06-11-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COM'i IISSION MEETING 11, THE CITE" OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MIINNESOTA.. MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Baillargeon Tom Constant Debbie Carron Ten Kohler Roche Martin Darlene Solberg (Jeff Bartheld-excused) REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 11, 1996 GUESTS Phyllis Cokley Jeff Asthal Ron Black 1. TOM CONSTANT WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER LV TONI BAILLARGEON'S ABSENCE. Tom Constant called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. and acted as chairman until Tom Baillargeon's arrival. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM MAY 9, 1996 MEETING. Minutes were reviewed - Darlene moved to accept the minutes. Ten seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Phyliss brought an interesting article concerning youth in the changing environment. Teri reopened discussion about possibly developing a tot lot playground in Island View on open lot which is unbuildable. Debbie moved that the Park commission visit the empty lot before our August 13 meeting. Teri seconded the motion. Teri will find out who owns the property. 4. TOWN HALL PROJECT Tom C. looked at the old Town Hall. He reported that the structure was sound. The Park Commission discussed where a good location for the historical site would be. It was agreed that a good possibility would be off of the southwest corner of the parking lot. The building would be visible from that location and therefore less prone to vandalism and also it would have good access for meetings, classes, etc. Tom Constant will sketch a map showing the site. 5. RECREATION COORDINATORiPLA `T ING SUB-CONEv11TTEE Jeff reviewed a report of the Planning sub -committee's last meeting with him and a preliminary review of activities planned for 1997. Jeff recommended that the Bike Rodeo take place again in 1997. The Park Commission agreed. Tom E made a motion to hold a Bike Rodeo in 1997 and that the sub -committee along with Area Rec. pick a time and date. Darlene seconded the motion. Phyllis question whether the Council was aware of the activities planned for Julv 13's Appreciation Day. Debbie will type up the information we have so far and get it to Elaine. Tom B will talk to Hakanson Anderson Assoc. about donating signs for App. Day. Darlene will talk to the Crow River and the Star News about an article about App. Day. Jeff presented a flier to announce App. Day. Tom B. moved to accept the flier. len seconded the motion. Discussion: Roche suggested adding concessions welcome -no fee. Tom B. said concession stands being free was not printed on flier because we wanted control over who came. Darlene reminded us that all members should have Park Board members approval and City Council if needed. It was agreed to add registration required - no fee to flier. Darlene and Area Rec. (and who ever can help) will design buttons for the day. Flier distribution through Ads boxes by the Star News will cost approx. $87.00. Debbie will arrange. Area Rec. will have an informational booth and run games from it. Darlene asked if we were still going to use a milk can for donations. Phyllis suggested we have a raffle instead. Members agreed. Ron Black will try to obtain a antique street light for the raffle. Tom Constant will check on getting a flag donated and Teri will check on a donation from Target. 6. MERLAND OTTO Phyllis represented Merland. She reported the fields will be ready for T -ball on Monday night. Final documentation for the 1996 Bike Trail grant must be submitted by July 1. Council last night agreed $10,000 was agreeable to purchase aprox 3 acres from John Lefebrve for continuation of bike trail to school. Payment to be made by forgiveness of 85th Street assessment taxes. Teri moved and Debbie seconded a motion to have a special meeting on June 24th to plan our Fhase 1 Budget. Commission agreed to add Budget to our agenda. Seeding is done in wooded areas of park. Backstops are up. Won't seed rye until we get top soil. 7. CITY COUNCIL Ron reported that the Council agreed to acquire Lefebrve's land. By July 8th council has requested each member recruit someone to serve on the commission. Ron brought up a Transportation Fair he attended in New Um. The Park Commission is interested in pursuing a Trans. Fair in Otsego. City Council wants to know who will be responsible for what at the App. Day. We will assign jobs at the next meeting. 8. APPRECIATION DAY Already discussed. 9. PAY BILLS No Bills 10. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Bill has resigned and requests to be an alternate. Tom moved to recommend accepting his resignation and new position as alternate. Teri seconded the motion. Ron reported that the Council had already made the decision. Jeff B. becomes a full time member of the Park Board. 11. ADJOURN Darlene moved to adjourn. Tom C. seconded the motion. Deborah Carron Date Secretary, Otsego Park and Rec.