03-12-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 12, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld (Co -Chair) Debbie Carron Tom Constant Roche Martin Bill Olsen Darlene Solberg GUESTS Michelle Bergh (Area Rec.) Ron Black (Council Rep.) 7:00 pm Regular Council Meeting Follows: 1. CO-CHAIRMAN JEFF BARTHELD WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER. Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 13TH MEETING. Tom Constant moved to accept the minutes. Darlene seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM. Regarding the Heritage Plains Subdivision, Darlene moved and Bill seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council to accept cash -in -lieu of land. 4. HISTORICAL REPORT Jeff talked to the Historical Committee about participating in a project in the park such as moving and reconstructing the original town hall which is now called the salt shed. They were very interested but questioned their ability to do construction. The would like to ask Wright County for assistance. October 6th is Heritage day. Jeff will ask the Historical Committee if they are planning any activities, and if there is any way we could help. Jeff, Tom, Bill and Roche have formed a sub -committee to work with the Historical Committee. Ron feels that the County would probably not help with funding but that their is funding available for the Historical Committee to pursue. 5. RECREATION COORDINATOR/PLANNING SUB -COMMITTEE Michelle Bergh the Program Specialist for Area Rec met with us. She reported that the rink was open 50 days out of the 59 days planned. 531 participants used the rink. Michelle noted that the attendance increased substantially after the Winter Fest. She thought maybe some people did not know it was there before. An event to introduce the rink opening next year was discussed. The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 6. The hunt will be free. $2 will be charged to anyone wishing to participate in making a basket. A room has been reserved with Judy for the class for 12 noon. The hunt will start at 1 pm. Fliers will go out at the elementary schools. The Bike Rodeo is scheduled for May 11 from 10:30 am to noon. Summer events were discussed such as T -Ball, the Safety Camp (maybe revamp it to cover being home alone.) and Ride the Rec. The cost of a bus for Ride the Rec is $6S per day. We are looking at possibly 8 days. July 13th has been approved by the City Hall to hold a summer picnic and volunteer appreciation day provided we have the funds and the event is scheduled. We will schedule discussion of this event for our next meeting. 6. MERLIN OTTO Attached is an outline for the Otsego Prairie Park '96 improvements for Grant application. Merlin will talk to Dave about hauling ag lime. Turf should be established by mid April. Merlin will talk to Tom B. about equipment to seed. Any left over seed will be used in wooded areas. Attached also, is a summary of bids received for softball backstops and player protective fence. Ed's Fence Co. gave the best bid. Merlin will OK the transaction with Phyllis. He will also check with Dave about a Handicap sign in the parking lot which is a grant requirement. We are hoping to do some work in the park on April 13th such as seeding, working on volley ball courts, horse shoe site, and grills. There was nothing new to report on the ISTEA Grants The need for and advantages of having bike trails was discussed. A Public Hearing to update the Park Board's Comprehensive Plan in regards to bike trails will be scheduled in the near future. Our next agenda will include looking at our current policy and determining where we will going with trails and what kind of trails the countryside will allow so that when we are approached by developers we will have a clear plan of where we need trails and if they will be on or off road. 7. CITY COUNCIL No news. 8. PAY BILLS No Bills 9. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Roche questioned a concern about who will mow the prairie grass. Merlin will contact Duane. 10. ADJOURN Tom C. motioned to adjourn. Bill seconded the motion. 'y -�i- - 9l., ' 2z In Deborah Carron Date Secretary