08-13-96 PR8/12/96 Otsego Park And Recreation Commission 1997 Proposed Recreational Activities Budget JRw-enue Expenditure l Hike Rodeo / Ride 75 2Qp vt�' ►►► "`�`���"''��'`���"�""" Has been a good program in past. Propose to expand and Coop. w/ CE and host a family bike ride following the rodeo Hayride / Fun House 300 500 Nominal fee to cover the event allowing participation in both activities. Costs to cover. treats, and Misc. supplies. Will require groups to sponsor their own booth in the fun house Safety Camp 200 500 Was a good summer event in1994. Has potential again for a summer event. Nominal fee required to participate. Costs consider mist. items. Scavenger Hunt 0 50 (pumpkin patch) Oosts for supplies prizes, etc. Easter Basket/ Egg hunt ISO 300 Very successful in '96. Fee required to participate in Basket activity. Potential for service club to assist Transportation Fair 0 200 Could host at Otsego Elementary and coord. w/ school. Costs to cover mist. items. Skating Lessons 200 ISO Historically has been a good program. Part. fee adequately covers expense. Open Gym 400 800 4W V V V To cover approx. 3.5 hours / week for 12 weeks . Part. requires a user fee. Dependent on facility use and coordination with other open gym offerings sponsored by Elk River. Ride the Rec. 4equires a fee to participate. Solicit service organization funding support to cover the bus costs T'ball 600 600 Was a good program in '96. Fee adequately covers expense WinterFest 50 300 Costs to cover, grocery for chili, etc., prizes, treats, etc. Rev from sale of chili/ coffee, etc. 2nd Annual Appreciation Day Aro Rev, from sale of buttons. Costs to cover promotion, prizes, mise. C,. ;u O -a' `W.0 Miscellaneous / Coritingen y 0 500 To cover unforseen costs or support new ideas. Total 2425 5200 Ice Rink Supervision 2000 Labor 1000 rumace 200 Phone 150 Restroom 200 M isc. 75 Total 3625 1996 BILLING BREAKDOWN FROM 1/1/96 THROUGH 7/31/96 PROJECT NO. OT703 PARKS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES GENERAL MEETINGS REPORTS ADMIN CIP/B= PLAN 1,156.25 437.50 343.76 163,00 93.75 250,00 671,88 31.25 375.01 484.59 125.00 718.75 140.63 312.50 1Q 1,375.00 1,562.50 975.00 71S.75 2,031.28 t r375,00 TOTAL 56.562.53 PROJECT NO. OT705 FY 96 ISTEA DEVELOPM-ENT GENERAL ADMIN REPORTS MEETINGS EXPENSES 31.25 546.88 375.00 984.38 24.60 - miloaV 00 31.25 546.88 1,250.00 984.38 24.60 TOTAL 52,837.11 PROJECT NO. OT706 ISTEA FY 93 APPLICATION ADIVUN 2.50 62.50 TOTAL S62.50 PROJECT NO. OT708 OTSEGO PIZATRIE PARK-DESIGN/GRANT GENL SURVEY CAD ADMIN INSPECT EXPENSES 1,656.25 1,624.13 163,00 953,14 537.G4 27.30 - mileage 269.30 31.25 26.00 - U of MN copies 484.59 106.59 578,13 _1.000.95 593.75 1,925.75 3,109.67 271.59 2,156.27 537.64 _ 53.30 TO*rAL58,054.22 PROTECT N0, OT709 FY 96 ISTEA DESIGN MEETINGS ADMIN CAD LEFEBRVE EXPENSES 250.00 1,990.64 250.00 1,343.73 654.51 788.38 788.05 OM50 10_30-ropits Wright Co & blucprinu 500.06 4,022.77 1,442.56 197.50 10.30 TOTAL S6,163.13 ADMIN INCLUDES: AlicmALives and different sccnaricA