12-10-96 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA - MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Baillargeon - Chair Jeff Bartheld - Vice Chair Debbie Carron Tom Constant Sue Kroll Roche Martin Darlene Solberg REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 10, 1996 GUESTS Merland Otto Jeff Asfhal Craig Pietrzak 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Tom Baillargeon called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM. (The Commission could not get in the building.) 2. REVIEW OF THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 12, 1996 MEETING. Tom C. moved to accept the minutes. Sue seconded the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Sue needs to fill out application for the Park and Rec. Commission. Darlene brought an application for her. Jeff B. suggested having the band "4 on the Floor" play at Appreciation Day. He reported that they charge $500. We need to decide now before they are booked. Darlene moved to have street dance on Appreciation Day with the band "4 on the Floor" and charge admittance. Tom C. seconded the motion. The event will be alcohol free. At the January meeting the Commission will prepare a "Wish List" of items and events we would like to have on Appreciation Day. Jackie would like an end of the year summary for the Otsego Paper. 4. CITY COUNCIL Commission discussed with Ron Black the effect on the Park and Rec. Board and the whole City of not having sewer and water in Otsego. 5. JEFF ASFHAL See attached copy of up -coming events prepared by Jeff. Jeff also brought a copy of guidelines for use of the ball fields. Darlene moved to accept Jeff s recommendations for up -coming events. Roche seconded the motion. The commission would like Tom B. to make the trophies for the Winter Fest again. 6. Merland Otto Merland recommended we fertilize as soon as possible in April. As soon as the snow is gone. We need four 16" length benches for the ball fields. Ron suggested checking with Dave from maintenance. We also need field identification signs. If we would like to apply for a grant from the DNR for help with the community's share of an ISTEA grant, we need to request an application by January 31. Roche suggested linking a island or group of islands in the Mississippi to Elk River by cable bridges. Tom C. thought the snow mobile club would be interested. Merland described potential major trail corridors. County Road 39 and 42 are problem areas. Section VII of the Bike and Trail Plan "Design and Standards" will be tabled until next week. Merland suggested and the committee agreed that we need a Public Information Meeting. 8. TOWN HALL PROJECT Jeff B. is working with Baal movers to possible move the building. 9. PROGRESS REPORT Nothing 10. BILLS None 11. OTHER ITEMS OF CONCERN Craig Pietrzak filled out an application to join the Park and Rec. Board. Darlene moved and Roche seconded the motion to have Sue Kroll be the new secretary for the Park Commission. Tom C. suggested that we get a key. We have not been able to get in the building the last three months. 12. ADJOURN Debbie moved to adjourn. Roche seconded the motion. Date eeb—orah Carron