05-13-97 PRJUN -10-1997 08:19 EDINA TECHNICAL PRODUCTS 6125570242 P.01/02 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING May 13, 1997 Members Present Guests Jeff. Bartheld- Chair Merland Otto Tom Constant -Vice chair Jeff Ashfal Teri Kolher-excused Tom Bail largeon-absent Sue Kroll Roche Martin -absent Darlene Solberg Bill Olson -second alternate -absent Suzanne Ackerman -Council Member 1. Call mectimg to order. Jeff Bartheld called the meeting to order at 7:03. 2. Roll call 3. Review the Minutes 4. Darlene Solberg made the motion to accept the minutes as amended. Tom Constant seconded the motion. 4. Open Forum We need to advertise for a 1 st alternate. replacement for the secretary position Sue Kroll stated she would appreciate a S. City Council BikeWay Plan- will be put in the back burner_ Wish List -Go ahead and finish the ball fields. Go ahead with the signs. The council will loan us $12,850.00 from the MSA 98 Fund. Darlene made the motion to buy these items on the priority list, bike racks, basketball goal, player's benches, markers and bases. Jcff Bartheld seconded. Motion approved. Amend to add a drag for $150.00. Darlene S. made the motion to accept the $12,850.00. Sue Kroll seconded. Motion approved. G. Community Rec. and Rec. Sub Committee A. Field use policies-- Field use policies were accepted. B. Sub Conunittec Report -We decided to stay with the events we have at this point and not add anything new. Although we really need some type of volunteer program. A " Friends of the park Foundation" or maybe a, Gift Catalog for memorials_ JUN -10-1997 06:20 EDINA TECHNICAL PRODUCTS 6125570242 P.02i02 C. Other Issues- There is the possibility of a skateboard park. C:oinmunity Rec. has a Web site. Jeff A. stated that there is a mentoring program being proposed to the Schools. With Coca-Cola as a sponsor. 7. Merland Otto A. Lin -Bar II- we decided to accept the funds rather than the land. Darlene made the motion, Sue Kroll and Tom Constant seconded. B. FY 96- the title needs to be signed, the city refused. C. Bench's- are a go 1). Other -Bench's are $68.00 for four frames. Tom Constant made the motion to Purchase. Darlene seconded. Motion approved. Merland will order_ )F. Sign to fulfill grant -We would like to see for the 96 1STEA Grant. 8. Budget Sub Committee A. Recap of April 29---------- a Other Budget Items- No 9. Otsego Fainly Fun Tway A. Cost of Banners- No info. B. Food Vendors- Julie McDonald will not be attending. Schwans has a freezer we can use atno cost. FFA can maybe help out with candy and popcorn. C. Crafters- Two checks have been sent in so far D. Band- Cost is $500 E. Snow Fence -Order fence pending Councils decision. Darlene made the motion for the fences.Kroll seconded. F. Advertising- Darlene will check into some volunteers. G. Other -Rusty Gatenby will be at the event. 10. Other rertilizer will go on this week. Toni Constant will call Judy about racking. 11. Adjourn Darlene made the motion to adjourn, Tom Constant seconded. Sue Kroll Secretary /` 97 Date TOTAL P.02