09-10-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon - Chair Merland Otto Jeff Bartheld - Vice Chair Jeff Asfhal Debbie Carron (excused) Sue Kroll Tom Constant Terrie Kohler Rochie Martin Darlene Solberg 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order after a field trip to Island View Estates to look at a possible park site. L'. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 13, 1996, MEETING Jeff Bartheld made a motion to approve the minutes as drafted. Tom Constant second and vote was to approve. 3. OPEN FORUM Nothing 4. CITY COUNCIL Nothing 5. BIKE WAY PLAN Merlin Otto presented his ideas of the criteria needed to improve this plan. This would include systems of review, establish, inventory, travel, corridors and evaluate and :select. This would improve our plan likewise. The Goals that are in our Comprehensive Plan would be adopted into this new plan without any modification. The Policies; in the com. plan could likewise but offered :some ideas for the changes needed to improve the Bike Way Plan. Further a map was used to look at the city for public land, land for parks and recreation and possible trail locations and problems that could surface when development would begin. After looking at the documents that Merlin brought to this meeting Darlene Solberg made a. motion to have Merlin dra.ft the goals a.nd table of contents for review at that October 8, meeting. `seconded by Jeff Bartheld the motion carried. Work on the plan will again be on the October meeting. 7. FALL EVENTS HAYRIDE AND HAUNTED HOUSE The commission is looking for help with this project. Hay rides will again need tractors and wagons. Tom Baillargeon has again offered the use of his tractor and will try to find a. wagon. Likewise Dave Chase will be asked if the city tractor again can be used. Tom Constant will look into borrowing the wagons that were used last year. Darlene Solberg will talk to the Otsego Lions for some help or donations. Tom Constant. will aqa i n tz%ke care of the fire. WINTERFEST Jeff Ba.rtheld made a. motion the have the Winterfest January 18, 1997. It was seconded by Darlene Solberg and passed. At the October meeting advertising will be looked into for this event. Darlene Solberg will contact the papers and the Otsego view for help and support. Also Tom Baillargeon has received the OK from Dave Chase to collect discarded Christmas trees this year that ca.n be used for wood chips and to use at the Winterfest. CHRISTMAS LIGHTING Tom Constant made a. motion to wait for 1997 to take on this project. It was seconded by .Jeff Ba.rtheld and the motion carried. 8. APPRECIATION DAY Motion was made to table this until the October meeting and passed. 9. PAY BILLS Nothing. 10 OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN ,Jeff Ba.rtheld and Tom constant presented the idea. of moving the old city ha.11 that is now being used for storage to o. ;site on Otsego Prairie Park. The council was very open about this task and offered some of their ideas. Money could be available from the Great River Road Fest to start this project. .Jeff and Tom will work on a. time schedule for this project. Tom Bailla.r+aeon ma.de a motion to appoint Jeff Bartheld and Tom Constant in charge of this project and to coordinate the move money and permits needed to start this project. Motion Carried. Jeff and Tom will continue to make progress reports to PRC, city staff and city council. 11. ADJOURN Tom Ba.iilargeon motioned to adjourn motion carried.