08-13-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE C'Tl"Y OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGM. STATE OF MINNESOTA IvEMSABERS PRESENT Tota Baillargoon - Chair Tom Bartheld - Vice Chair Debbie Carron - Secretary Tom Cams a Teri Kohler Rode Martin REGULAR. COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, X996 GUESTS Merland Otto Jeff Asthal Sue Kroll I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Vice Chairman, Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. REVIEW OF THE MW=S FROM AUGUST 13, 1996, MEETING. Corrections optimal time for fall seeding should have been between Aug. 15th and Sept. 15th Tom C. moved to recommend to adopt the minutes with above correction. Darlene seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Sue Kroll is interested in joining the Park and RecrwUon Board and has completed her application, Tom C. moved to reoomawnd to accept Sue's application. Debbie C. seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Merlan d, Jeff A., Jeff B, Darlene and Debbie went to Island View to look at a possible site for a small park. The area is now being reconstructed along with the road pavement. The park board will continue checking the possibility of a lot being available. d. TOWN HAIL PROJBGT Nothing new. Tom C. will make recommendation to City Council of possible site location. 5. RECREATION COORDINATO"LANNING SUB-COND&T EE Jeff A explained the 1997 Proposed Recreational Activities Budget. With the Dike Rodeo, Merland suggested. Chet we have a "Pledge Bike Ride" to raise money or volunteer hours for the Park. The Board agreed that it would be a great idea. This year we hope to have groups sponsor booths in a hauntcd hm house along with the Hay Ride_ Sue asked about doing the Safety Camp bi-annually. We will try it another year and see what the interest is. The Board and Area Roo. would like to try a Transportation Fair next year in conjunction with Otsego Elementary School. This would consist Of all types of transportation vehicles being on displayed and explained Roche thought that it would be a definite possibility provide there would be room. Tom C. made a motion to raise the proposed budget for the Appreciation day firm $400.00 to $1,000. Debbie seconded the motion Debbie C. moved to raise the revenue amount from the 2nd Annual Apprmation Day to $250.00. Darlene seconded the motion. QVV4 Jcff B. brought up the idea of having an Official Christmas Tree Lighting at the Town Hall witli the involvement of the City Hall. Malin suggested planting a tree at the City lull that could be used emy Yew. Roche moved that Jeff' B. pursue the lighting ceremony and possibly Planting of a tree. Darlene S. seconded the motion Darlene moved to adopt the Proposed Budget. Debbie seconded the motion Jeff passed out invitations to a Community/ Youth Advocate meeting. APprcximately 300 people attended the APPreciation Day Summer Fest. The event went very well. Debbie moved and Toon C. seconded a motion to said Dale $50 for bringing Bob & Greg (horse and wages to the Fest. A date of July 12th was tentatively set for the Summer Fest of 1997. Darlene moved and Tose C. seconded the motionod to try for that date. The Board will be putting together a list of possible everts for next years Fest This will be sent to the City Council for their in -put 6. hE LAND OTTO Duane is working on a Maintenance Budget. Morland received an estimate from First Choice Lawn Can far mowing and weed control of the park of $11.600,00. Darlene wq reseed her concern about the Park having no income for the next 5 years because of money owed to the City. Marland Presented and explained the 1996 Billing Breakdown. He reported that the ground is disked and ready for seeding. We plan to use Elk River School District's Notnew projects will be undertaken until seeding is done. Morland briefly discussed a hand -eau of LMmVSuburben Bicycle Street Compatibility Evaluation which Will help the Board decide which reeds will need off-road trails. This information will be discussed in- depth at our next meeting 7. CITY COUNCIL No member was present. Larry Fournier, however, did drop in. Sue gave him her application for the Park Board Membership. He assured her that he would recommend her position to the City Council. 8. PAY BILLS Jeff B. father has a bill for twine used in rope making at the Appreciation Day Fest, Debbie C. has a bill for fliers in the ADS boxes. 9. OTHER MMS OF CONCERN Jeff B. reported that the slides on the playground equipment were vandalized They were scratched with a sharp object such as a screw driver. Duane sanded them. Tom C- suggested that the Park Board have a key to City Hall beem se we did not have a Council member at the last two meetings and we have wasted time waiting to get in the building Torn B. said he would cheek on it. 10. ADJOURN Jeff B. moved to adjo=t Roche seconded the motion J Deb ie Carron - Secreta 9-3-96;4t:)