12-10-96 PR12/10/96 Otsego Park & Recreation Commission Planning sub -committee recommendations: Ice Rink: - Scheduled to officially open Dec. 21 -Skating lessons will again be planned. Sunday afternoons have been very successful in Otsego. Winterfest: - Recommend hours of noon to 5:00 pm (same as last year) - Recreation staff will organize winter and frisbee golf. ( will need help with course set up of the trees if available) - Other activities: Skating, sledding, (Consider making an ice slide similar to St. Paul Winter carnival - Advertising: * Will publish in Recreation Dept. brochure. * Recreation Dept. will send flyers to Otsego Elementary. Will also hand out at other Recreation dept. activities as appropriate. City Hall " Star news * Otsego view • Bob and Greg are scheduled (horse team) - Roche's Chili is desired - Need to determine location of bon fire and who is responsible to start and extinguish. Spring Activities: - Recommend the Easter Egg hunt and basket making class take place on Sat march 29th. Basket for the class and the hunt is class starts at noon and the egghunt starts at 1:00. FeeEaster Bunny wouldbe fun free. his t this is for ages toddler - 12. It was also discussed that a costumed event. Any resources for costume?? Any volunteer rabbits? Bike Rodeo and Family Ride: - CE and ECFE programs would like to participate with this event - Scheduled for May 4th (Sunday) Rodeo to start at 1:00 with the ride to begin following the Rodeo. - Need to determine the route - Fee info: Includes Rodeo and ride. $3 per individual ore t0 per immediate family. Proceeds from this event will go towards Otsego trail system develop 3/94 original updated 3/96 Guidelines for usage of Outdoor Playfields (These guidelines apply to the playfields located in Elk River that are owned by either the City, School District, or both.) Purpose: These playfield facilities are provided for the leisure time pursuits of all residents in addition to any officially scheduled use. Correspondingly, certain guidelines are needed to insure she proper use and management of the facilities so that all peccle may enjoy them equally. Distinction / Classification of use: facility hours at no charge on a first come, first served basis.( Type 1. General public: - casual use taking place during the users must be distinguishly unique from any of the classifications types listed below. No permit is required. If used in conflict with any of the below classifications, then the general public user is to allow the agency or exclusive use permit holder access to the field at the time scheduled for use. This does not include unscheduled youth association practices. Type 2. Agency activity: any scheduled use by ISD 728 School District administration, isd 728 Com.Ed., Community Recreation Board, or any Park Commission sponsored activity. Type 3.Athietic Association: any scheduled use by a recognized bonafide local association for the purpose of conducting their program. Type 4. Independent: any use by a non -local organization, or by any org. w/ less than 80% of their league comopetitors coming from outside of the Elk River city limits, or any "Independent" teams that are duplicating an existing local program. Type 5. Exclusive / Special Event use: allowed by permit only. Permits will be issued by the Community Recreation office. This permit requires a user fee and compliance with permit guidelines and a $500 refundable damage deposit. Refunds will be awarded after inspection by Community Recreation Board staff. These permits will be allowed following the same order of priorities as outlined below. Also see below the "Determination of use and required fees." Priorities: To be honored according to number 1. - School activities (generally take place only on school district owned facilities) 2. - Agency sponsored activity 3. - Local Youth Athletic Association for league scheduling purposes 4. - Local Adult Athletic Association for league scheduling purposes 5. - Independant ( with local residency participants of at least 80%): will be charged according to same fee formula as currently in place that all other local affiliations pay. 6. - Non - Local: Will be charged $10 per field per use. Guidelines for use: All arrangements for use are to be made with the Community Recreation Board Office -Exclusive use permits must be filed with the Area Recreation office 10 business days in advance or they may not be honored. st schedule the use for their scheduling purposes within a reasonable time - Groups falling under Association status mu frame with the recreation office. It is to be understood that their scheduling needs (excluding time for practices) be dealt with in good faith with respect to all user groups . - Any and all maintenance will be the responsibility of the facility property owner or its coordinating agent (Community Recreation Board) All special maintenance need considerations are to be scheduled and coordinated with the recreation office. - Absolutely no unauthorized vehicles or equipment is allowed on the facilities for any purpose. - The recreation department reserves the right to cancel any scheduled use. Any use after proper cancellation notification will subject the user and its appropriate affiliated association to a penalty fee. - Parking is limited to designated parking areas only. Violators will be subject to parking violations. Determination of use and required fees for Exclusive / Special event use: A. Local association, exclusive use request for the purpose of conducting their regular "in-house" program. The association will be responsible for all costs associated with "bill" arrangements, labor time (as Clocked) and any other costs such