 1996 Istea Grant, which excludes land acquisition. The revised proposal must be submitted to MNDOT. Outdoor Recreation Grant -nothing new. Merlin suggested that we ask Elaine to submit sketch plans of any new land development to the Park Board before meeting with the developer so that the board will have adequate time and information to make a decision regarding dedication fees. Merlin passed out the attached trail system information and indicated that it would be to our advantage to work on a bike -way plan. He also distributed and explained the 1995 Summary of Hakanson Anderson Associates' billing. Roche recommended that we hold a special meeting to discuss bike -ways. Merlin felt that it would be best to start with our Comprehensive Plan. B. WINTER FUN FEST' REVIEW. Debbie sent out thank you's. Jeff B. moved and Roche seconded a motion to hold the Winter Fest next year on January 16th if it is approved by the City Council. More advertising such as signs, free radio and TV was discussed for next year and more events such as snow sculpting. sled dogs, snow shoe demonstrations and a penny carnival. 9. PAY BILLS. Debbie moved and Darlene seconded sending Dale Sampson $50 towards his time and expenses involved in bringing his horses to the Winter Foist. 10. OTHER CONCERNS AND ITEMS OF COMMISSIONERS. Jeff B. moved and Terri seconded approaching City Council about having an appreciation day in July (possible the 13th). Some possible activities discussed were: a country band, a flea market, concessions, kids games, petting zoo and a historical display. Tom C. would like to discuss planting grass in the park at our next meeting. Tom B. moved we accept cash only towards dedication fees for the Bulow plan. Bill seconded the motion. 11. ADJOURN. Darlene moved to adjourn and Bill seconded the motion. L-�k- �>- 99 Doboroh carran Datto