10-08-96 PRCTTY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR CONDMSION MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon - Chair Merland Otto Tom Constant Jeff Asthal Jeff Bartheld Mark Benning Debbie Canon Roche Martin Darlene Solberg 1. CALL METING TO ORDER Tom Baillaigeon called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. REVIEW MINUTES OF SEER 10 MEETING Merland reported that the beginning of item 5 should read - Merland Otto presented an overview of the plan outline needed to improve this plan. This would include systems of review, establish inventory, and trail corridors. Also, evaluate and select routes and establish and design standards. It was also noted that Ron Black's name was not listed as being present at the meeting. Roche moved to approve the minutes with the above changes_ Tom Constant secondod the motion 3. OPEN FORUM Mark Bening asked if we had received information on activities available through Monticello's radio station We hadn't received theca. He will check on it. 4. CITY COUNCIL Nothing 5. BEM WAY PATH The Board reviewed the Otsego Bike and Trail Plan's Table of Contents, Introduction and Summary and Part H - Goals and Policies. This is a partial plan presented by Merland. Jeff B. made a motion to accept the Table of Contents. Tom C. seconded the motion Roche noted that the Lefebrve land purchased for the bike path is not shown on the potential trail map. Toon C. suggested we add Alternative Use to Summary - snowmobile and cross-country skiing. ATV grails were addressed. Merland will check on trail standards. 0ome possible chanes suggested: 11/05/98 TUE 12:24 FAX 812 428 4778 THOMAS & SONS Page 11-2 Third last paragmph - Pedestrians and bicyclists shall be afforded rights-of-way separated from motorized traffic at a minimum along collectors arterial and higher classified streets. Page 11-2 Second lest paragraph - Adequate lighting and outdoor furniture shall be considered in urbanized areas of heavy pedestrian movement. Page 11-2 bast paragraph - Pedestrian street crossings on heavily traveled streets shall be clearly marked and/or lighted - Page 11-3 Fourth last paragraph - Provide safe, accessible, and organized- trail facilities for pedesttimr and bicycle movement through the City in both urban and rural areas_ Merland reported that plans are constructed for Grants but need to be adjusted to the budget. 6. FALL EVENTS Hay ride and haunted house activities. October, 26th Haunted house will be open from 6 PM to 8 PM and be in the warming house only. Tom B moved to budget $400 for the activities and refreshments. Darlene seconded the motion. A meeting to work on the event was set up for October 21 st. A March for Paries was suggested as a Spring activity. 7. WINTER EVENTS ' The Winter Fest is scheduled for January 25th upon approval by City Council. Citizens may drop off their Christmas trees at the Park for use during the Winter Fest. 8. TOVVFN HALL RENOVATION Jeff B. reported that we will need a permit to move the building to the park and we will need a Conditional Use Permit. Jeff will get this item on the October 14th City Council agenda. 9. PAY BILLS Nothing 10. OTH$R ITEMS OF CONCERN Nothing 11. ADJOURN Jeff B. moved to adjourn. Debbie seconded the motion. Deborah Carron Q 002