11-12-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Tom Baillargeon - Chair Merland Otto Jeff Bartheld - Vice Chair Jeff Asfhal Debbie Carron Tom Constant Teri Kohler Sue Kroll Darlene Solberg 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 MEETING. Merland noted that the last line of item 5. (Bike Way Plan) should read: Merland reported that plans are developed for FY96 but need to be adjusted to the budget. Jeff B. moved to accept the minutes with the above change. Tom C. seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Tom B. brought a guest (Craig) who is interested in joining the Park and Rec. Board. Debbie Canon reported that she will not be renewing her term with the Board. Sue Kroll needs to be appointed to the Board by the City Council. Tom C. suggested donating the straw that was obtained for erosion control for seeding to St. Andrews as it is no longer needed for the park. 4. CITY COUNCIL Nothing 5. BIKE WAY PLAN Merland presented the revised Bike and Trail Plan. No provisions have been made for Equestrian trails. Cross country ski trails will be provided only at larger park facilities. May be provided in conjunction with off-road recreation trails. Snowmobile trails are generally developed in cooperation with the Dept. of Natural Resources. Performance criteria for bike paths: Group A - Advanced bicycle riders Group B - Casual Rider (adult or teen) Group C - Children (monitored by adults) Stress level for bike paths determined by: Volume of traffic Speed of traffic Curb lane width Other Performance Criteria: Accessibility Directness of Routes Continuity Route Attractiveness Safety A map of stress levels is included in packet. Board members will take plan home and review it for next meeting when we will discuss route alternatives. New members need Comp. Park, Trail and Rec. Plan. 6. REVIEW HAUNTED HOUSE AND HAYRIDE The event brought in $586.00. Expenses were approximately $606.00 Debbie will send out thank you notes to people and companies who contributed. Jeff A reported that Area Rec. has received several compliments on the event. 7. WIN7.ERFEST The proposed date for the Third Annual Winterfest is January 25th. The Board will increase advertising. We will ask Roche to again hide the Medallion and write the clues. Debbie will write Dale about bringing Bob & Greg again. Area Rec. will design fliers to send home with elementary students. Darlene will put the event in her Church bulletin. We will again have golf, Frisbee, a bonfire and chile. Tom B. will contact sponsors. 8. TOWN HALL PROJECT We will postpone request to move building until next spring. The building must be moved by a professional mover. Otsego Vision donated $1,200.00 for renovation of the building! 9. APPRECIATION DAY Appreciation Day will be held on July 12th if possible. 10. AREA REC. Jeff A confirmed with the Board our desire to again schedule skating lessons, the Easter Egg Hunt and the Bike Rodeo. Next year's Haunted house and hayride is tentatively set for Oct 25th with the haunted house also open on October 24th. Jeff B moved to budget $600 for the event and charge admission on both nights. Tom C. seconded the motion. Jeff B. will head the Halloween Committee next year. The Park Board expressed a special thank -you to Suzanne Ackerman for all of her help. Jeff A will bring the policies used at other ball fields to our December meeting. T -Ball will continue. 11. PAY BILLS We owe to Dahlheimer Dist. and Riverview Liquor. 12. OTHER Ti'EMS OF CONCERN Tom C. questioned whether the ice rink need to be disked. Tom B. said he would take care of it. Merland will check to see where hand rails for the slides are. 13. ADJOURN Darlene moved to adjourn. Debbie seconded the motion. Debbie Carron Date