02-13-96 PR03/08/96 11:40 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 NO.553 P003/006 Trail Development Program Statement Identified User Groups: Commuters • Recreational Users Definitions (within the context of this study): Commuter: Anyone using the trail system for transportation purposes (getting from Point A to B as conveniently as possible). This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) those commuting to: • work. • social activity areas (downtown, riverfront, etc.) • other parks and recreation areas • other communities (friends, relatives) Forms of Commuters: bicyclists • pedestrians skaters wheelchair users eati Mal Users: Anyone using the trail system for Strictly recreational purposes. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to): • bicyclists • walkers/joggers • skaters Wheelchair users • skateboarders • cross-country skiers It is important to recognize that the two uses are not mutually exclusive: meaning a commuter might also be a recreational user as well (and vice versa). In fact, the recreational aspect of the trail system may actually promote more use of the It for commuting by those who would otherwise use a different form of transportation. W 03/08/96 11:40 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 NO.553 P004/006 '.r•' rC .f The Challenge To develop a trail system that combines both of these uses in a functional, safe, and aesthetically appealing fashion. From a quality of life perspective, we want to leave the user with the perception that they are. • promoting alternative modes of transportation reducing their personal impact on the environment promoting better personal health and fitness • having fun while doing it The challenge is also to integrate the trails with adjacent land uses in a manner that protects the integrity of those areas. Trail Design Criteria Naturally, the trail must be designed to achieve our stated objectives. The following specific criteria define the needs of each user group and serves as the starting point in the design process. For Commuter Use: directness to commuting destination • safety (personal and physical) • speed • convenience • ease of identifying routes For Recreational Use: recreational experience • uninterrupted park -like environment • safety (personal and physical) • speed* * - It is a bit of a misperception that recreational users are not particularly interested in speed. In fact, most bicyclists prefer to ride at speeds of between 10 and 20 mph. However, most trails are simply not designed to allow for speeds over 10 mph, which is relatively slow even for casual recreational. bicyclists. 3 03/08/96 11:41 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM Otsego Parks Commission Merland Otto, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. February 9, 1998 NO.553 P005/006 ZZZ Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612J427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Park Dedication Procedure/Review of Subdivision Process After reviewing the City ordinances regarding subdivision regulation, it appears that most elements are in place to provide for review of park dedication and assessment of any staff time involved back to the applicant. Attached is a copy of Section 21; 7-18 Park Land Dedication. A simple flow chart illustrates the path of the majority of subdivision applications. As indicated, the applicant initially reviews information regarding park dedication at a preliminary meeting with City staff. The developer (while not currently required to) may submit a sketch plan to the Parks Commission with proposed park dedication. The better developers would generally submit a sketch plan at this stage. The Parks Commission may wish to request that Elaine specifically transmit sketch plans to the Park Commission for their comments. The developer must submit the preliminary plat to the Parks Commission for their review and recommendation. The final recommendation of the Parks Commission is made during this stage of the process. The recommendation is transmitted to the Planning Commission for review and comment prior to subsequent transmittal to the City Council. Prior to final plat approval, the developer will have identified all lands to be dedicated to the City on the final plat, paid the dedication fees, or entered into an agreement with the City Council for an alternative payment schedule. W Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors 03/08/96 11:41 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 Schedule SUBDIVISION PROCESS Applicant meets. with City Staff Sketch Plan Submittal and Review I Preliminary Plat Application I 15-a5 days Public Hearir 0-40 days Planning Commission Recommendation City Council Approval of Preliminary Plat Final Plat Submittal Development Agreement 0-60 days Final Plat Approval Record Plot 0-30 days NO.553 P006/006 Park Dedication Requirements Parks Commission Proposed Park Dedication Parks Commission Park Dedication Recommendation Parks Commission Park Dedication Recommendation Park Dedication Requirements met unless otherwise stipulated by Council