04-08-97 PRMAY -13-1997 11:.51 LI) I 114 I L"Lrnv i I—nL— "-.,-. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PAaK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING April S, 1997 Members Present Jeff Bartheld-Chair Tom Constant -Vice Chair Tom Baillargeon Sue Kroll Darlene Solberg Teri Kohler Roche Martin Bill Olson -absent 1. Call Meeting To Order Jeff Barllield called meeting to order at 7:05. x. Roll call Guests Merland Otto -Consultant Suzanne Ackerman -Council Rep. Jeff Ashfal-Community Rec, Mike Roden -Soccer Ass, 3. Review Minutes of (A) March 11 Regular Meeting -Roche Martin made a motion that the minutes from the regular meeting were amended. Teri Kohler seconded. Motion approved. (B)March 31 Special Meeting Darlene Solberg made a motion that the minutes from the special meeting were amended. Toni Constant seconded. Motion approved. 4. Open Forum s. City Council C.C. member Suzanne A. asked Mayor Fournier about the Parks and Rec Commission and the City Council having a volleyball game at Family Fun Days. The Mayor agrees to the game. 6. Mike Roden Soccer The association is supportive of goals and has no intention of using the fields this year. The goals will be furnished as we need them. Merland stated, the DNR Grant should close out at the end of the summer. 7. Jeff Ashfal Community Rec. (A) Egg Hunt — Somewhat disappointing compared to last year. } MAY -13-1997 11:32 EDINA TECHNICAL PRODUCTS (B) Bike Rodeo -Set for May 4`h. We need to set up a route and maybe serve refreshments (C) Otsego Family Fun Day -Revisions was made on the flyer. Tom Baillargeon stated that it might be a good idea to put a copy of the invitation letter in the paper. (D) Other Recreation Issues -Tom Constant made the motion to charge the food vendors a one-time fee of $20.00 . Darlene seconded. Motion approved. Tom C also stated that St. Andrews will allow us to use two tents and a popcorn wagon during the event. Darlene put an ad in the paper for Family Fun Days. Jeff A.shfal stated that the city needs to roach some outdoor guidelines for the fields. We will put this issue on the agenda for approval at the next meeting. We will have a sub committee before the May meeting at 6:00 P.M. 8. Merlin Otto (A) Bike trail -Jeff 13. made a motion to ask City Council for advice on the plan,Tom B. seconded. Motion approved. (B) Otsego Prairie Park -Toni C. made the motion that we reintroduce our wish list for benches. Tom B. seconded. Motion approved. (C) ISTEA Grants -Merlin stated that we are looking into June for the ISTEA Grants (D) Sign at Old Town Hall Site -Something on the order of 50 to 100 words. We could invite oile of the Historical Preservationists to join our next meeting. (E) Other -Plat reviews. The parks Commission should be advising the City Council on these. 9. Park Dedication Fees (A) Lin -liar H -Corner of O'Dean and Co. Rd. 37. Roche M. moved we table Lin - Bar until we have more information. Tom B. seconded. Motion approved. (B) Heritage Hills -8P St, Tom B. moved we accept dedication fees for Heritage Hills. And also to ask Council to take enough right of way for further modes of transportation. Roche M. seconded. Motion approved. (C) Rolling Ridge Creek- 11/2 mile west of Nashua. Toni B. moved and Toni C. seconded dedication fees for Rolling Ridge Development. Motion approved. 10. Budget Sub Committee MAY -13-1997 11:33 EDINA TECHNICAL (A) 97 Budget- Sub committee is Darlene S. Roche M. Tom B. C.C. member Vern H. is simplifying our budget so we can see what we made money on and didn't. There is some question about money left at the end of the year. (B) Other Budget Items -We really need to prioritize the budget items. Merland has suggested we look at park dedication fees. The sub committee needs to have a special meeting with C.C. member Vern H_on the budget. 11. Old Torun Hall Project On hold while the Heritage Commission does a study to see if the land is on a historical site. >«.Sub conurdttees & Dead)wies Get information to Jeff$ .Wednesday before the meeting For the agenda. 13. Other items of concern Merland would like to meet with the budget committee 14. Adjourn Tom C. made a motion to adjourn Tom B. seconded. Motion approved. Sue Kro Secretary A /9, 7 Date TOTAL P.03