01-14-97 PRCITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARD AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY" OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF Y[Ir-1ESOTA REGULAR CONINIISSION YIEETING JANUARY 14, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT GUESTS Jeff Bartheld- Vice Chair Nferland Otto Tom Constant Sue Kroll Roche Martin Darlene Solberg Teri Kohler Tom Baillargeon Suzanne Ackerman Jane LeVasseur 1. CALL MEETLNG TO ORDER Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:10. 2. REVIEW OF THE ME LUTES FROM THE DECEMBER 10, 1996 MEETLNG Minutes were amended to show that Tom Baillargeon was not present. Happy honeymoon! Vice Chair Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order. Also, Sue Kroll was present as a prospective member, or guest. Not a member. Tom Constant amends item #3. to include the date of 7/12/97 for the Appreciation Day event. Roche moves that we accept the minutes as amended. Tom and Teri second the motion. 3. OPEN FORUM Roche suggested we check with Elk River about using the Otsego softball fields for their over flow. Roche also noted the fields may need fencing and that the fencing around Otsego Elementary was done by Ed's Fencing in Elk River. Suzanne says if she is unable to attend a meeting, Mark Berning will come in her place. Darlene announced that we now have a House Account at Cub Foods. 4. CITY COUNCEL Nothing to report from Suzanne Ackerman. 5. MERLAND OTTO Merland's hours have been reduced to �' ger month. He will be meeting wit next Tuesday. Merland also stated that e talked with MN Plavground Equipment Co. about handles for the slides. After checking about the islands it has not been determined who has ownership. Records are in the Sherburne Co. records office. 241-2915 Sherburne Co., section 16, township 121, range 23. A donation of $75.00 was given for the 1997 Winter Fest by Hakanson & Anderson Associates. Merland asked about benches for the softball field, Tom Constant said he would check into that. Merland said we are 30% over budget for ISTEA. Some of the reasons are, the origins? budget was on the low end. State laws have changed. And the large expense of Olin a.:d 96th St. He recommends we amend the project by deleting a section of 96th St. East of the main entrance to the Co. Park. That would save about S145,000. Darlene made the motion that we modify the FY 96 ISTEA project as presented by Merland Otto. Tom Constant seconded the motion. BUKE WAY PLAN We need public input, and would like to schedule an informational meeting in late February or March. Also we need to find out if funds are available. Suzanne will check with the council. 6. WINTERFEST Roche has the clues written for the medallion hunt. Tom B. is making the medallion. Tom B. says that Marquette Bank and the Bank of Elk River will each donate S 150.00. Darlene will ask Lefebvre's. Tom Constant will ask Amvet. F&F Food mart is also participating. We don't know what their donation is at this time. We need to get an ad in the Elk River paper. Darlene will buy the groceries for the chili. Tom Constant's wife and Darlene will make the signs for the chili. $.50 per cup and $1.00 for a bowl. $.50 each for coffee and cocoa. We will also have crackers and cheese for the chili at no cost. Jeff and Tom Constant will be in charge of the bonfire. Tom B. says that we need a key for the new lock on the warming house. 7. JEFF ASFE AL Jeff is not present, so we will discuss Appreciation Day plans instead. Tom B. suggests that we send a list of Appreciation Day ideas to the council. Teri made a motion that we change the name to Otsego Family Fun Day. Tom B. seconded the motion. Motions were made to leave the parade out and to charge admission for the band only and not the events of the day. Sue said she would check into the price of signs. Darlene mentioned buttons. 8. TOWN HALL PROJECTS $4000.00 was estimated for the cedar shake roof with labor. We will ask Norman Schwanbeck with Lutheran Brotherhood for help with the cost. 9. PAY BILLS Darlene has some that she has not submitted yet. 9. ITEMS OF CONCERN Suzanne says there will be a meetiniz for all the committees to meet the new council on March 4th. Tom B. talked to Mavor Larry Fournier about a kev to the Cit -y- Hall. .Roche will -et the ropes for the Christmas tree race. Tom B. suggested we get a plaque for Debbie Carron in honor of her time and service to the Parks and Recreation Commission. A nomination for Jeff Bartheld for chairman was made by Roche. Jeff nominated Tom C. for interim secretary. Roche seconded the motion. 11. ADJOULN Jeff moved to adjourn, Roche 2nd. Sue Kroll Guest secretary 45�e,—J`J 9 7 Date