05-14-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING TN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF M ,VNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING MAY 14, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Baillargeon (Chair) Jeff Bartheld Debbie Carron Tom Constant Teri Kohler Darlene Solberg 7:00 PM Regular Council Meeting Follows: GUESTS Joy Swenson (Heritage Preservation) Larry Fournier (Council Member) Merlin Otto Jeff Asfahl Vern Heidner 1. CHAIRMAN TOM BAffJ ARGEON WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER- Tom RDERTom Baillargeon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 16, 1996 My TING. Jeff moved to accept the minutes Darlene seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Joy Swenson, chair of the Heritage Preservation Commission spoke to the Park Commission to explain what the Heritage is and does. The Heritage Commission is not a Historical Society. One of the differences is that they do not collect historical items except those that contain information concerting Otsego such as photos and manuscripts. They are always looking for that kind of information. Joy said the Otsego Cemetery is one the most important areas in the City. She explained that the LaPlant house is a possible historical building. The Commission will do a Heritage Day celebration again. Elk River is having a Heritage Festival on August 10 & 11. The Otsego Heritage Pres. Comm. would like to have a float in their parade. The original Township Hall was discussed. Joy informed us that the Chatum Township Hall is on display at the Buffalo Historical Society. It is in nearly the original shape and was very similar to ours. 4. CITY COUNCIL Tarry reported that he and Merlin met with John and Kevin Lefebvre to discuss acquisition of their property for a bike trail. Larry suggested that perhaps the City would be willing to forgive the deferred interest on the assessments for title to the bike path. That suggestion was acceptable to the owners. This purchase would allow the trail to enter the Otsego Elementary School east of their nature education area. Vern Heidner is in favor of using the field road as the bike trail to the school and suggested the property should be designated as city property. Jeff B. made a motion seconded by Darlene to recommend to the City Council that we are in favor of approving the purchasing and funding by forgiveness of the Lefebrve property and not considering the acreage as Park development. 5. OLD CITY HALL. A sub -committee consisting of Jeff Bartheld, Tom Constant and Debbie Carron has been originated to check out the possibility of rejuvenation. 6. 12ECREATION COORDINATOR/PJ,ANiNG SUB-�COMIvin Jeff Asphal submitted his annual report and informed us that Michelle Bergh is now a full time employee of Area Rec. Jeff suggested that we use Elk River's field guides as examples to set up our ball field policies. The planning sub -committee will meet with Jeff on May 29th to discuss appreciation and park promotion day. Jeff reported that 20 children participated in the Bike rodeo. Otsego Lions contributed $200 towards bus transportation for summer activities at Otsego Prairie ParkI l Appreciation Day - Jeff B reported that aprox. 30 exhibitors have shown interest in participating- The we draft a letter to The Bank of Elk River has donated $100 towards expenses. Leroy suggested the Knights of Columbus of St. Michael and Albertville and ask for help. We will try to reimburse people who are donating time and resources. Merlin will check on sign ordinances and having some made. Jeff B. offered to make signs. Area Recreation will handle games. They will be old fashioned such as three legged races. We will have horseshoe and volley ball tournaments, petting farm, hay rides, antique cars and tractors rope makers, pottery makers etc. Jeff A will talk to Elle River about donating entertainment. We will get on City Council agenda to seek approval of a lunch wagon. 7. MERLIN OTTO ISTEA Grants - to keep on schedule: 1. land acquisition must be completed by July 1. (Ibis time frame is feasible.) 2. project must be approved (changes in route) Prairie Park - seeding had to be scheduled because of weather. Duane will seal picnic tables, set up trash cans etc. CIP Otsego prairie Park - at our next meeting we will look at our bike trailway plans and goals. Do they need to be modified? If not how can we make them work? we will also look at our Capital Improvement Plan for 1997. S. PAY BULLS No new bills 9. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN None 10. ADJOURN Jeff B. motioned to adjourn Darlene seconded the motion. 1 •�� :•