04-16-96 PRApril 16, 1996 Meetuig Parks and Recreation Commission Bill Olson, Teri Kohler, Tom Constant, Jeff Barthled, Darlene Solberg, Tom Baillargeon Council Rep. Ron Black Recreation Coordinator, Jeff Asfahl Landscape Architect, Merlin Otto 1. Chair Baillargeon called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes were approved by motion from Jeff Bartheld, seconded by Bill Olson 3. Open Forum Bill Olson noticed that the sliding hill was blocking the view of the play area and wondered if the hill could be move. It was suggested that he talk to Dave Chase about this idea and report back to the'P?,C. 4. City Council Nothing 5. Jeff Bartheld met with the Historical Society to discuss the possibility of restoring the old city building. Also discussed was the possibility of moving the building to Otsego Prairie Park The HS was very interested in this project but lacked the ability. Tom Constant volunteered to draw die prints that are needed for this project. The prints will show a site plan and a concept of the original building. Further discussed was the opportunity of displaying the history of Otsego at the Appreciation Day, July 13. The HS is having a Heritage Day October 6, and with that project they are not able to help but would in the future. They likewise would enjoy any help that the PRC could lend for their event. Jeff will coordinate information from the HS to the PRC. 6. Recreation Subcommittee And Jeff Asfahl reported that the Easter egg hunt and basket making event was a huge event and very successfiil. Ron Black, Teri Kohler and Debbie Carron were on hand to help. There was seventy participates for the basket workshop and one hundred and fifty for the egg hunt The Sub committee reported that the event was very well prepared. Tom Baillargeon made a motion to hold the event again in 1997, Seconded by .Teri Kohler. Carried. The Bike Rodeo is scheduled for May 11. Volunteers are needed for this event All is in place. Safety Camp is going forward as planed and will report next meeting. Ride the Rec. Bus is being worked on now and Jeff is looking for some outside support for this program Jeff or the subcommittee will keep the FRC informed at future meetings Jeff Asfahl would like more information on the Appreciation Day event. He will be meeting with the subcommittee soon to work together on the event. Where Jeff Bartheld works where a truck and trailer are painted for the DARE program. This could be available for the event. Bill Olson made a. motion to reserve the truck for our event. Tom Constant Seconded, passed. May 30, 1996 is the Recreation Coordinator's annual meeting. Jeff invited all to attend if possible. Recreation subcommittee is also looking into the gun safety program Pam Black is going to meet with the subcommittee for the program Subcommittee will also meet to plan the events for the Appreciation Day, July 13. Tee ball is moving forward registration is May 18, with the program starting June 17th and running seven weeks. The hayride is October 26th and the subcommittee will start soon on planing for the event likewise. Merlin Otto reported that the city staff is hauling the ag-lime and estimates that the lime could be in place in about two weeks. Seeding will start with seeding a cover crop for the ball fields until fall when rain is more likely and grass seeding will be completed. He is also waiting on soil tests to be returned from the UofM. The wooded area and play areas will get the grass seed when weather permits. Tom A. with the help of Dave Chase has located a drill to seed and irrigation equipment that could be use this summer. Page 2 Because of the cold spring the work day planed for April was changed to May 4. Play equipment will be completed, more Fi-Bar will be added, tables and grills will be put out and start of the volley ball courts and the horse shoe pits will begin. All are invited Other discussion was about having the maintenance staff haul in the class five for the new trails. Merlin will talk to Dave Chase about this. ISTEA 1998 Nothing to report ISTEA 1996 Merlin explained the options available for the school link trail. All options available will require a land acquisition. A meeting is trying to be set with John Lefebvre to purchase land that will be needed for this trail. The land acquisition will need to be completed by July 1, 1996. Trail Plan; Merlin reviewed the Comprehensive Plan for the information on updating the Trail Way Plan. The format he offered to begin was :1. modify the goals and policies, 2. establish performance criteria, 3. identify travel corridors, 4. evaluate and select route alternatives, S. select appropriate design treatments, 6. evaluate plan using performance criteria and 7. develop implementations. The PRC will work on the first three next meeting. Merlin will approach Phyllis Cokley for the supplies that will be needed. CIF Otsego Park; Discussion was centered around 1997. Possible improvements included drinking fountain, water, site plan for picnic shelter, more signs, bulletin board, more grant options, tot lot, soccer goals, fencing, tournaments, more ag-lime, mower, seal coating of trails, and fertilizer and herbicide for weed control. Appreciation Day; Jeff Bartheld has talked to some friends with displays of historic farm displays. If approved some displays could be rope making, horses pulling the hay wagon and kiddie tractor pull. Darlene would like to see a new tee shirt for Otsego. The Hot" for the event will be 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Others can also displayed upon approval. The Rec subcommittee will meet to organize the games. Tom B. will contact the Otsego Lions about a food stand Other thoughts included volley ball tournament and a horse shoe tournament Gould a pork chop stand be done? Next meeting will explore advertising. JefBartheld will draw a site plan and display list for the city council. Pay Bills Nothing Adjourned Respectfully submitted,` Thomas Baillargeon, Chair