07-09-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION NIEETRI�G IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA- REGULAR INNESOTA MEMBERS PRESENT Jeff Bartheld (Co -Chair) Debbie Carron Tom Constant Darlene Solberg REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING JULY 9, 1996 GUESTS Jeff Asfahl Vern Heidner (Council Rep) Duane Fiedler Merland Otto Sue Kroll CO-CHAIRMAN JEFF BARTHELD WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER. Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM JUNE 11, 1996, MEETING. Merland said that the sentence stating that we "won't seed the rve until we get top soil" was in error. Darlene motioned to adopt the minutes with the above noted change. Tom Constant seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Sue Kroll was introduced by Jeff Bartheld. She is interested in possibly joining the Park Board. 4. TOWN HALL PROJECT Further discussion of were the hall could be placed and its possible use was had. Duane agreed that the south east comer of the park would be the best location for accessibility and security. 5. RECREATION COORDINATOR'PLANNING SUB-CONIIVIITTEE Jeff submitted the attached outline of the Summer Recreation Program, Otsego Communitv Appreciation Day, a preliminary review of the 1997 Budget and Fall activities. Appreciation Day was discussed and the attached notes were taken and sent to the City Council members. 6. NIERLAND OTTO Merland presented the revised CIP for 1997 which was a result of the 6/24/96 Special Parks Commission meeting (See Attached). The Park Board members reviewed the revised plan and prioritized the items. Merland will present the proposed CIP to the City Council. Duane discussed with the Board members the question of how the park will be moved. The purchase of a lawn mower was discussed and the possibility of hiring a mowing service. Merland will get bids on some mowing service. Merland reported that the land acquisition with John Lefebrve should be closed on Friday. He explained what area Mir. Lefebrve wants to have for access to his fields. The discussion of the bike path will be picked up next month. The fall seeding of the park must be done between August 20th and September. Tom Constant voiced his concern of planting the seed in the soil presently in the park. Merland explained that black dirt has been mixed into the soil and that we would be better off planting the seed then waiting and risking the seed getting old. 7. CITY COUNCIL Vern acted as City Council Rep. in Ron's absent. Jeff in behalf of the Park Board asked Vern to discuss the minutes of the City Council's last meeting concerning the Park and Rec. Board. The Park Board feels that the comments were harsh and uncalled for. Vern explained the employee structure of the City Council and the City employees. He feels that the communication between the City and the Park Board is good. Duane stated the Park Board has made recommendations to him but have never told him to do work. He also stated that he has not had any problems with any members of the Park Board. The Park Board asked Vern to voice our feelings to the City Council. 8. APPRECIATION DAY Discussed with Recreation Coordinator 9. PAY BILLS Tom Constant has a bill for horseshoe stakes that he will tum in to Phyllis. 10. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN None 11. ADJOURN Tom C motioned to adjourn. Darlene seconded the motion. 1) 1 K-` 2 Deborah Carron - Secretary Date