as garbage etc. An example of this type of activity would be a year end"Jamboree" or similar event intended to benefit the participants of the activity taking place in accordance with the permit. Not necessarily intended to be a fund raiser. B. Local affiliation with or sponsored, event in which 75% or more of the participants are District 728 residents. - Labor as clocked, $3 per field / per day, plus any special "Bill" arrangements. C. Local affiliation with or sponsored event in which 50% or less of the participants are District 728 residents. - Labor as clocked, $5 per field / per day, plus an additional $1 per game, and any costs associated with "bills" D. Non-profit or for profit organization with a statewide or regional clientele. - $10 per field / per day, plus an additional $2 per game, and any costs associated with "Bills" E. Independent - (Non local organization or affiliation.) - $15 per field / per day, plus an additional $5 per game, and any costs associated with the" biffs". Fees for service / maintenance considerations & options: -School / Agency sponsored activities will not directly be assessed any fees for facility use. - .Association use: (regular season) All use by recognized associations will be invoiced back 'o the associations according to the services they receive. Examples of such are: Portable toilet management, field preparations required, irfield dragging, line marking, etc, Additionally, all associations will cooperatively finance the replacement of bases and soccer nets with the the Community Recreation program and the ISD 728 Athletic Department. " Exclusive use: Things to consider for exclusive use: toilets ("Biffs") , T.P., special cleaning arrangements, parking, and responsibilities associated with garbage and litter. Neglect of user responsibility to leave the facility in an acceptable manner will subject the user to an extra charge for labor incurred to clean up the grounds used. - A permit for exclusive use must be filed with the Recreation officel0 business days in advance to be considered. (A schematic site plan that illustrates any plans of utilizing temporary structures, etc. may be required so that any conflict or logistical concerns could be addressed to minimize problems or damage to the site.) - Authorization via this permit guarantees the following: Fields ready for play each day as requested and arranged via the permit. Availability of : lutes, dry -liner, hand drag, and marking lime for purchase @ $3 per bag. Adequate garbage containers. Arrangements can also be made to have Recreation office staff take care of your field maintenance. These arrangements are to be coordinated with the Recreation office. Cost of this service arrangement will be billed according to "clocked labor time" at the current labor rate. " Absolutely no unauthorized vehicles or equipment is allowed for any purpose of maintaining the fields. Violators will forfeit their deposit and may face further penalty. Such as, future denial of use. Cancellations: It will be presumed that every permit request is legitimate, however if suspicion arises as to "hoarding" the fields and it has restricted legitimate use, the organization in question will forfeit a portion of their $500 deposit based on the request for fields and anticipated games. 4.96 "Field Use Ext�ectations" each spring brings about a great deal of enthusiasm for Spring/Summeto r ti emanding,me sand and I expect that this year will be no exception. Use of the ball fields is expect erate and have in many cases unfortunately past history tells us that not all users havetaking nee roper care of these public fields, our badly damaged the field and its related amenities. In g proper p ort of the following "Field ability to monitor the use is limited, therefore we are hopeful for our su p Use Expectations". Your cooperation will be appreciated! to It is likely that you will be faced with occasions of questionable use otential amaa nd you willcts h the field d temptations a result as play/practice scheduled. of the vulnerability of se be mindful of the the field and your decision to stay off the field of your use. Your considerationion will be appreciated. - When the fields are saturated, please stay off as use greatly dans is very vs the ulnerable until it haass and infields. s the slightest soggy field is vulnerable to irreparable damage. Gra reached its seasonal maturity (usually around June 1st). Any stress beforehand has serious long term effects on the turfs life and durability potential. - When conducting batting practice, please avoid digging in. Consideration should be given to having the batter stand in an alternate location than home plate. Please fill in any holes your use has created. Use of alcohol and tobacco are prohibited. - Please pick up any litter you may have caused. - Do not use the backstop or any foul line fencing as a means of batting or throwing into for training purposes. - Do not allow any of the fencing, or related amenities to be utilized as a "jungle gym". ( This mainly applies to other attending siblings, spectators, etc. Please take responsibility with interfering with this sort of behavior.) ctive canvass in place, it is your responsibility to - If the field in which you are utilizing has prote replace the canvass as you have found it. - A11 vehicles are to remain in the designated parking areas. Use of any unauthorized vehicle for maintenance purposes is prohibited. ou observe any teams/,coaches, players, etc. violating any of the expectations, - If at any time y please interfere and remind them of their responsibility to the property. Please report any concerns to the Community Recreation office at 241-3523.